Showing posts with label tutorial computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial computer. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Video System Kinerja Hard disk (HDD)

Video System Kinerja Hard disk (HDD)
Sudah lama sekali saya tidak muncul bahkan tidak pernah update blog saya ini. Sebenarnya saya kangen sekali dengan dunia blogging yang sudah lama saya gemari. Dikesempatan kali ini akan memberikan sebuah Video asli yang saya dapatkan dari googling, mungkin kalian sudah pernah tahu atau mendengar bahkan mendapatkan video ini saya akan mereview lagi mungkin kalian lupa atau tidak menyimpannya saya akan memberikan lagi.

Tahukah kalian ? Komponen apa yang terpenting pada  PC / Komputer / Laptop ? jawabannya adalah Harddisk. Mengapa Harddisk merupakan komponen yang terpenting di PC dikarenakan Harddisk (HDD) merupakan tempat penyimpanan file system itu sendiri. jadi kalau tidak ada Harddisk (HDD) pasti komputer / PC yang kalian punya tidak bisa jalan. Sekarang ini Harddisk untuk kapasitasnya semakin besar namun untuk ukuran komponennya semakin kecil. itulah teknologi, semakin tahun teknologi kita semakin maju. adugh lupa aku, tadikan saya mau kasih videonya malah mau cerita hugh. 

Ini saya kasih Video System Kinerja Hard disk (HDD), neh kalian ikuti video nya sampai selesai pasti asyik dagh ... !! 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA

Selamat siang buat sahabat blogger maupun para pengunjug setia Alexa-com Weblog Lovers sudah beberapa minggu Alexa-com Weblog tidak update posting karena admin lagi sibuk banget di dunia offline. admin sedang menghadapi UAN kemarin namun Alhamdulilah semua kegiatan sudah kelar semua. tinggal melihat hasilnya saja, semoga admin lulus dengan nilai baik, amin.
Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA by

Dikesempatan kali ini admin Alexa-com Weblog ingin sekali berbagi/sharing ilmu yang admin dapatkan di dunia offline atau online. bagi sahabat blogger dan ACW Lovers yang suka sekali browsing pastinya tidak asing lagi dong dengan DNS Nawala ? banyak banget ACW Lovers dan sahabat blogger yang bertanya ke admin. saya tidak mencantumkan gimana cara bertanya nya. langsung saja kalian simak bagaimana caranya, berikut ini.
Nawala (DNS) adalah salah satu layanan sistem penyaring berdasarkan nama Domain Name System yang didukung oleh berbagai pihak, yaitu pelaku bisnis warnet, Kemkominfo, dan PT. Telkom sebagai BUMN penyedia jasa layanan internet di Indonesia.

DNS Nawala secara spesifik menyaring segala jenis konten negatif, seperti Pornografi, Judi, situs Phising (penyesatan) serta situs yang mengandung Malware (software berbahaya).

Nah sekarang, bagaimana untuk menghindari pemblokiran tersebut ? intinya kalian harus mengganti DNS Nawala dengan DNS yang lainnya. bisa menggunakan OpenDNS, DNS Google, dan masih banyak kok DNS yang lainnya. di tutorial ini admin akan share bagaimana cara setting tool yang bernama DNS Jumper karena menggunakan Tool/Software ini sangat mudah sekali, bahkan pemula saja bisa menggunakannya.

Cara menggunakan DNS Jumper :
  1. Download DNS Jumper
  2. Ekstrak (keluarkan file dari zip) ke desktop atau kemana aja.
  3. Jalankan DNS Jumper
  4. Pilih Network card (sesuaikan dengan komputer anda)
  5. Pilih DNS Service yang akan kita gunakan di menu dropdown.
  6. Klik apply DNS.
  7. Done.

Selain itu, dengan menggunakan DNS Jumper sobat blogger juga bisa menggunakan mengecek DNS yang cepat untuk komputer/internet sobat blogger, dengan klik menu Fastest DNS.
DISCLAIMER : Artikel ini saya share hanya untuk pengetahuan semata. Resiko dan penyalahgunakan informasi ini merupakan tanggung jawab individu masing-masing.

NB : Untuk mendapatkan software / tool DNS Jumper silahkan anda mencari di Google, disini admin ACW hanya share tutorial / tips and trick nya saja untuk software nya cari sendiri saja.

