Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013

Sejarah Internet Mulai Awal Sampai Sekarang

Sejarah Internet Mulai Awal Sampai Sekarang
Sejarah Internet Mulai Awal Sampai Sekarang 
Selamat siang sobat ACW sudah lama banget admin ACW tidak pernah posting, sebanarnya siech tahun-tahun ini sangat sibuk sekali admin ACW karena harus melakukan kegiatan offline-nya sebagai Administrator Jaringan dan Pengajar juga disebuah instansi pendidikan di daerah  Banyuwangi, tidak hanya itu leogh sobat ACW tapi admin juga merangkap seorang mahasiswa di STIKOM Banyuwangi. Maaf ya sobat ACW sedikit re-post masalah internet negh, karena ada Tugas Kuliah disuruh upload Tugasnya via Blog gitu degh, tapi gak apa-apa degh mungkin jah berguna untuk sobat ACW dan berguna untukku juga. hehehehe

Terima kasih untuk Ibu Retno Ires xx yang cantik dan penyabar maaf kepanjangannya gak tau ,,, hehehe, ini ibu dosen tercantik tugas saya sudah saya post. maaf sedikit ada perbincangan sama sobat ACW ya ,, heheheh, langsung saja sobat ACW dan Ibu Retno Ires :D hehehe, langsung simak dan cekidot gan ,,, 

Tahu gak Sobat ACW sejarah dari Internet Dunia itu seperti apa ? wagh pasti gak tau ya ? dan ada yang tahu siech ,,, tinggal browsing langsung dapat. hehehehehheehe !!!  pada tahun 1969 diperkenalkan sebuah jaringan internet. Sejarah internet itu sendiri diawali dari percobaan ARPANET yang menghubungkan antara 2 komputer melalui jaringan telepon yang dapat saling berkomunikasi. Departemen pertahanan negara adidaya itu berhasil menjadi awal munculnya jaringan internet di dunia.

Awal Munculnya Internet

ARPANET pada awalnya dibuat untuk kebutuhan militer. Membuat sistem terdistribusi untuk menghindari hancurnya pusat data saat perang nuklir adalah tujuan awal pembuatan proyek besar ini. Saat awal dibuat, ARPANET hanya menghubungkan 4 tempat saja di Amerika sana. Namun saat ini, internet telah menghubungkan berjuta-juta titik di dunia ini.
Pada tahun 1972 inilah muncul istilah internet. Internet merupakan hasil dari pembagian proyek ARPANET. Internet merupakan bagian dari ARPANET yang ditujukan untuk kebutuhan non militer. Itulah sejarah awal berkembangnya internet.
Pada awal sejarah internet ini, anggota-anggota yang tergabung adalah dari berbagai universitas. Mulanya dari universitas yang ada di Amerika saja. Namun dimulai pada tahun 1973, ada anggota dari luar Amerika yang tergabung di dalam internet. Universitas itu berasal dari Norwegia (Royal Radar Establishment) dan Inggris (University College of London).

Internet dari Tahun ke Tahun

Seiring dengan perkembangan sejarah internet, protokol yang menjadi standar komunikasi setiap komputer yang terhubung ke dalam jaringan internet juga terus berkembang. Tujuan dari semua ini adalah membuat standarisasi sehingga setiap komputer di dunia ini dapat terhubung ke dalam jaringan internet.

Protokol standar yang saat ini dipakai adalah protokol TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). Protokol ini mulai diperkenalkan pada tahun 1978. Pada tahun 1980an, sejarah internet memasuki babak baru. Menjamurnya komputer pribadi pada masa ini membuat jaringan internet juga terus meluas.

Fasilitas pengiriman surat elektronik (email), pengiriman file melalui FTP dan mailing list satu per satu hadir sebagai layanan dalam internet. Inilah yang membuat fungsi internet semakin meningkat dan semakin banyak orang yang menggunakannya.
Perkembangan internet juga terlihat pada berbagai fasilitas yang bisa digunakan melalui jaringan dunia ini. Komunikasi secara real time melalui tulisan yang dikenal dengan istilah chatting diperkenalkan tahun 1988.

Penemuan aplikasi yang dikenal dengan nama browser merupakan tonggak paling penting di dalam sejarah internet. Dengan adanya browser ini, seluruh komputer yang terhubung ke dalam internet dapat saling berbagi data dan informasi.

Saat ini, internet telah digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan global. Dengan adanya internet, arus informasi dapat berjalan dengan cepat dan praktis. Internet juga telah menyatukan orang dari berbagai wilayah di bumi ini. Internet juga menjadi sarana komunikasi yang efektif dan efisien.

Namun internet juga menjadi sumber masuknya pengaruh negatif yang harus tetap diwaspadai. Sejarah internet menunjukkan bahwa tujuan positif bisa menjadi negatif jika tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik.

Sejarah Internet dari Masa ke Masa

Sejarah internet bermula dari Amerika Serikat. Kala itu, militer Amerika membuat jaringan komunikasi yang disebut ARPANET. Jaringan ini dikembangkan untuk penggunaan militer dan ilmuwan tertentu yang meneliti teknologi. Dari sinilah orang menganggap ARPANET sebagai perintis internet.

Pada 1970 hingga akhir 1980-an, pemerintah Amerika mendanai internet sebagai sarana komunikasi. Namun, pemerintah membatasi penggunaannya pada bidang pendidikan dan militer.

Selanjutnya, pemerintah Amerika mengembangkan internet kedua yang disebut MILNET. MILNET dikembangkan karena universitas mendominasi ARPANET untuk kepentingan akses data.


Pada masa itu, kebijakan penggunaan internet di bawah naunganNational Science Foundation (NSF). Pada 1980, NSF memperbolehkan penggunaan internet untuk kalangan universitas guna keperluan penelitian dan beasiswa. NSF kemudian mengembangkan internet ketiga yang disebut NSFNET.

