Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by
 It's very long I never post on the blog tutorial but on this occasion I would like to share tutorials tweetboard pairs.  and I apologize to my loyal visitors can not give anything for you because I do not have anything, and I for the months ahead is very busy.

you certainly have them know the same Twitter networking site do you?  do you usually nge-tweet twitter directly to the website but now again expand the twitter and twitter make it easier for users, especially for the blogging circles that need special traffic on twitter itself.

Right now twitter has widget for bloggers that is tweetboard, this widget has a goal to improve your viewing pleasure, so everybody know your status on twitter, and even can tweet directly from your blog can also visit.  and this widget can be made a tool menaikat traffic to your blog, if you want to follow the way that I present below.

1.  First you need to login to Blogger
2.  After that you go to the Draft
3.  If you are logged into your design toward her HTLM Edit
4.  Your search for coding if you have found pairs of coding below, the above code .

<script type="text/javascript">
var _tbdef = {user: 'yourtwitterusername'};
var d = document;var tbjs = d.createElement('script'); tbjs.type = 'text/javascript';
tbjs.async = true; tbjs.src = ''; var tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if(!tbel) tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; tbel.appendChild(tbjs);

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by

5.  You change the text in red with Twitter Account Name You
6.  After that, do not forget to save ya
7.  Completed

Good luck hopefully this tutorial and widgets useful for you in the blogging world and do not forget his cendol.  and if you do want to update the status online at the time in twitter.

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