Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Merubah Mission Boss Easter Menjadi Mission Dummy - Kode Mission Easter Update 25 April 2011

Cheat Ninja Saga (NS) Merubah Mission Boss Easter Menjadi Mission Dummy - Kode Mission Easter Update 25 April 2011 by

Tool's :

Cheat Engine

Tutorial :

Play Ns
Buka Halaman Hanami (Tpi Jangan Di Jalanin MisiNya Dc)
Kita akan Edit Code Misinya
Kode Misinya Mission Boss Easter :

Kagoemon = ene_172
shinoshino maru =ene_176
Kakushi Toridetoko =ene_174
Usagi Daizaburo = ene_178
Pentameter Hornbill= ene_177
Soul of Kasenjo = ene_175
Yimoku Ateru = ene_173

Scan "ene_173"
Muncul 1 Adress atau Lebih
Double Clik Adress Dan Otomatis pindah ke Bawah
Ganti Value Jadi


Friday, April 22, 2011

Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA

Selamat siang buat sahabat blogger maupun para pengunjug setia Alexa-com Weblog Lovers sudah beberapa minggu Alexa-com Weblog tidak update posting karena admin lagi sibuk banget di dunia offline. admin sedang menghadapi UAN kemarin namun Alhamdulilah semua kegiatan sudah kelar semua. tinggal melihat hasilnya saja, semoga admin lulus dengan nilai baik, amin.
Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA by

Dikesempatan kali ini admin Alexa-com Weblog ingin sekali berbagi/sharing ilmu yang admin dapatkan di dunia offline atau online. bagi sahabat blogger dan ACW Lovers yang suka sekali browsing pastinya tidak asing lagi dong dengan DNS Nawala ? banyak banget ACW Lovers dan sahabat blogger yang bertanya ke admin. saya tidak mencantumkan gimana cara bertanya nya. langsung saja kalian simak bagaimana caranya, berikut ini.
Nawala (DNS) adalah salah satu layanan sistem penyaring berdasarkan nama Domain Name System yang didukung oleh berbagai pihak, yaitu pelaku bisnis warnet, Kemkominfo, dan PT. Telkom sebagai BUMN penyedia jasa layanan internet di Indonesia.

DNS Nawala secara spesifik menyaring segala jenis konten negatif, seperti Pornografi, Judi, situs Phising (penyesatan) serta situs yang mengandung Malware (software berbahaya).

Nah sekarang, bagaimana untuk menghindari pemblokiran tersebut ? intinya kalian harus mengganti DNS Nawala dengan DNS yang lainnya. bisa menggunakan OpenDNS, DNS Google, dan masih banyak kok DNS yang lainnya. di tutorial ini admin akan share bagaimana cara setting tool yang bernama DNS Jumper karena menggunakan Tool/Software ini sangat mudah sekali, bahkan pemula saja bisa menggunakannya.

Cara menggunakan DNS Jumper :
  1. Download DNS Jumper
  2. Ekstrak (keluarkan file dari zip) ke desktop atau kemana aja.
  3. Jalankan DNS Jumper
  4. Pilih Network card (sesuaikan dengan komputer anda)
  5. Pilih DNS Service yang akan kita gunakan di menu dropdown.
  6. Klik apply DNS.
  7. Done.

Selain itu, dengan menggunakan DNS Jumper sobat blogger juga bisa menggunakan mengecek DNS yang cepat untuk komputer/internet sobat blogger, dengan klik menu Fastest DNS.
DISCLAIMER : Artikel ini saya share hanya untuk pengetahuan semata. Resiko dan penyalahgunakan informasi ini merupakan tanggung jawab individu masing-masing.

NB : Untuk mendapatkan software / tool DNS Jumper silahkan anda mencari di Google, disini admin ACW hanya share tutorial / tips and trick nya saja untuk software nya cari sendiri saja.