Internet ini memiliki 5 komputer super untuk data beasiswa. Penggunaan untuk kepentingan komersial tidak diperbolehkan. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada iklan di internet. Popularitas NSFNET melonjak sehingga mengambil alih fungsi ARPANET.


Perubahan terjadi pada 1995, yaitu saat NSF tidak lagi menguasai kebijakan internet. Situasi tersebut diikuti dengan perkembangan World Wide Web (WWW). Timothy Berners-Lee, seorang ahli komputer dan fisika berkebangsaan Inggris, mengembangkan WWW. Sebelum WWW, lalu lintas internet didominasi oleh transfer file.

Selanjutnya, pemerintah Amerika mengawasi penggunaan internet melalui jaringan internet komersial, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai IP network (jaringan Internet Protokol). Jaringan ini dioperasikan oleh perusahaan besar seperti IBM, Sprint, dan Alternet. Di luar Amerika, jaringan IP dibentuk agar internet dapat digunakan di seluruh dunia.


Internet dan web merupakan hal yang berbeda. Internet diasumsikan sebagai jalan raya. Web berada di lalu lintas jalan raya tersebut. Web memudahkan pengguna untuk mencari informasi, memajang, dan mengunduh berbagai jenis dokumen. Oleh karena itu, web didukung oleh program yang dapat dijalankan di berbagai komputer. Menginjak tahun 2000, lalu lintas internet didominasi oleh web. Porsinya mencapai 80%.

Selanjutnya, penggunaan internet berkembang sesuai kebutuhan pengguna. Perseorangan menggunakan internet untuk mencari informasi, hiburan, komunikasi, serta membeli dan menjual barang.

Ilmuwan memanfaatkan internet untuk mempublikasikan penelitian, berkomunikasi dengan kolega, dan memberi materi kuliah untuk siswa. Perusahaan media memanfaatkan internet untuk menyiarkan berita online, menyiarkan audio dan video, mengedarkan musik dan film, program radio dan televisi online, serta layanan cuaca. Pengguna dapat bertukar film, foto, musik dan aplikasi melalui layanan file sharing.

Instant messaging melayani pesan teks, berbagi file, dan bermain game online. Perusahaan menggunakan internet untuk e-commerce atau perdagangan elektronik. Institusi memanfaatkan layanan komunikasi melalui konferensi suara dan video. Dan, masih banyak lagi perkembangan internet yang memberikan manfaat dalam kehidupan manusia.

Mengingat Kembali Sejarah Internet

Sejarah internet merupakan sebuah cerita yang kini membawa dampak luar biasa bagi kehidupan manusia. Dari kehidupan sosial, bisnis, berbelanja, menikmati produk budaya, mengunduh file, rasanya kini tidak ada yang tidak dapat dilakukan dengan internet. Sejarah internet  bisa dibilang ikut  mengubah cara hidup manusia, membuat segalanya terasa lebih mudah dan tak berjarak. Pakar komunikasi  EM Griffin berkata “Nothing remains untouched by communication technology.”

Di tengah mudah dan cepatnya hidup bersama internet, pernahkah Anda sedikit nostalgia dan penasaran: kapan semua ini berawal? Dari mana datangnya internet? Menelusuri sejarah internet menjadi sebuah cerita yang cukup menarik, mengingat dahsyatnya dampak yang dibawa internet di kehidupan manusia sekarang ini.

Kreativitas manusia ketika sedang terdesak oleh situasi gawat semacam perang memang menakjubkan. Setelah sebelumnya televisi dikembangkan oleh para teknisi yang terlatih berkat riset perang, kini sejarah internet pun lahir sebagai ‘anak kandung’ perang.

Tidak akan ada yang menyangka jika kecanggihan komunikasi tersebut terlahir justru dari sebuah keadaan yang tidak mengenakkan. Sejarah internet tidak lepas dari pengaruh kejadian mengkhawatirkan tersebut. Sebuah perang yang "idelanya" tidak menghasilkan apapun kecuali kerugian.

Sejarah internet yang pada akhirnya membawa manusia pada peradaban yang serba canggih ini. Semuanya terasa mudah, cepat, dan mungkin. Layar berukuran 14 inch hingga lebih akan membuat Anda mengerti tentang segalanya. Segala macam informasi dari seluruh dunia terangkum dalam layar kaca tersebut.

Bagaimanapun keadaannya, sejarah internet tetap menjadi bagian dari perkembangan zaman di bidang teknologi itu sendiri. Ibaratnya, sejarah internet itu adalah asal-mula dari perkembangan internet yang semakin hari semakin dikenal banyak orang karena manfaatnya yang dahsyat.

Sejarah Internet – Perkembangannya Kini

Sejarah internet terus melahirkan cerita-cerita perkembangannya. Volume pemakaian internet terus berlipat ganda tiap 9-14 bulan sejak 1970an. Pada 1981, hanya 213 komputer terhubung ke internet, tapi kini, di dekade 2000an, angka itu telah meroket jadi lebih dari 400 juta.

Sejarah internet kini mencatat bahwa jumlah manusia yang memakai internet tidak dapat dihitung secara pasti, tetapi diperkirakan sejumlah 1 miliar orang pada 2005, dan akan terus bertambah. Percaya atau tidak, riset terakhir pada 2009 menyebutkan bahwa Asia masih menjadi pengguna internet terbanyak di dunia! Ya, itu berarti Anda dan saya.

Sejarah internet benar-benar terus berlanjut. Internet yang Anda miliki dan gunakan sekarang, didistribusikan melalui perusahaan-perusahaan ISP (Internet Service Provider) yang biasanya merupakan perusahaan swasta. Namun, di beberapa negara yang mengontrol penuh jaringan komunikasi, perusahaan ISP dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh negara. Cara pengaksesan internet sendiri dapat dibagi dalam 3 macam:

1. Sejarah Internet - Dedicated

Sejarah internet melahirkan tiga cara pengaksesan. Cara pengaksesan yang pertama melalui sistem atau akses dedicated. Komputer secara langsung dihubungkan ke sumber internet melalui perangkat jaringan fisik; sehingga komputer tersebut akan selalu terhubung ke internet 24/7. Cara pengaksesan ini biasanya dipakai oleh perusahaan besar.