Semoga tutorial / tips and trick ini bermanfaat buat kalian dan bisa di manfaatkan untuk kebaikan, admin ACW mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas dukungan untuk ACW sendiri, terima kasih.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy

Already a few months I have never discussed the matter of tips and trick and tutorials, see so many visitors want a post that varies from this point of my post published on this site will vary not only discuss the Cheat just yet will I publish a reliable tips and trick  I get.

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy by

surely you all this much to using Telkom Speedy right?  sure, and you see porn site in blocking by the Telcom speedy.  but I'm sure once in blocking site because it has a cause and effect.

But you all do not worry the site could still be opened, in this post I was not taught to bad but this post just to teach you and give you the insight that in a virtual world that all the uncertain become certain.  just you watch step by step how to open a porn site on Telkom Speedy, as follows :

Here are various ways that can be used to open blocked sites:

1.  Using the IP address

If the application is used only block the domain name only (eg, it can disiasati by using the IP address of the site for google for example:
To find the IP address of a site, we can try to ping to that site.  Do I go to command prompt (Start> Run> type: cmd> Enter) and type ping and press enter.  Will display the IP address of the site.

2.  Using Proxy Browser

There are so many free proxy that you can find on the internet, some sites you can use for free:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Once you select a proxy from the sites above, configure your browser to use the proxy.

3.  Using the Short URL Service

Another possible way is to use url shortening services such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

4.  Using the Online Archive and Cache
Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep cache of popular sites can still see the contents of the site even though the original has been blocked or deleted though.
Click the link labeled 'cached' then we will be brought to the cached page from a search engine (if stored).

5.  Using Anonymizer Service

Using the Anonymizer service, IP address and your other information will not be known by the sites you visit.

Most services like this are paid, but there are some that are still available for free such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

6.  Using Online Translator / Translator Online
Online translation service known as
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Simply enter the URL of the site and select the option blocked translation into the language you want (or the same language).

7.  Subscribe to RSS Feeds

This trick may not apply to the various sites, but if you want to visit sites that provide RSS syndication feature, (usually news sites and blogs), you can try to subscribe and read it with an RSS / Feed Reader.

Services RSS / Feed Reader that you can use can be a desktop application (Feed Demon, Sharp Reader Feed Reader and), the web browser Firefox, Opera, IE and others, or with an additional extension (InfoRSS, Sage, and NewsFox), and  the latter uses an online application (Google Reader and Feed Show).

8.  Subscribe Through Email
Best service for the way it is
We can subscribe to our favorite websites via email.  You can also subscribe to many sites at once arranged in folders so neat.  Every time a web page changes, Web2Mail will automatically send a new page to your email address.  You also can arrange anything and when shipped.

There is also a service RSSFWD which will automatically convert the RSS into emails sent to your email account.

9.  Using Google Mobile Search
You can also try using the Google mobile search, but usually the results are not optimal.

10.  use auto hide ip software, etc., for which free and full please download here

I will also include other ways that originates from the forum IDWS

The trick as follows:
1, OPEN FIREFOX => Tool => Option => ADVANCED => Network => SETTING
4.  GIVE TD check (LEFT CLICK) TO: "USE THIS PROXY ... .." is checked, ALL TO SUBITEM
5.  PRESS "OK"
7.  press OK

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Started In Installing MikroTik

I used to never give an article about the history of mikrotik itself, What is MikroTik? and then the features of MikroTik. the opportunity this time I was continuing the tutorial from MikroTik. just read the tutorial below :

Screenshoot MikroTik

MikroTik RouterOS has a lot to support various hardware drivers. So if you are a beginner, no need to worry anymore if the hardware components you are using does not support MikroTik. There are several things to consider, among other :

Hardware requirement :

Motherboard CPU and can support Intel next generation of MikroTik RouterOS, Cryx 6X86, AMD K5 or classmates, do not support multiple processors, supports i386 architecture family with PCI Local Bus. Ram (Memory), a minimum of 32 MB and 1 GB maximum.

Hard drive (HDD) ATA / IDE with a minimum of 64 MB of free space. Does not support USB, SCSI, RAID, while for the hard drive (HDD) SATA type only in legacy access mode. Supports macro flash drive and connect drive with a requirement to use the ATA interface.