Semoga tutorial / tips and trick ini bermanfaat buat kalian dan bisa di manfaatkan untuk kebaikan, admin ACW mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas dukungan untuk ACW sendiri, terima kasih.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Check the BlackBerry Suspend Or UnSuspend

Be careful if you want to buy a Blackberry in Indonesia because many problems with cases THEFT Blackberry PIN which is also called the Pin Cloning.  Its got a Blackberry PIN suspend (block), can not be used at all for BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), browsing and push email and can only be used as a normal HP is to call and SMS

In the Indonesian market as well as in foreign countries, there is a buy and import existing Blackberry tersuspend from abroad to be sold in Indonesia.  Because the PIN is tersuspend and can not be used again for the Blackberry service as usual.

What is BlackBerry's PIN?
* PIN in BB it is a unique marker that distinguishes us with BB BB-owned property of others.
* PIN is almost the same like IMEI
* PIN is almost the same like YM ID, could be using that to chat with the other BB PIN.

Create what is the PIN?
* PIN is the same as "Username" and "Password" us to LOGIN or CONNECT
* LOGIN / CONNECT to?  Go to "" alias to RIM (Blackberry server) we usually buy perpaket daily / weekly / monthly.
* If you can LOGIN / CONNECT, the writing on the BB is not "GSM / GPRS small / small edge" but "GPRS / EDGE"
If you already have any posts 3G 3G BB logo, if only 3G only without the BB logo that means not connect.
* To surf from BB only (browsing, chat), the PIN does not need to be registered to the [operator].
* Registration PIN IMEI to the [operator]. it only for push email.

What is a PIN Suspend & Symptoms?
* This means we do not have permission to enter "" or the internet could nga
* BB can still make the internet, but got the GPRS tariff (though we've bought the package)
How: Setting in "Options - Advanced Options - TCP '... nah live enter APN - username - password based on each operator.
* BB can still make phone calls and SMS.

What Causes Suspend your PIN?
1.  BB traded "illegal"
2.  BB reported as stolen goods had been reported earlier by which have a BB that BB is missing.
3.  Rim of the BB had a special reason for it to suspend pin.

Secure is my PIN?
* Insert the SIM card is already on its BB service
* Open the [operator]. from BB / PC or select the icon "Email Settings" in BB
* Select "Create New Account"
* Then enter the PIN and IMEI
* If it is secure direct entry to the menu, but if Suspend "PIN is Suspended"

How to Start When the PIN Check:
* Check No pin and imei on the units (Option-status) / Alt-Cap-H
* Check No pin and imei on the battery compartment
* Check No pin and imei on the box.
Make sure the three are equal and genuine rather than homemade (patch doang).  It may be added to check the batteries, if new in tin plate there should be no point / any blisters (because many who replaced former)

Following manner, it must be active BIS before or at least his cards already didaftarin!
Open in (xxx = xl or atu Indosat Telkomsel)

Then enter the Create New Account:
When the contents of Pin and IMEI and click next will exit the inscription:

1.  Your device has not yet been registered with the network
This condition is due to the pin and imei UNSUSPEND still fresh.

2.  The Blackberry is registered with another provider / carrier
There are 2 conditions, namely:
a.  It is pin and imei fresh charge is usually from overseas (outside of our provider)
b.  Pin and emai not fresh and there is probably already in use outside of our providers.
Steps to be done is to turn on the BB-Option-STATUS and type BUYR.  If a completely new voice and data usage must be 0 and if it is exceeded, mean USED.
But if new content 2.5 kb (still a bit) may be opened to unlock needs.  But try to find a 0
The condition of the 2nd is risky to suspend so try to ask for a PIN WARRANTIES suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

3.  Your account is already registered ... ..
There are 2 conditions:
a.  Salvage merchandise (refurbished) and've been using that dg our provider (BUYR check to make sure)
b.  Or a new item (BUYR = 0) but the pins already cloned and submitted to our providers.
Condition 3 is risky to suspend so try to ask for a PIN WARRANTIES suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

4.  Your account is suspended ... ...
Guns could be for the BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) but only doang Phone and SMS (or now the more ngetrend "your pin and imei is INVALID ...")
Recommendation: DO NOT PURCHASED !!!!!!