Perusahaan yang lebih kecil atau individu juga bisa memakai akses dedicated dengan bantuan DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) atau kabel modem. Tekniknya adalah dengan ‘menumpang’ ke sistem perkabelan yang sudah ada, sehingga biaya tidak terlalu besar.

DSL menumpang di kabel telepon, sedangkan kabel modem menumpang di kabel TV. Tetapi karena frekuansinya berbeda, pemakaian internet tidak akan mengganggu operasional TV/telepon.  Opsi lain yang jarang dipakai adalah sambungan dedicated ke satelit via instalasi outdoor satellite dish.

2. Sejarah Internet - Dial-Up

Sejarah internet terus berkembang dan melahirkan sistem akses ke internet yang baru. Kali ini Dial-Up. Dial-Up adalah cara mendapat akses internet yang relatif murah, namun juga cukup merepotkan karena mengganggu jaringan telepon. Cara kerja sistem ini adalah dengan memakai modem telepon, sebuah alat yang bisa menghubungkan komputer kita ke sistem telepon dan mengkonversi data-data yang lewat. untuk mengakses internet, dipakai sebuah software yang membuat modem melakukan panggilan telepon ke perusahaan ISP.

3. Sejarah Internet - Wireless

Sejarah internet ikut menyertai perjalanan penggunaan atau akses internet di masyarakat. Sistem penggunaan internet di masyarakat yang ketiga ini adalah sistem wireless. Sistem akses internet dengan teknik wireless memakai gelombang radio untuk mengedarkan informasi di dunia maya. Para pemakai ponsel dan laptop pasti sudah akrab dengan pemakaian wireless internet ini.

Meski area cakupan internetnya sangat luas dan dapat diakses dalam perjalanan, biasanya sambungan dengan wireless ini lebih lambat daripada dedicated atau dial-up. Kecepatan sambungan wireless mulai membaik setelah teknologi 3G dipasarkan.

Sejarah internet tidak bisa lepas dari penggunaan internet di zaman sekarang ini. Kemajuan zaman di bidang teknologi komunikasi tidak bisa secanggih ini jika sejarah internet tidak pernah tercipta. Para pembuat sejarah internet itu merupakan pencetus hadirnya internet dikalangan masyarakat sekarang ini.

Terima kasih sudah membaca artikel kami ya sobat ACW dan Ibunda Dosen semoga bisa dipahami repost saya, karena sudah banyak sekali artikel sejarah internet yang menyebar di google hehehe. selalu cemunguuut sobat ACW dan Ibunda Dosen hehehehe ... !!! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

IDM 6 | Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 1

IDM 6 | Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 1 | Update Vertion
Best Downloader, IDM 6 Final

IDM 6 | Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 1

Internet Download Manager (IDM) has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Unlike other download accelerators and managers that segment files before downloading starts, Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process. Internet Download Manager reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve better acceleration performance. Internet Download Manager supports proxy servers, ftp and http protocols, firewalls, redirects, cookies, authorization, MP3 audio and MPEG video content processing. IDM integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, MSN Explorer, AOL, Opera, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Avant Browser, MyIE2, and all other popular browsers to automatically handle your downloads. You can also drag and drop files, or use Internet Download Manager from command line. Internet Download Manager can dial your modem at the set time, download the files you want, then hang up or even shut down your computer when it's done.

Main Features:
All popular browsers and applications are supported! Internet Download Manager has been tested with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, MSN Explorer, AOL, Netscape Communicator, Netscape 6, Netscape 7, Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Mozilla Firebird, Opera, NetCaptor, UltraBrowser, Slim Browser, Avant Browser, MyIE2, Optimal Desktop, Ace Explorer, Advanced Browser, 27 Tools-in-1 Wichio Browser, WindowSurfer, 550 Access Browser, FineBrowser Freeware, Kopassa Browser, Fast Browser Pro, Enigma Browser, GoSuRF, K-Meleon, Smart Explorer, The Off By One Web Browser, Smartalec Voyager, CrystalPort AppCapture, The Family Browser, XANA Web Browser, Bluto, AutoSurf, 32bit Web Browser, BrowseMan, WrestlingBrowser, Eminem Browser, UltraBrowser, Cygsoft LDAP Browser, and Net M@nager. Internet Download Manager supports all versions of popular browsers, and can be integrated into any 3rd party Internet applications.
Easy downloading with one click. When you click on a download link in a browser, IDM will take over the download and accelerate it. IDM supports HTTP, FTP, HTTPS and MMS protocols.
Download Speed Acceleration. Internet Download Manager can accelerate downloads by up to 5 times due to its intelligent dynamic file segmentation technology. Unlike other download managers and accelerators Internet Download Manager segments downloaded files dynamically during download process and reuses available connections without additional connect and login stages to achieve best acceleration performance.
Download Resume. Internet Download Manager will resume unfinished download from the place where they left off.
YouTube grabber. Internet Download Manager can grab FLV videos from popular sites like YouTube, MySpaceTV, and Google Video.
Simple installation wizard. Quick and easy installation program will make necessary settings for you, and check your connection at the end to ensure trouble free installation of Internet Download Manager
Drag and Drop. You may simply drag and drop links to IDM, and drag and drop downloaded files out of Internet Download Manager.
Automatic Antivirus checking. Antivirus checking makes your downloads free from viruses and trojans.
Advanced Browser Integration. When enabled, the feature can be used to catch any download from any application. None of download managers have this feature.
Built-in Scheduler. Internet Download Manager can connect to the Internet at a set time, download the files you want, disconnect, or shut down your computer when it's done.
IDM includes web site spider and grabber. IDM downloads all required files that are specified with filters from web sites, for example all pictures from a web site, or subsets of web sites, or complete web sites for offline browsing. It's possible to schedule multiple grabber projects to run them once at a specified time, stop them at a specified time, or run periodically to synchronize changes.
IDM supports many types of proxy servers. For example, IDM works with Microsoft ISA, and FTP proxy servers.
IDM supports main authentication protocols: Basic, Negotiate, NTLM, and Keberos. Thus IDM can access many Internet and proxy servers using login name and password.
Download All feature. IDM can add all downloads linked to the current page. It's easy to download multiple files with this feature.
Customizable Interface. You may choose the order, and what buttons and columns appear on the main IDM window.
Download Categories. Internet Download Manager can be used to organize downloads automatically using defined download categories.
Quick Update Feature. Quick update may check for new versions of IDM and update IDM once per week.
Download limits. Progressive downloading with quotas feature. The feature is useful for connections that use some kind of fair access policy (or FAP) like Direcway, Direct PC, Hughes, etc.
IDM is multilingual. IDM is translated to Albanian, Arabic, Azerbaijan, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, and Uzbek languages.