Installation MEDIA :

Installation media that are required are as follows:
1. Floppy-based installations.
2. Installations CD-based.
3. Floppy-based network installations.
4. Full network-based installations.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

how to determine the size of the SWAP file

This is now a website or a weblog that discusses tutorials, tips and tricks do not sell anymore in the eyes of people who have been browsing on the Internet. but I as a blogger who is always faithful to discuss tutorials and tips and tricks and such computer tutorials and tips and tricks. I started first was determined to share my experience and wanted to share an article about tips and tricks and even tutorials as well. but unfortunately the article tips and tricks, and tutorials may not sell these anymore, but my passion for my weblog posts in this beloved.

Just continue our lessons or posting is not good when vent continuously. readings above only just for you all and guide only.

post time is still discussing computer tips and tricks, maybe today's kids already know about computers all the children even now without a guide smart all my Article like this. I just need someone who needs my articles alone.

post this time I will discuss about how to determine the size of the swap file. certainly in any windows operating system at any time would be to adjust the size of its swap file with a system memory needs.

if the physical memory is not sufficient system memory to run the application window will automatically require a swap file as additional memory. You should therefore specify the size of the swap file to disk access frequency decreases and the system even faster than before.

for the swap file size is optimal depends on the size of physical memory installed. you want to know how to determine the swap file size? follow the steps - steps below:
Our first first right click on My computer and then select Properties and then when you open our menu tab directly to the Performance. Click the "Virtual Memory" and activate the option "Use personalized settings for virtual memory". Include under the "Minimum" and Maximum "lack a value 200 MB and click" OK ". Make sure the question is also a warning with "Yes" and restart Windows.

that's just a tip and trick from me hopefully be useful for you all and if there are typing errors or word - the word may in excuse and do not forget to give your comments to my posting this.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

eliminate shadow trick the mouse pointer

post time on this occasion I want to discuss about the trick - trick computer anywhere in the world. in the computer world is actually a lot of things we need to know to master the computer itself. 

I actually still have not mastered the computer would be perfect but with the will and the sense of knowledge and I want this thing - or a term that I do not know but I now know what a computer and the term - in computer terms.

but this time I do not want to explain about what is a computer and the term - a term in the computer itself?

on this occasion I will discuss about the mouse pointer. Did you know, in that the mouse pointer is a shadow that is not seen by us? if people who are experts or novices when we saw it certainly Eye gel?

the mouse pointer is a software package into the race we work if the mouse pointer is missing or can not move certain difficult it? oh, my understanding is wrong? I'm still a beginner's known in the computer, heheheheh !!!!. I do not need to explain the function of the mouse pointer itself, surely everyone already knows and understands the mouse pointer itself, so I do not need to explain to you all.

Just go to our main topic we are eliminating a shadow on the window the mouse pointer. whether you intend to studied? if I find an article like this I'll learn not only the look and visit but in the study. I will tell you how, as follows:
First we headed Start first, and you do not forget to right click on start then Explorer, wait until the entry into the Windows Explorer. if you have just entered into your Control Panel and then Mouse search menu. then we must take action to enable Options, but do not forget to "Enable Pointer Shadow" in the tab "Pointers". done.

why I make this kind of trick because one eating a very large resource in the window is an image of the mouse pointer, in order to reserve more Resource available to carry out their duties (Task) others. to take action to enable the mouse pointer shadow we must activate the image.

that's just from my post, hopefully useful to you all the posts this time. if this post is wrong or wrong in saying the pardon beg for every human being must have a mistake. and please provide your comments here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

accelerate the process of starting the operating system window

if you feel your old computer at the time of the booting process? surely you do not feel to wait longer to boot. therefore I give you the solution.

At the boot process, Windows 98 usually find WINSTART.BAT files. If the file is not found, the system takes longer to start. Therefore, look for this file in the dir C: \\ WINDOWS. If it does not exist, create a text file by right click and 'New | Textfile'. As the name write 'Winstart.bat'.

maybe that's just my post, I just do not want to post really long but the visitors and readers post I do not understand what he meant and I certainly do not want that, what I want though short and brief articles to the readers of the article but I understand and clear. may be useful for you all, if there are errors in understandable please.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

create start-up disk

This post is a post for a long time computer users. old computers if we want to install the operating system we need to start up disk first. start-up disk is a floppy to boot the windows start if we have a problem or want to install the operating system and we have to reinstall making way.

first when we first installed in the window will definitely want to create a disk check start-up or no, or yes, then you must enter the disk and click OK. wait a few minutes, at the time until the process be completed and start-up disk.