AFAIK (As Far As I Know) suspend condition due to:
1.  The condition of the PIN and IMEI already in place laen tercloning
2.  Stolen goods
3.  Goods are bought with a contract system in foreign countries but were brought here to escape to
4.  There are other legal issues.

* Save your pin and imei (dusnya disimpen).
* Do you often pinjemkan BB.
* Do not often menshare pin to the person that guns are clear or on Facebook, etc.
* Buy the official operator
* Buy in store recommendations
* Buy in store no internet to check all of the above
* Request a PIN WARRANTY
* Do not want to reply in the love reply AZERTY or QWERTZ button, locate the QWERTY (checked it easier for aja)

International Test Number Plans:
To test whether your BB Imei according to the type of your BB.  This is to ensure if it turns out different clones result means your body weight.
How to Check the BlackBerry Suspend Or UnSuspend by

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by
 It's very long I never post on the blog tutorial but on this occasion I would like to share tutorials tweetboard pairs.  and I apologize to my loyal visitors can not give anything for you because I do not have anything, and I for the months ahead is very busy.

you certainly have them know the same Twitter networking site do you?  do you usually nge-tweet twitter directly to the website but now again expand the twitter and twitter make it easier for users, especially for the blogging circles that need special traffic on twitter itself.

Right now twitter has widget for bloggers that is tweetboard, this widget has a goal to improve your viewing pleasure, so everybody know your status on twitter, and even can tweet directly from your blog can also visit.  and this widget can be made a tool menaikat traffic to your blog, if you want to follow the way that I present below.

1.  First you need to login to Blogger
2.  After that you go to the Draft
3.  If you are logged into your design toward her HTLM Edit
4.  Your search for coding if you have found pairs of coding below, the above code .

<script type="text/javascript">
var _tbdef = {user: 'yourtwitterusername'};
var d = document;var tbjs = d.createElement('script'); tbjs.type = 'text/javascript';
tbjs.async = true; tbjs.src = ''; var tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if(!tbel) tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; tbel.appendChild(tbjs);

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by

5.  You change the text in red with Twitter Account Name You
6.  After that, do not forget to save ya
7.  Completed

Good luck hopefully this tutorial and widgets useful for you in the blogging world and do not forget his cendol.  and if you do want to update the status online at the time in twitter.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint

When we read an article or tutorial on the internet, sometimes we want to save the tutorial so that it can be read offline or as our collection.  There are various ways to do this, such as saving a picture, in MHTML format, MAFF and others.  One other alternative is to store in the form of PDF, and new entrants in this case is JoliPrint.
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by
Previously I've discussed how to save a whole web page with one of the add ons Firefox MAFF (Mozilla Archive Format), but it has also been discussed to save web pages into PDF using pdfmyurl website.

Now there is an alternative that is worth trying to save an article / tutorial web into PDF, degan JoliPrint.  When storing articles we usually do not want to include a variety of content that is not important, such as ads, the sidebar (menu to the left / right), footer (menu / contents of the bottom), headers and others, we just want the contents of the article only.  Now, with JoliPrint we can get this.

JoliPrint will save the article a website / blog by simply entering a link of the article.  Unlike other PDF conversion to that usually includes all website content, including advertisements, menus above, left and below, including pictures that are not part of the article, JoliPrint will only create PDF pages for content and what is considered important.

Display PDF results also look better than the results of PDFmYURL, as shown in 2 columns and picture size is automatically adjusted.  In addition to a better appearance and easy to read, PDF file size is usually smaller.

Example of PDF display the converted article :
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by

For Owners Blog / Web

For the owner of the website or blog, you can create a link that could be placed on our blog so that visitors can directly download a PDF version of this article with a single click away.  WordPress Plugins users can use the supplied (can be downloaded from the page JoliPrint plugins).