Language: Multilanguage

(Internet Download Manager 6.08 Build 1 Beta + Keygen&Patch-BRD)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Salfeld Child Control 2011

Salfeld Child Control 2011 | 19.1 MB
Computers are the place for children. This is the place where they can sharpen their agility as well as their abilities. They can learn and make new friends. What’s more, the Internet provides information for homework assignments. So far, so good. But they also need to be protected from the computer—for one thing, so that they don’t lose their sense of time and forget to go out and play with their friends once in a while, and for another, because of the dangers lurking on the Web. That’s why responsible parents everywhere install Child Control on every computer that their children use.New! Internet Remote Control: Starting with Child Control 2009 you can modify the most important settings or view session logs directly on the Internet. No matter where you are. No matter which browser you are using. This feature is part of the Online Functions.
Just a few things Child Control lets you do:
*NEW: Blocking of file sharing programs and sites
*NEW: 1,000,000 undesirable sites can now be selected for restriction
*NEW: Adult-content filtering provided by German government authorities
*NEW: Email reports of on- and off-times and daily statistics
*NEW: additional configuration options
*Works with all versions of Windows from 95 to Vista
*Limit time on the computer for each day of the week
*Limit use of the Internet for the day and the week
*Set PC off-limits times (e.g. after 11 p.m.)
*Set Internet off-limits times (e.g. after 11 p.m.)
*Easily extend time with passwords or TAN’s
Define “unwelcome” web content using keywords
*Set time limits for categories of websites, such as videos and online games
*Set specific time limits for each computer application
*Grant unlimited time for specific applications, such as learning tools
*Log all computer activity to let you later review each user’s activities
*Block modifications to major Windows settings
*Protect your data by blocking access to specific folders
*Limit children’s access to specific programs
*Disable “backdoor” access to programs or functions
*Extend all time limits during vacation time—one click does it all
*Set up a central database for multiple users (schools, institutions, etc.)
*for computers connected by modem, networks, DSL, routers, etc.
*Easily import or export settings or blacklists
*Send log files to any email address


Friday, April 22, 2011

Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA

Selamat siang buat sahabat blogger maupun para pengunjug setia Alexa-com Weblog Lovers sudah beberapa minggu Alexa-com Weblog tidak update posting karena admin lagi sibuk banget di dunia offline. admin sedang menghadapi UAN kemarin namun Alhamdulilah semua kegiatan sudah kelar semua. tinggal melihat hasilnya saja, semoga admin lulus dengan nilai baik, amin.
Tips and Trick Membuka Situs Yang Di Blokir Oleh Nawala, Telkom, AHA by

Dikesempatan kali ini admin Alexa-com Weblog ingin sekali berbagi/sharing ilmu yang admin dapatkan di dunia offline atau online. bagi sahabat blogger dan ACW Lovers yang suka sekali browsing pastinya tidak asing lagi dong dengan DNS Nawala ? banyak banget ACW Lovers dan sahabat blogger yang bertanya ke admin. saya tidak mencantumkan gimana cara bertanya nya. langsung saja kalian simak bagaimana caranya, berikut ini.
Nawala (DNS) adalah salah satu layanan sistem penyaring berdasarkan nama Domain Name System yang didukung oleh berbagai pihak, yaitu pelaku bisnis warnet, Kemkominfo, dan PT. Telkom sebagai BUMN penyedia jasa layanan internet di Indonesia.

DNS Nawala secara spesifik menyaring segala jenis konten negatif, seperti Pornografi, Judi, situs Phising (penyesatan) serta situs yang mengandung Malware (software berbahaya).

Nah sekarang, bagaimana untuk menghindari pemblokiran tersebut ? intinya kalian harus mengganti DNS Nawala dengan DNS yang lainnya. bisa menggunakan OpenDNS, DNS Google, dan masih banyak kok DNS yang lainnya. di tutorial ini admin akan share bagaimana cara setting tool yang bernama DNS Jumper karena menggunakan Tool/Software ini sangat mudah sekali, bahkan pemula saja bisa menggunakannya.

Cara menggunakan DNS Jumper :
  1. Download DNS Jumper
  2. Ekstrak (keluarkan file dari zip) ke desktop atau kemana aja.
  3. Jalankan DNS Jumper
  4. Pilih Network card (sesuaikan dengan komputer anda)
  5. Pilih DNS Service yang akan kita gunakan di menu dropdown.
  6. Klik apply DNS.
  7. Done.

Selain itu, dengan menggunakan DNS Jumper sobat blogger juga bisa menggunakan mengecek DNS yang cepat untuk komputer/internet sobat blogger, dengan klik menu Fastest DNS.
DISCLAIMER : Artikel ini saya share hanya untuk pengetahuan semata. Resiko dan penyalahgunakan informasi ini merupakan tanggung jawab individu masing-masing.