The second click start then settings - control panel - add remove Program - start-up disk - then you insert disk - direct disk click the start-up - over easy.

notes for you:

all data stored on the disk will be lost be lost because we make to start up.

may be useful for you all these tips and tricks.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

create a shortcut logoff

This is an advanced post of yesterday's post, because of time I divide my time studying and blogging so I need a lot of time to post. how to create a shortcut log off as follows:

1. Right-click an empty area on the desktop and select New - Shortcut.
2. At the command line type C: \\ WINDOWS \\ RUNDLL.EXE shell32.dll, SHExitWindowsEx 0
3. Click next and name the shortcut it.
4. Finally click Finish

may be useful for you all.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

accelerate shutdown with a shutdown shortcut on the desktop

usually we feel our computers are too heavy and really long time to open or close our window. actually it was not a problem in the hardware but the software's problems are in use. but I am now eager to give way or a trick, telling me how to speed up your computer shutdown, do not want to know this? it was not love this, as follows:
1. Right-click an empty area on the desktop and select New - Shortcut.
2. At the command line type c: \\ windows \\ rundll32.exe user, exitwindows.
3. Click next and name the shortcut it.
4. Finally click Finish.

way as I practice at home, and to speed up my computer shutdown by making a shutdown shortcut on the desktop computer. may be useful for you all.

Monday, February 22, 2010

create a shortcut system settings

maybe we've done or something with a computer pursuant even all the things you can do it offline but can also do it online, too, is developing technology that now. This is now a lot of computer users could only use it but if there is damage could not fix his own computer, only relying on knowledge from other people and call a computer technician if you have a problem.

but I do not teach like that, because it is a bad trait. This time the topic of creating a shortcut. do you know, what is the shortcut? surely, is a program to shortcut two that can be run by you, the less perfect explanation would you have to understand what it only shortcut can not explain but know and understand. I ask again, have you made arrangements for the system your operating system? sure. 

usually you must first input by right clicking on the desktop and then on select properties. but in this post I want to teach you how to make a shortcut to speed up the system settings to open the system settings. want to know how? This is the most simple once from the others and faster! as follows:

1. Right-click on the desktop, select New - Shortcut.
2. At the command line, type C: \\ WINDOWS \\ control.exe sysdm.cpl, System, 1
3. Click next and name the shortcut it.
4. Finally click Finish.

wow, it really quick trick from you? This certainly surprised you. would you all be like me. that's all I can teach on this occasion, may be useful for you all.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

fix the damage to the files WIN.COM

well I'll see you again at the opportunity this post, how are you all? in a previous post we talked about interesting things just for the operating system. before you go to the main idea I want to ask you all, if your computer is often damaged at his window operating system? well if the problem is often experienced, but we are experiencing computer problems of damage to its windows operating system will surely make reinstall it? heheheheh.

well but on occasion this time I wanted to improve your character's desperate to give my knowledge to you. actually in this topic I will discuss about the improvement of damage to the file. do you know, with the file that had been experiencing problems? well, certainly do not know, understand beginners. file is a file that is at once needed to run a windows operating system and files are usually the main way at boot time. if you are already obvious? usually error on the error will display an error message when booting windows, for example like this:
The following file is missing or corrupted:
The following file is missing or corrupted:
Program too big to fit in memory Can not find, Unable to continue loading Windows
Program too large

To fix this, you must create a new file in a way to extract files from a CD win.cnf Windows. Complete the following steps:
Win.cnf extract files from the Windows CD into the folder C: \\ Windows. Once extracted and then change the name to win.cnf Here's how: ren c: \\ windows \\ win.cnf c: \\ windows \\

simplified tips and tricks from me, I made a tip and trick nobody would have complicated my love of my tips and tricks that simple. may be useful for you all.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

change icon with an Autorun.inf Drive alone

good now talk about what? wow, how about talking about the settings in the registry again just compatriots with hacking Little, hehehhe. You've seen no icon Drive CD-ROM that can be changed when you insert a CD? well, if I had show and try this tip and trick, but it did not work. hehehehehe, well I was the same lie again you all, who really is the answer that the tip and trick it worked 100% just tried on my computer, using windows OS. you want to know something? I love ya have a tip and trick I told you. follow it? steps - the steps below:

The first thing you should do is open your notepad and then you write the same script as the script below, but you can copy and paste the script.