For owners of other blogs, both for those who use CMS (Content Management System) or web blog hosting like blogger, may also include links download pdf by adding a link that can be obtained from the website.  More information please visit the web JoliPrint.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tips But staying up late Stay Healthy

Tips But staying up late Stay Healthy by

These tips for those of us who like to stay up probably because of work or project work piling up or too chatty Cahatting Online 24 hours, this is it tips so that the body is not susceptible to the disease, although often stayed up late,

1.  Consumption of vitamin C or multivitamin supplements.  The goal, to increase endurance, antioxidant, and improves the body's cells are damaged.

2.  Eat enough before and during overtime.  If the longer diet nih ... should be stopped, because the extra work requires extra power which can be obtained from food nutrients.

3.  Expand eating fruits and vegetables, for adequate fiber intake.

4.  Drinking water or tea instead of coffee.  Avoid drinking soda milk at work on night duty, because the milk to increase amino acids which can cause drowsiness.

5.  Try to sleep a bit before staying out.  A short break can make the stamina to stay awake.

6.  Do sport regularly to maintain fitness.  It does not have certain types of sports, an important move actively, such as walking and climbing stairs.

Because if we do not maintain a healthy body if you work nights, then the alias liver diseases such as Hepatitis A can affect our bodies.  This is due, people who are active at night, his heart function is triggered to work faster so that the detoxification of the body is higher, consequently easy to drop the condition of the body.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tip Quick Level UP Ninja Saga by Alexa-com Weblog

Tip Quick Level UP Ninja Saga by Alexa-com Weblog

OK actually, maybe this way has long been widely known and easily asangat kok ya know if that has been made possible simple too easy for newbie nih kok immediately follow the way aja deh ok!

    1.  Open your NS
    2.  Select your Char
    3.  After the Village Entrance usually do not exist SPIN IN SPIN first
    4.  Slaughter all BOSS and Mission until almost full do mu EXP TO FULL ok
    5.  Then Do SPIN If CAN EXP 2% Kan quite NAMBAHNYA Alexa-com Weblog already use of FIRST since HOW THIS CHEAT TO WORK EXP had swordfish.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy

Already a few months I have never discussed the matter of tips and trick and tutorials, see so many visitors want a post that varies from this point of my post published on this site will vary not only discuss the Cheat just yet will I publish a reliable tips and trick  I get.

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy by

surely you all this much to using Telkom Speedy right?  sure, and you see porn site in blocking by the Telcom speedy.  but I'm sure once in blocking site because it has a cause and effect.

But you all do not worry the site could still be opened, in this post I was not taught to bad but this post just to teach you and give you the insight that in a virtual world that all the uncertain become certain.  just you watch step by step how to open a porn site on Telkom Speedy, as follows :

Here are various ways that can be used to open blocked sites:

1.  Using the IP address

If the application is used only block the domain name only (eg, it can disiasati by using the IP address of the site for google for example:
To find the IP address of a site, we can try to ping to that site.  Do I go to command prompt (Start> Run> type: cmd> Enter) and type ping and press enter.  Will display the IP address of the site.

2.  Using Proxy Browser

There are so many free proxy that you can find on the internet, some sites you can use for free:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Once you select a proxy from the sites above, configure your browser to use the proxy.

3.  Using the Short URL Service

Another possible way is to use url shortening services such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

4.  Using the Online Archive and Cache
Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep cache of popular sites can still see the contents of the site even though the original has been blocked or deleted though.
Click the link labeled 'cached' then we will be brought to the cached page from a search engine (if stored).

5.  Using Anonymizer Service

Using the Anonymizer service, IP address and your other information will not be known by the sites you visit.

Most services like this are paid, but there are some that are still available for free such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

6.  Using Online Translator / Translator Online
Online translation service known as
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Simply enter the URL of the site and select the option blocked translation into the language you want (or the same language).

7.  Subscribe to RSS Feeds

This trick may not apply to the various sites, but if you want to visit sites that provide RSS syndication feature, (usually news sites and blogs), you can try to subscribe and read it with an RSS / Feed Reader.