NB : Untuk mendapatkan software / tool DNS Jumper silahkan anda mencari di Google, disini admin ACW hanya share tutorial / tips and trick nya saja untuk software nya cari sendiri saja.

Semoga tutorial / tips and trick ini bermanfaat buat kalian dan bisa di manfaatkan untuk kebaikan, admin ACW mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas dukungan untuk ACW sendiri, terima kasih.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified

SAN FRANCISCO - Soon many pornographic websites have with the approval of localization in the internet domain ending. XXX.  This new domain name will join the sites that have been known to us, such as. COM or. ORG.

Suffix. XXX will be used specifically for adult content for pornography.  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a body that regulates domain naming system on the internet, has decided to use the suffix. XXX is the last weekend.

Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified by
Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified by
Previous ICANN has repeatedly refused to provide the site name ending in. XXX.  Since 2000, ICANN rejected this request at the urging of Christian groups and governments are worried about the spread of pornography.  The religious groups worry about naming it would legitimize the presence of pornography in cyberspace.

However, the group agrees is equally eager to continue to fight for naming them.  Diane Duke, Executive Director of the Free Speech Coalition, accused ICANN has been unjust.  According to him, ICANN should be fair in the interests of free speech on the internet.

On the other hand, the emergence of a specific domain porn sites are expected to facilitate the censorship of pornographic content on the internet.  However, it is not easy to force the provider of porn sites that have been known for his address. COM or the other for switching to that address.  Perhaps, they buy the domain address with. XXX.  However, it will only be used to redirect users to the original site.

If no further stipulated, then the availability of domain names with. XXX instead trigger a new conflict.  For example, make the owner of the leading products that can be forced to buy the address with his name, but will not use it for other people not taken the fun.  For example Disney, maybe they should hurry to buy not misused for other people in the future.

To date not known why ICANN finally granted the lawsuit.  But, obviously, an official ICANN acknowledges that it has agreed to use the sites with the suffix. XXX.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Well It turns out Google Adsense Yang Modifications Faster than Previous

Well It turns out Google Adsense Yang Modifications Faster than Previous by
Google, one of the largest ad broker in the virtual world, claims to have speed Internet performance.  Increased speed is possible after they repair Javascript used to display advertising.

Repairs carried out on show_ads.js Javascript, which is used by millions of websites that use Google Adsense.  How, heavy burden on the script was placed in an iframe.  As a result, the browser JavaScript is not burdened when determining which ads to show.

" In testing, the lag time required to display Adsense ads " in essence has been lost " by using the technique of asynchronous loading, "a Google spokesman, as quoted by the Inquirer, March 20, 2011.

Google claims that page load time using the new asynchronous implementation of Adsense is statistically indistinguishable from that page loading time have no ads at all.

Repairs to ad serving technology to help the site so as not to lose visitors or lose potential revenue because visitors choose to install ad blocking software.  For Google, an efficient ad delivery is also important for their revenue from Adsense is still flowing.

As is known, the site owner or admin website continues to strive to reduce loading time due to the use Adsense script.  With the steps taken by Google, the script does not burden the browser, then the load time for a site's overall will decline.

According to Google, the latest version of the script that can run on browsers like Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and the latest.  Support for other browsers will be prepared.  And for web developers, to enjoy increased speed, they just need to replace the old scripts without any modification.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blogger Asal China Ngamuk Ke Pihak Facebook

Sekarang ini sudah jamannya dunia maya / internet dengan berbagai hal bisa dilakukan di internet / dunia maya, bahkan kita melakukan penipuan atau menggunakan identitas palsu sudah wajar di dunia maya karena tidak inginnya identitas asli nya di ketahui oleh seluruh dunia. namun blogger asal china ini yang bernama Michael Anti marah banget karena aturan yang ada di situs jejaringan sosial facebook yang telah memblockir atau menghentikan akun pribadinya tersebut.

Ia telah mempertahankan mengapa dirinya kalah layak memiliki akun dibandingkan dengan anjing milik pendiri facebook, Mark Zuckerberg. Associated Press, Anti tak bisa mengakses akun Facebook miliknya sejak Januari. Lewat email, ia menerima penjelasan dari Facebook bahwa pembekuan akun dilakukan lantaran penggunaan nama palsu.

Facebook meminta Anti menggunakan namanya aslinya, Zhao Jing. "Saya tidak biasa menggunakan nama China saya," ujar mantan wartawan itu.

Peraturan Facebook mengharuskan seluruh pemegang akun menggunakan nama asli sesuai KTP. Kebijakan itu ditempuh demi meningkatkan akuntabilitas dan keamanan bagi pengguna Facebook.

Blogger Asal China Ngamuk Ke Pihak Facebook by
"Peraturan itu dibuat berdasar penelitian yang kami lakukan serta konsultasi dengan sejumlah pakar perlindungan anak," ujar Direktur Komunikasi Internasional dan Kebijakan Publik Facebook, Debbie Frost.

Anti mengatakan bahwa nama Michael Anti sudah menjadi identitas profesionalnya selama satu dekade. Dengan nama itu juga, ia menerbitkan sejumlah tulisan di media massa dan esai.

Anti berang karena pembekuan akun itu membuatnya kehilangan kontak dengan lebih 1.000 relasi akademik dan profesional yang terjalin sejak ia membuat akun Facebook pada 2007.

"Saya benar-benar marah, anjing Zuckerberg memiliki akun Facebook. Padahal, kiprah jurnalistik dan akademis yang saya lakukan lebih nyata ketimbang seorang anjing," kata peraih beasiswa Universitas Cambridge dan Universitas Harvard itu.

Zuckerberg memang membuatkan anjingnya akun di Facebook lengkap dengan foto dan profil. Namun akun anjing bernama Beast itu dianggap tidak melanggar aturan Facebook karena bukan akun personal, melainkan fan page yang dikhususkan untuk penggemar.

