Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint

When we read an article or tutorial on the internet, sometimes we want to save the tutorial so that it can be read offline or as our collection.  There are various ways to do this, such as saving a picture, in MHTML format, MAFF and others.  One other alternative is to store in the form of PDF, and new entrants in this case is JoliPrint.
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by
Previously I've discussed how to save a whole web page with one of the add ons Firefox MAFF (Mozilla Archive Format), but it has also been discussed to save web pages into PDF using pdfmyurl website.

Now there is an alternative that is worth trying to save an article / tutorial web into PDF, degan JoliPrint.  When storing articles we usually do not want to include a variety of content that is not important, such as ads, the sidebar (menu to the left / right), footer (menu / contents of the bottom), headers and others, we just want the contents of the article only.  Now, with JoliPrint we can get this.

JoliPrint will save the article a website / blog by simply entering a link of the article.  Unlike other PDF conversion to that usually includes all website content, including advertisements, menus above, left and below, including pictures that are not part of the article, JoliPrint will only create PDF pages for content and what is considered important.

Display PDF results also look better than the results of PDFmYURL, as shown in 2 columns and picture size is automatically adjusted.  In addition to a better appearance and easy to read, PDF file size is usually smaller.

Example of PDF display the converted article :
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by

For Owners Blog / Web

For the owner of the website or blog, you can create a link that could be placed on our blog so that visitors can directly download a PDF version of this article with a single click away.  WordPress Plugins users can use the supplied (can be downloaded from the page JoliPrint plugins).

For owners of other blogs, both for those who use CMS (Content Management System) or web blog hosting like blogger, may also include links download pdf by adding a link that can be obtained from the website.  More information please visit the web JoliPrint.