Services RSS / Feed Reader that you can use can be a desktop application (Feed Demon, Sharp Reader Feed Reader and), the web browser Firefox, Opera, IE and others, or with an additional extension (InfoRSS, Sage, and NewsFox), and  the latter uses an online application (Google Reader and Feed Show).

8.  Subscribe Through Email
Best service for the way it is
We can subscribe to our favorite websites via email.  You can also subscribe to many sites at once arranged in folders so neat.  Every time a web page changes, Web2Mail will automatically send a new page to your email address.  You also can arrange anything and when shipped.

There is also a service RSSFWD which will automatically convert the RSS into emails sent to your email account.

9.  Using Google Mobile Search
You can also try using the Google mobile search, but usually the results are not optimal.

10.  use auto hide ip software, etc., for which free and full please download here

I will also include other ways that originates from the forum IDWS

The trick as follows:
1, OPEN FIREFOX => Tool => Option => ADVANCED => Network => SETTING
4.  GIVE TD check (LEFT CLICK) TO: "USE THIS PROXY ... .." is checked, ALL TO SUBITEM
5.  PRESS "OK"
7.  press OK

Saturday, October 16, 2010

How to Eliminate Black on SmadAV V8.3 And Makes Registraasi SmadAV V8.3 Pro

A few days ago SmadAV Antivirus which is a local antivirus Indonesia has renewed its security system. which antivirus SmadAV that before his version of SmadAV Pro Version 8.2 with key pirated, when you memperbahui to the latest version then the party would smadav SmadAV blacklist you use a very dark black.


There are a couple of friends, teachers, neighbors, and others asking me, how this way of overcoming this SmadAV blacklist! let's follow and read with a good step by step I give you this. and this time I give way to open a blacklistnya?

Follow the following steps:
  1. You open the RTP SmadAV new PRO 8.3 (Released October 7, 2010)
  2. Then you click on Settings
  3. After that you enter your name: anti-piracy
  4. And I recommend it to key emptied, yes!
  5. Then be sure you click on Register

Then after that you will become green SmadAV or as they are back, but you will be SmadAV smadav FREE again.

For friends and visitors who use its SmadAV 8.3 Free, then you are ready to return your SmadAV become PRO again, yes! following steps:

You first open the 8.3 SmadAV not the blacklist, characteristics - characteristics that is not black but green as before.
  1. Then you click on Settings
  2. After that you do not forget to download SmadAV 8.3 Pro Registration Key.
  3. When you're done Download Registration key from me, you insert it into the registry of my SmadAV 8.3 Free you are.
  4. Then be sure you click on the register.
  5. Congratulations you are already a PRO SmadAV again

only the tips and tricks from my hopefully useful to you all, maybe this is simple but very useful at all if you ask me. Do not forget to always visit here, this is where the latest technology information and tips and tricks that are very reliable and trustworthy.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tips and Trick to Avoid A Point Blank From ID Theft Keylogger Program

Now a lot of people or fans of online games Point Blank asked me and talked to me he lost his ID Point Blank. he did not know why what might it be banned GM or the other is still unclear. but on this occasion I will discuss how you can avoid ID theft from Keylogger software.

For all friends sincerely hope ID that has been stolen by someone or fall into the trap again Keylogger can be retrieved via email. but remember that not all ID Gemscool can connect to email.

Maybe all the players or people who often play Point Blank already know how to try his ID Gemscool Connecting whether or not to Email. I will give way to test it, perhaps there are those who do not know or useful for you (Pura - Pura forgotten).
  • In Page underneath there will be writing Gemscool forgot your password click on forgot password it yes!
  • Fill all the necessary data
  • Then you click the confirmation
  • For ID Gemscool that can connect to the mail going out

New password has been sent to E-mail ****
Please check your email to see her new password.
in a folder in your email inbox or spam folder
thank you

  • For the ID Gemscool its not connect to the email will go out like this

Security code or question and answer wrong!
(When all data - data that has been needed is a complete and correct contrived but still also still one only)

It's just a trick only if it helps you: 
  1. Point Blank if your rank is low (according to you) but not connecting you better make a new email that can connect to email.
  2. if the same ID Point Blank affection of his heart - just careful, mainlah in the cafe or the NET that you think is safe and free from all things.
  3. not all files safe Cheat Point Blank sometimes accompanied by a keylogger.
  4. Dowload cheat was already past the Point Blank Online Virus Scan.