Anti mengatakan, jika kebijakan itu berlanjut akan menyulitkan sejumlah aktivis dan wartawan di China. Sebab, selama ini mereka sering menggunakan nama samaran untuk memgkritisi pemerintah.

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 5 Full

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 5 Full by
Hallo semua pengunjung setia Alexa-com Weblog, sudah beberapa bulan saya tidak pernah update soal IDM (internet download manager) ne. oke karena saya punya file IDM yang terbaru langsung saja saya share IDM dari saya mungkin kalian yang suka gunakan IDM dan IDM kalian jadul langsung saja anda download dibawah ini.

Egh lupa saya IDM yang saya share ini IDM 6.05 Build 5 Full yang baru rilis kemarin dan sebenarnya sama saja IDM yang sebelumnya namun yang sangat berbeda itu dari perbaikan kompabilitas dengan IE (internet explorer) nya saja kok untuk fasilitas yang lainnya sama saja tidak ada bedannya. ya sudah deh kalian download file IDM + Crack nya juga jangan lupa, Oke !!!

Internet Download Manager 6.05 Build 5 Full by

Download :

Crack :

Friday, February 18, 2011

MacBook Pro New' Leaks on Ads Processor Intel?

MacBook Pro New' Leaks on Ads Processor Intel? by
Looks like Intel divulge some idea about the newest MacBook Pro.  See above picture clearly, from an image ad for Sandy Bridge Intel's newest Core i5 seen a mysterious black laptop.

Many consider it is the newest MacBook Pro, let alone the previous MacBook Pro update rumored to be getting an Intel Sandy Bridge on March 1 next.  If it is true as shown above, means the new MacBook Pro will be thinner, black, and have the corners sharper.

Is "black is the new silver" for the MacBook Pro? via pocket lint, 9 to mac
MacBook Pro New' Leaks on Ads Processor Intel? by

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Watch out, NeoApp rampant on Facebook

Watch out, NeoApp rampant on Facebook by
Along with the large number of users up from around the world, attacks that came against the social networking site users are present without ceasing.  For example, Symantec recently detected NeoApp, popular virus toolkit application maker on Facebook.

"If users install the Facebook application created using the toolkit and provide access permissions, user information will appear in the administration panel NeoApp," said a spokesman for Symantec, as quoted from IndiaTimes, Thursday, February 17, 2011.

Mentioned, if the user information has been obtained, the offender will be able to send random messages to users and their friends in ways that are very easy.

Application development toolkit that bloom sold for U.S. $ 50, or about Rp445 thousand in various places on the Internet.

"NeoApp Toolkit enables almost anyone, even those who do not have the skills in compiling the programming code (coding), to create a message that spreads quickly bervirus on Facebook," says Symantec.

This toolkit, according to Symantec, even explaining to users where they should put the video and put a link to the survey to maximize their income.  "By clearly outlined, the motivation behind the use of this toolkit is to make money."

Currently, although up already has a team of special tracer to detect malicious applications and shut them, users are asked to remain cautious against any suspicious applications such as applications that request access to your personal information.

It is recommended, if you are already a victim of these scams, please go to the Privacy Setting up your account and immediately delete the relevant application from your profile.

Block China Microblog Search for Hillary Clinton

Block China Microblog Search for Hillary Clinton by
BEIJING - A popular microblogging China blocked the search for the senator and former first lady of the United States, Hillary Clinton, following his speech that appealed to a number of countries to end censorship on the Internet.

Sina, Micro-blogging from China that resembles Twitter, reportedly blocks the search effort against Hillary Clinton, on Thursday (02/17/2011).

"As the laws, regulations and policies, the search results will not be displayed," the statement microblogging site was quoted as saying by Reuters.

Earlier this week, Clinton said countries like China may experience economic losses and long-term social unrest that could result in the community, if the sensors in the internet is still running.

China currently has the world's largest Internet population, ie 457 million users.  However, the State Bamboo Curtain set a strict censorship of Internet content that is sensitive.  In fact, several times the total block a site.

Facebook and Twitter blocked since 2009, after the commotion of ethnic Chinese in the western region, Xinjiang.

Sina itself is a microblogging service like Twitter that has now reached more than 50 million users.  In 2011, the total expected Sina users reached 100 million.

Application of 'The Dark Knight' Appears on App Store

Application of 'The Dark Knight' Appears on App Store

Knight: App Edition CALIFORNIA - Application adaptation of the movie 'The Dark Knight' and 'Inception' is present in the App Store.  Warner Bros. Digital Distribution rather than the iTunes App Store.

Step this as a distributor Warner Bros. prefers the App Store because it is more and more interactive when compared with iTunes.  Similarly, as quoted from Pocket-Lint, on Thursday (02/17/2011).

'The Dark Knight: App Edition and Inception: App Edition (for IPAD and iPhone) is a free application, which provides to users of streaming 5 minutes early film, a sample of some extra material and the ability to share them via Twiter and up.

From the application, users can buy the full version of the film and opened the bonus material such as behind the scenes footage and photo gallery.  The Dark Knight movie and Inception who streamed or downloaded through this application about the size of 2.2GB.

"Warner Bros. is now presenting to more than 100 million owners of Apple's device is a new way to experience the new experience watching their favorite movies," said Thomas Gewecke, president of Warner Bros. Digital Distribution.

"For most people, watching movies is a social activity and the application is the first mobile product that delivers this capability to a global scale. The application offers a new experience, which allows users to link themselves with others in real-time via Facebook and Twitter,  "said Gewecke.

Warner Bros. Digital Distribution said that several other films will follow its App Edition.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site by
VIVAnews - Apparently, among the hackers (hackers), U.S. government sites priced so cheap.

According to a recent report from computer security firm Imperva, the control of U.S. government sites merchantability starts at U.S. $ 33-US $ 499 (USD 300 thousand to $ 4.5 million).