icon = name icon.ico

then you save with the autorun.inf name, you do not have to be afraid anymore with this script is not harmful and will not be a virus, because many people say that autorun malicious viruses, but in my opinion the most exciting program really, hehehehhe. if you are already in the store immediately place the program or script that had been stored in the root drive that you want or go or CT: C: \\ or D: \\. then you put the file icon that you want in the same place with the autorun.inf file, then you do not forget to restart your computer first, because most people keep forgetting that, like me hehehe. why should the restart because the file is not running so it should be on the first restart, so's all you report it, hehehehe.

you make a note: This tip and trick you can practice for the hard disk icon change also, and to view the files on the drive does not look a mess I suggest original all the files you change its attributes seem to be hidden all of ya.

hopefully useful tips and tricks this time, tips and tricks are very simple.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

tips and tricks to make a link in a new window

in the previous post may be more reinforcing of, or subject in the previous post is about the DOS system only, but in the post this time eager to discuss a little about the internet. but make no mistake first perception, because in this post tips and tricks just do not discuss it further because I want to teach and share my knowledge step by step, so that the beginner or already a master's understanding of this post. if certain irregular posting my post is not useful and not useful for you. 

I wanted my article was helpful for you all. I want to ask you? do you know, what is Link? of course the users to the Internet or a virtual world as well as beginners who have a master already knows what's the link, so I do not need to discuss what is the link, yes. easy really understanding the link, do not have to worry friend. we proceed to the main idea or topic of this post is a link in a new window. 

maybe you think this post is very strange and rare in find where, because of this post I provide for my visitors who need the knowledge from me. create a link in a new window that has just a few conditions, especially Internet Explorer. to open a link in a new window or a window, really easy way is as follows:

you press the Shift key and then you click the link, but it also allowed by right clicking on your link and select Open In New Window, finished.

simplify the way from me? maybe a lot of people thought him only from this blog - random but I want to teach step by step course. I do not want to teach directly to the higher level, so I used to teach simple for beginners sharpen the brain only. only that this post I may be useful for you all, I say sorry to you all this post may be less pleasing to you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I know that IRQ already in use in computer

maybe we are human beings with limited knowledge about the technology behind but even so I was eager to cover the gap left behind by my posting this, maybe this post especially for the beginner or the master could have my way this practice is very simple. at this time I want to share about my experience in the computer world is about IRQ. and at this time I did not explain about what is IRQ but in this post I wanted to explain and teach you how to know the IRQ that has been in use by you or others. want to know? therefore follow our adventure, which is as follows:

1. Right-click on My Computer icon.
2. Select Properties.
3. Move to the Device Manager tab.
4. Select Computer and click Properties.
Next will come the appearance that inform any IRQ that has been used and the "who" is using the IRQ.

wah, how simple it really is not like the others, heheheh. I was really confident. I understand the beginner, I like this trick's all experimental results, in understandable yes please. may be useful for you and good luck.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

print a list of files in the folder

in this post I'm still around in the DOS operating system or the Command Prompt is not so familiar with DOS. This is now the subject of print files in the folder list, want to know how simple and easy, as follows:

Windows operating system does not provide facilities to print a list of files in a directory. But with a few tips you can do it. Way from the Start menu -\ Run. write command / c dir\ prn and then click OK or just press Enter.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

copying data or files from the DOS Prompt

the post this time I want to share knowledge about the world of DOS (disk operating system). today may no longer people who use DOS because of how to run it is very difficult and very complicated, even the mention ancient operating system, but that's ancient operating system operating systems with virus-resistant and very easy. no story here, I am ashamed!! for beginners like this do not deserve such a story on this site, heheheh!!

this post I want to share the knowledge how to copy data or files from the DOS Prompt. because certainly in the future you'll want to look at all the existing text in the DOS Prompt. so you want to be like that follow the steps - the steps below :

Click the Mark icon located on the toolbar Dos Prompt.
Select the area you want to copy by doing drag.
Press the Copy icon.
After that you can do Paste, for example, in Notepad, MS Word, etc..