I hope these tips and tricks useful for you all because this is just an experience that are distributed to you. without trying we did not know the disadvantages and advantages of a game or another. good luck with, yes?
By Credit

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to Increase Char Point Blank (PB) to the Star 2 +++ For User RPE

How to Increase Char Point Blank (PB) to the Star 2 +++ For User RPE
Lots of confusion because users RPE used char stuck in the star 2 (two)! the answer is because GM has been blocking the rank of Major General to anticipate the booming number of char so - invented.

The solution needs to be done is that you all have to report in advance to the GM that you are qualified char rank in question. by sending an email to (sending emails to go through the char you want the original email confirmation) so GM will check the status of your id char.

Now, the problem of you, daring you not report your desire to become Morning Star to the GM?

there are 2 (two) possible problems you must face, as follows:
  • Char you will get a promotion
  • Char you will be banned

My friend who likes to play Point Blank (PB) has been tried with success is also way above poorer. so to try how the above would require considerable courage and must prepare to accept the risk is likely to come to you.

If according to my friend and I also feel a lot better Star remains one (1) of the got banned by GM. hopefully useful tips and tricks from me about the increase in the star. hopefully if you use the tips and tricks are successful do not experience problems or got banned.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Verification Code From Digg To Blog (Code From Digg dfef18e19669482c8716127a2a668317)

Icon Digg
Yesterday I was sharing about how the verification code into the Technorati blog. now turn to how digg verification code into the blog as well. actually almost the same way in digg Verification only there two codes but only one should you choose as an example this code:
Example :
Service is actually the latest service from the site directory that is imported feeds Digg aims are so no longer automatically submit submit submit manually because if the manual definitely tired and therefore no change in this digg directory site.

I do not want to tell you here just try to register your blog there and direct verification of this blog you are like me.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Started In Installing MikroTik

I used to never give an article about the history of mikrotik itself, What is MikroTik? and then the features of MikroTik. the opportunity this time I was continuing the tutorial from MikroTik. just read the tutorial below :

Screenshoot MikroTik

MikroTik RouterOS has a lot to support various hardware drivers. So if you are a beginner, no need to worry anymore if the hardware components you are using does not support MikroTik. There are several things to consider, among other :

Hardware requirement :

Motherboard CPU and can support Intel next generation of MikroTik RouterOS, Cryx 6X86, AMD K5 or classmates, do not support multiple processors, supports i386 architecture family with PCI Local Bus. Ram (Memory), a minimum of 32 MB and 1 GB maximum.

Hard drive (HDD) ATA / IDE with a minimum of 64 MB of free space. Does not support USB, SCSI, RAID, while for the hard drive (HDD) SATA type only in legacy access mode. Supports macro flash drive and connect drive with a requirement to use the ATA interface.

Installation MEDIA :

Installation media that are required are as follows:
1. Floppy-based installations.
2. Installations CD-based.
3. Floppy-based network installations.
4. Full network-based installations.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Free Download Fake Webcam 6.1 Full Keygen

Free Download Fake Webcam 6.1 Full Keygen
webcam face if we interpret itself according to reason is a sham webcam, fake webcam just made myself using images only. This software actually make the software what is it? for us? you definitely think 100 times semuakan right? fake webcam software is typically used to display memanupulasi webcam chat when we are doing much, like on Yahoo Messager, Camfrog, and many others.