As quoted from the site Computerworld, at a forum on 'underground' which is a black market among hackers, Imperva find the sale and purchase of several U.S. government Web sites, including sites owned by the military.

"You can buy the administrator access these sites easily," said Noa Bar-Yosef, Senior Strategic Security Imperva.  In fact, all it is an important site.

Among these are the sites owned by the Department of Defense Pharmacoeconomic Center, United States who analyzed the use of drugs for the military, and U.S. veterans.  Then there are sites the U.S. state of Utah and Michigan, the site of the Italian government, as well as several university sites in the U.S..

Not just selling government sites, the hackers also sell some of their confidential information stolen from various websites only for U.S. $ 20 (180 thousand) for 1000 was confidential information.

Usually this information is required by spammers or fraudsters online to launch its actions.  So far, Bar-Yosef said there are about 16 government sites and 300 thousand people are bought and sold confidential data in that forum.

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site by

Bar-Yosef estimates, the hacker could steal confidential data using an attack called SQL Injection.  Usually the web pages that provide search box or form filling, can be attacked, because the box will be connected directly with the database.

According to him, do not need deep technical expertise to do so.  Even novice hackers commonly referred to as 'script kiddies', can perform this type of attack.

However, SQL Injection attacks can be fatal.  For example in the case of company-owned payment system jebolnya Heartland and 7-Eleven by a hacker named Albert Gonzalez.  (Np)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Push Location-Based Ads Shopping User

Push Location-Based Ads Shopping User
NEW YORK - Internet sharing an increasingly popular location a distinct advantage for the advertiser.  Proven successful location-based ads encourage users come to the store and shopping.

It is disclosed that observed JiWire location-based media exposure, the mobile device landscape and trends of public Wi-Fi.  Similarly disitat Netimperative, Monday (14/02/2011).

Services and applications share the location is difficult to separate from the mobile internet users.  JiWire Based on the survey, 78 percent of users using that application via the phone.  29 percent of them use these applications many times.

That number turned out to participate to boost the effectiveness of location-based advertising.  20 percent of mobile Internet users claim to visit the store promoted location-based advertising.  While 42 percent claim to be using location-based services to find a store.

"Consumer demand of location-based services and location-based advertising revenue continues to increase dramatically. Especially with companies like Groupon, Facebook, and now, Google is also working with local stores," said David Staas, SVP of Marketing JiWire.

"Ads like these help consumers find the products and the best place in their area. Because of the location-based services become more mainstream, everyone is more open to give information about their location in order to take advantage of promotions and discounts offered," he concluded.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Adverse Effects up At The End Love

Adverse Effects up At The End Love by

Inevitably, it is very painful breakup.  However, it would be oppressive at the time when the heart still holds deep feelings, you should see the memories with former lover stored in sites up or even when looking at updating the status of former spouse.

Before the breakup facebook whether the feeling was as painful as it is today?  benefit you or harm?

Here's the answer:

1.  Change status

When starting a new relationship with someone, you will be happy to change your status from 'single' to 'in a relationship with'.  However, this would be different if you had just separated from your spouse, would be very hard to change it back to 'single'.

It would be tortured again when the change of status was questioned a lot of people who become your friends.  You will feel very depressed if you have to answer all the questions your friends.

If you want to avoid all sorts of questions about changes to this status, you can hide relationship status, then replace it with a 'single'.  Change your status will not be published in your friend's newsfeed so you do not have to answer the questions that want to avoid.

2.  De-tagging

It depends how big the hurt caused by separation.  You probably are too hurt, so decided to remove the tag or even images from your account.

Maybe this will help because you no longer can read people's comments about the photograph or see the intimacy you and your ex-spouse in the photo.

3.  Vent on the status

In the current uncertain feelings, you will find an escape to soothe the liver.  Sometimes the facilities in these social networking websites such as status updates to be hurt the most potent drug.

However, you never think that what is felt to be poured into a boomerang for you and worsen your relationship with the former.

So you do not getting tortured, you should try to forget the former.  What do you do when deciding to split up had nothing to do again with ex-lover.  Do not just because of fear of damaging relations with them, you must be drowning in loneliness and false breakout, and afraid to devote what you feel.

Because that's what up, you are free to express, write all the opinions that exist in your mind, and get feedback from your friends.  You will not feel lonely even your relationships with friends would be even more tightly.

However, all still there are limitations.  You certainly do not want to be labeled as cheap as a woman cursing people with offensive language on the status of your updates.  Pour what you feel and there you dipikiran using polite language.

4.  Deciding friendship on facebook

Stop always see the account up ex.  Seeing him will only make you more heartache, especially if the things he wrote about his new life with another woman.

If not able, and always end up on their profile pages, you should delete it from your friends list.  After all, this does not mean delete friendships in the real world.  All this is done on the basis of your desire to forget the wounds of the past and try to open yourself to your future

Friday, January 28, 2011

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy

Already a few months I have never discussed the matter of tips and trick and tutorials, see so many visitors want a post that varies from this point of my post published on this site will vary not only discuss the Cheat just yet will I publish a reliable tips and trick  I get.

How to Best Porn Site Opens Settled By Parties Who Diblockir Telkom Speedy by

surely you all this much to using Telkom Speedy right?  sure, and you see porn site in blocking by the Telcom speedy.  but I'm sure once in blocking site because it has a cause and effect.

But you all do not worry the site could still be opened, in this post I was not taught to bad but this post just to teach you and give you the insight that in a virtual world that all the uncertain become certain.  just you watch step by step how to open a porn site on Telkom Speedy, as follows :

Here are various ways that can be used to open blocked sites:

1.  Using the IP address

If the application is used only block the domain name only (eg, it can disiasati by using the IP address of the site for google for example:
To find the IP address of a site, we can try to ping to that site.  Do I go to command prompt (Start> Run> type: cmd> Enter) and type ping and press enter.  Will display the IP address of the site.