I hope this article useful, you make sure before you practice on your own computer if there is no interference errors so practice first on a computer cafe or computer lab.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Window OS reboot without anymore Loading

when you reboot the operating system back on a window, the operating system will restart the PC or your computer and then go back to Desktop Window. for those of you who frequent application over time install reboot obligation is less practical window. basically you install the application it will ask for restart window only needs just update the registry window. for it to handle things like that I have a tip and trick from me faster and telling what you can do as follows: the way by pressing the Shift key while restarting because the window will only restart it again without making direct load system BIOS. maybe that's just the article, the article simple and clear this time. may be useful for you all.

Friday, January 29, 2010

speed Operating System window XP 2

on a very busy because of my opinion of my beloved brother was doing a special event that is circumcision. until I could no longer to get online and do a post for you all. in this post I wanted to share my experiences, how to speed up the window. follow a few tips and a special trick for you all a very distributed free - free. the following steps:

To expedite your window is to reduce some services that are not used, so the speed of the PC to be like the original.
this way:

1. Sign In Start / Settings / control panel / administrative tools / services
2. Choose the one service that will be turned off, click the right mouse button, select "properties", will appear one tab properties. Next on the "Startup type", when to turn off the live select "Disable".

Here are the services that are not used (particularly for PCs that are not connected to the network).

* Alerter (useful to send a message-alert-attention on the network system; if for the PC need not stand alone, not in the - disable).

* Clipbook (If not used, turn off just)

* Computer Browser (for browsing the network computer; if you do not have internet network switch just)

* Error reporting service (display error messages - If you do not need to be turned off)

* Indexing service (file index to search for a quick, but can actually slow down performance, turn off the course).

* IPSEC service (set the IP security policy - if your computer does not have to stand alone set off just)

* Messenger (messenger window to pop up when connect to the internet. If you do not need to turn off only)

* Netmeeting Remote Desktop sharing (for NetMeeting. (There is no need for that is only used "copy of the land". Turn off)

* Remote Registry (for editing the registry other computers in a network. (There is no need. Can disabled)

* Routing & Remote Access (the main the remote for everything related to the network. If you do not need to be turned off)

* Security Center (which displays the firewall settings on SP2. Disable)

* System event notification (to notify the case that occurred in the computer. (There is no need. Can disabled)

* Task Scheduler (to schedule automatic actions, for example scan, etc. Internet connection. (If you do not need, Disable)

* Telnet (useful for network related. To a computer that is connected only with the power supply, It is not necessary)

* WINDOW TIME: for i in GMT time which requires internet connection. is not necessary. off.

* Windows Firewall / Internet connection (if you connect to that need protection internet off course)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

User passwords restore the window from the beginning

on before posting this time, this site has provided tips and tricks for telling you about regedit even a lot of things - things that maybe you are not familiar with regedit. if you have experienced loss in the window user password?

maybe if your computer is in use by some users sometimes there are several user accounts with different account in a different operating system. example: administrator, Limited, and even just simply Guest. if at any point you really need one to use or change something in an operating system that you need to access the operating system using a user account with administrator or user administrator rights.

if you still remember the password you use may not be any problem but if you forget the password. This one follows a very telling way of all. sometimes it this way in all PCs berhasi will but who knows in the PC you use was not successful. the following steps:

1. Turn on your computer in Safe Mode.
2. After arriving in the user menu, select a user that is not password protected or that you remember the password.
3. After entry into the operating system, click [start]\u003e [Run] and click "CMD" and press Enter.
4. After the command prompt window open, click "C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32" (without the "), your operating system is installed on drive C: \\ and name of the folder where Installing a 'Windows'.
5. For safety, before changing the administrator password, there is a good idea to make backups of the files with the name logon.scr. The trick is to click the "Copy logon.scr logon.bak" (without the ").
6. Next is click the command "copy cmd.exe logon.scr".
7. To change the administrator password, the dir c: \\ windows \\ system32 earlier, click command: "net user administrator 1234". with the example, the administrator user's password will be changed to 1234. Surely the new password you can change at will. In addition you can also change the password other registered users.
8. After that the screen will display the password change was successfully performed. If you've restarted your computer and try to login with the user password has changed.

The steps above is one way to change password administrator or other users in the Windows XP operating system. If you do not succeed to open the windows XP administrator's password with the steps above, there is one other shortcuts that you can do.

The way is to reset the administrator password to be empty, so we login with the administrator account without having to enter his password.

To do this, you need a tool called CHNTWP (Change NT Password), utilities may CHNTWP taken in address and you can use as a waste Besides can reset the password of each user which operating system is Windows NT-based, you also do not need to remember long-reminders password of each user.