I do not want to elaborate about this software you must have understood all. because it very easy to use. you just download and then practiced alone on the computer or your laptop huh? and do not forget to give your comment for this article and if there is a problem please send your criticism on the contact form yes?

Password Rar

In Return the Twitter Account Suspended

Screenshot Account Suspended
After a few days ago I experienced many problems on my twitter account. yesterday it was hot news on twitter, which he said all the accounts in blockir temporary. aq hearts are very disappointed when I saw my account can not be seen by the people and my friends.

But some days that have been active again after my confirmation to twitter. my twitter account yesterday suspended. and can not be seen by friends and the people as well. that time I was almost desperate to create another account, but I wanted to try it, want to restore my account as before. because for many followers who were so hard and my friends are not confused mencaris I want communication with me.

some way to make a twitter account can be accessed again because in suspended?
  • one you have to come clean.
  • send a confirmation email to twitter.
  • apologies.
  • and recognizes the mistakes you do.
  • and another one may pray alone quickly returned.
that's just my experience today.
hopefully useful to you all.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

laptop into hotspot areas

hotspot areas is a new network but has now mushroomed and Became very popular Indonesian Among netters. and now this lot are using laptops or mobile phones That already use Wi-Fi services as well. but this time I Will discuss about the laptop.

WHO for Those of you frequently use your laptop must have been trying to internet use in Various hotspots hotspot areas like in malls, universities, companies, cafes and much more. use hotspot services is relatively easy and cheap. event not rarely, are now so many hotspots That Can be enjoyed free of charge and cans be Used much as you like if not turned off hotspotnya, hehehehe.

laptop into hotspot areas
but on certain conditions These Can not enjoy hotspots. Pls for example at home, friends Who Are still using ADSL or cable network connection. but you do not worry Anymore with it all, for the WHO Those of you have laptops with operating system Windows 7, Can you only build a hotspot network with Internet connection and your laptop is its operating system Windows 7, yes.

so, Enough of a notebook, netbook or laptop you are connected to the internet (ethernet connection cable / internet) and your other friends cans already use the Internet access using the hotspot That network has been created in your area.

You Want to know how to make our laptop as a hotspot area, follow the Steps - Steps Below :

1. For the first step you must first download the software here,
2. then you install connectify, to not install the First Steps Explained in detail as to how it all would have been Able to.
3. connectify open it from an existing icon on the taskbar.
4. then you fill in a WIFI network, accses passwords, then Specify the type of connection you want to use for sharing (LAN support, Virtual Box Host Only, Wireless Network, and without internet sharing).
5. That after click start hotspots.

6. That after the program works and please you connect with a laptop computer or your friend into your laptop.
it should be noted that connectify can only be installed and working on my laptop with windows 7 operating system, but the computer with any operating system can connect with the network. For example, we connect the laptop to windows XP operating applying hotspot network created by applying a laptop connectify in windows 7
1. open wireless network
2. Select the Network That Have Been Made Earlier
3. Enter your password and click connect
4. applying a laptop for windows XP are connected to a hotspot network created by a laptop with windows 7 connectify.


all the laptops friend - your friend Can Can you connect and start surfing with friends - friends only from a cable Internet connection only, not at all easy?

I hope These tips and tricks useful for all of you. and I apologize in this article gampar or not I include a screenshot Because of the limitations of time and maybe everyone has been Able to all for the setting.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

how to determine the size of the SWAP file

This is now a website or a weblog that discusses tutorials, tips and tricks do not sell anymore in the eyes of people who have been browsing on the Internet. but I as a blogger who is always faithful to discuss tutorials and tips and tricks and such computer tutorials and tips and tricks. I started first was determined to share my experience and wanted to share an article about tips and tricks and even tutorials as well. but unfortunately the article tips and tricks, and tutorials may not sell these anymore, but my passion for my weblog posts in this beloved.