2.  Using Proxy Browser

There are so many free proxy that you can find on the internet, some sites you can use for free:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Once you select a proxy from the sites above, configure your browser to use the proxy.

3.  Using the Short URL Service

Another possible way is to use url shortening services such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

4.  Using the Online Archive and Cache
Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo keep cache of popular sites can still see the contents of the site even though the original has been blocked or deleted though.
Click the link labeled 'cached' then we will be brought to the cached page from a search engine (if stored).

5.  Using Anonymizer Service

Using the Anonymizer service, IP address and your other information will not be known by the sites you visit.

Most services like this are paid, but there are some that are still available for free such as:
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

6.  Using Online Translator / Translator Online
Online translation service known as
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://
     * Http://

Simply enter the URL of the site and select the option blocked translation into the language you want (or the same language).

7.  Subscribe to RSS Feeds

This trick may not apply to the various sites, but if you want to visit sites that provide RSS syndication feature, (usually news sites and blogs), you can try to subscribe and read it with an RSS / Feed Reader.

Services RSS / Feed Reader that you can use can be a desktop application (Feed Demon, Sharp Reader Feed Reader and), the web browser Firefox, Opera, IE and others, or with an additional extension (InfoRSS, Sage, and NewsFox), and  the latter uses an online application (Google Reader and Feed Show).

8.  Subscribe Through Email
Best service for the way it is
We can subscribe to our favorite websites via email.  You can also subscribe to many sites at once arranged in folders so neat.  Every time a web page changes, Web2Mail will automatically send a new page to your email address.  You also can arrange anything and when shipped.

There is also a service RSSFWD which will automatically convert the RSS into emails sent to your email account.

9.  Using Google Mobile Search
You can also try using the Google mobile search, but usually the results are not optimal.

10.  use auto hide ip software, etc., for which free and full please download here

I will also include other ways that originates from the forum IDWS

The trick as follows:
1, OPEN FIREFOX => Tool => Option => ADVANCED => Network => SETTING
4.  GIVE TD check (LEFT CLICK) TO: "USE THIS PROXY ... .." is checked, ALL TO SUBITEM
5.  PRESS "OK"
7.  press OK

Thursday, September 9, 2010 Finally Replace New Clothes Also With the latest Version 4

You who like to surf the web world would have known or heard or even frequently visit the site where we find the latest links are hot dalamb erbagai categories. Digg it is intended to be a place where people find compelling content and create conversations around the content. desains news

There are three kinds of precedence in this latest new version of

1. Speed, in sending articles, and pages load content ngeDigg

2. Personalization

3. Social & Sharing

You can see the view to personalize the following

digg desain news 4

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Download Firefox 3.6.9 Final

firefox 3.6.9
At this time Opportunity again I want a variety of software that is about browsing software that is firefox or better known as the mozilla. firefox has released the newest version of firefox 3.6.9 already supports various languages around the world.

even firefox itself has reduced the problem - the problem is the system of cookies. I do not want to elaborate about this article, if you want to get the latest version of firefox it please you download the file below :

Download file
Firefox 3.6.9 Final

Password files

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Download SmartFTP 4.0.1122 Full Patch

SmartFTP 4.0.1122
Time ago I've shared a 100% free software that some software is software that is much sought after by users computers softwre such as, Winamp and software to record patient. I provide the software for free without charge. we advanced our thinking principal. the opportunity this time I will also share the software again, the software is SmartFTP 4.0.1122.

SmartFTP is a software that is still in the category of Utility FTP. SmartFTP is an FTP client utility that serves as a software for sharing files in a local area network and the network between servers on the internet as well. SmartFTP program is very secure, reliable and efficient way to transfer files to a server on the internet.

SmartFTP 4.0.1122

Smart FTP can also be used for data upload website, upload and download pictures, movies and music document, file sharing between friends, making backups of local or remote files, and many more functions than those SmartFTP.

Cover very SmartFTP Client allows you to transfer files on the internet remedy. some FTP connections can be opened at the same time without the switch the other and you can also copy files from a remote host to another (FXP).

SmartFTP can be used for :
  • Publications and Support Website
  • Downloads and sending images, documents, videos and music files
  • Exchange files with your friends and colleagues
  • Backups of deleted files
Features SmartFTP :
  • Secure connection (TLS / SSL).
  • File / cataloqgue synchronization.
  • Support for IPv6.
  • Compression "on the fly" (MODE Z).
  • Support for UTF-8.
  • Supports "grab and drag" (Drag'n'Drop).
  • Multiple connections.
  • Automatically reconnect and Resume files.
  • Check the integrity of the transmission, verification programs (XCRC, XMD5, XSHA).
  • Supports FXP (server transfer - Server).
  • Remote file editing.
  • Supports Enhanced NAT / UPnP
  • The transmission queue
  • Support for Proxy / Firewall
  • Backup tool.
  • Monitoring the Clipboard.
  • Caching remote directory.
  • Command line FTP.
  • Special teams.
  • CHMOD (Properties).
Info Software :
  • Operating system: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
  • Released: 25.06.2010
  • Version: 4.0 Build 1122
  • Language: English
  • Size: 29 MB
NB : Available 32-bit version and 64 bits. 100% tested n worked ..!!!

Download File

Password File

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Google Buys In Visual Shopping Sites

Google has bought, a new start-up that was announced Friday by Google, where Google puts the purchase of these products to shopping search strategies visually.

Google Buys In Visual Shopping Sites

Techcrunch, which reported the deal was held earlier this week, the official said the purchase could be worth $ 100 million. "We were the first to bring a visual search for shopping, the first to build an automatic system for cross-matching clothes, and much more. We see by joining Google as a way to enlarge our vision and passion, "said Munjal Shah, co-founder and CEO, in a statement posted on the front page operates a Web shopping sites are organized based on visual search, and will fit into Google's plans to build a product search feature before the holiday shopping season this year. Google has also indicated interest in core technology ie train the computer to be able to recognize objects independently - and could use this technology in Google Image Search.