Just continue our lessons or posting is not good when vent continuously. readings above only just for you all and guide only.

post time is still discussing computer tips and tricks, maybe today's kids already know about computers all the children even now without a guide smart all my Article like this. I just need someone who needs my articles alone.

post this time I will discuss about how to determine the size of the swap file. certainly in any windows operating system at any time would be to adjust the size of its swap file with a system memory needs.

if the physical memory is not sufficient system memory to run the application window will automatically require a swap file as additional memory. You should therefore specify the size of the swap file to disk access frequency decreases and the system even faster than before.

for the swap file size is optimal depends on the size of physical memory installed. you want to know how to determine the swap file size? follow the steps - steps below:
Our first first right click on My computer and then select Properties and then when you open our menu tab directly to the Performance. Click the "Virtual Memory" and activate the option "Use personalized settings for virtual memory". Include under the "Minimum" and Maximum "lack a value 200 MB and click" OK ". Make sure the question is also a warning with "Yes" and restart Windows.

that's just a tip and trick from me hopefully be useful for you all and if there are typing errors or word - the word may in excuse and do not forget to give your comments to my posting this.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

eliminate shadow trick the mouse pointer

post time on this occasion I want to discuss about the trick - trick computer anywhere in the world. in the computer world is actually a lot of things we need to know to master the computer itself. 

I actually still have not mastered the computer would be perfect but with the will and the sense of knowledge and I want this thing - or a term that I do not know but I now know what a computer and the term - in computer terms.

but this time I do not want to explain about what is a computer and the term - a term in the computer itself?

on this occasion I will discuss about the mouse pointer. Did you know, in that the mouse pointer is a shadow that is not seen by us? if people who are experts or novices when we saw it certainly Eye gel?

the mouse pointer is a software package into the race we work if the mouse pointer is missing or can not move certain difficult it? oh, my understanding is wrong? I'm still a beginner's known in the computer, heheheheh !!!!. I do not need to explain the function of the mouse pointer itself, surely everyone already knows and understands the mouse pointer itself, so I do not need to explain to you all.

Just go to our main topic we are eliminating a shadow on the window the mouse pointer. whether you intend to studied? if I find an article like this I'll learn not only the look and visit but in the study. I will tell you how, as follows:
First we headed Start first, and you do not forget to right click on start then Explorer, wait until the entry into the Windows Explorer. if you have just entered into your Control Panel and then Mouse search menu. then we must take action to enable Options, but do not forget to "Enable Pointer Shadow" in the tab "Pointers". done.

why I make this kind of trick because one eating a very large resource in the window is an image of the mouse pointer, in order to reserve more Resource available to carry out their duties (Task) others. to take action to enable the mouse pointer shadow we must activate the image.

that's just from my post, hopefully useful to you all the posts this time. if this post is wrong or wrong in saying the pardon beg for every human being must have a mistake. and please provide your comments here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

accelerate the process of starting the operating system window

if you feel your old computer at the time of the booting process? surely you do not feel to wait longer to boot. therefore I give you the solution.

At the boot process, Windows 98 usually find WINSTART.BAT files. If the file is not found, the system takes longer to start. Therefore, look for this file in the dir C: \\ WINDOWS. If it does not exist, create a text file by right click and 'New | Textfile'. As the name write 'Winstart.bat'.

maybe that's just my post, I just do not want to post really long but the visitors and readers post I do not understand what he meant and I certainly do not want that, what I want though short and brief articles to the readers of the article but I understand and clear. may be useful for you all, if there are errors in understandable please.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

create start-up disk

This post is a post for a long time computer users. old computers if we want to install the operating system we need to start up disk first. start-up disk is a floppy to boot the windows start if we have a problem or want to install the operating system and we have to reinstall making way.

first when we first installed in the window will definitely want to create a disk check start-up or no, or yes, then you must enter the disk and click OK. wait a few minutes, at the time until the process be completed and start-up disk.

The second click start then settings - control panel - add remove Program - start-up disk - then you insert disk - direct disk click the start-up - over easy.

notes for you:

all data stored on the disk will be lost be lost because we make to start up.

may be useful for you all these tips and tricks.