Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Check the BlackBerry Suspend Or UnSuspend

Be careful if you want to buy a Blackberry in Indonesia because many problems with cases THEFT Blackberry PIN which is also called the Pin Cloning.  Its got a Blackberry PIN suspend (block), can not be used at all for BlackBerry Messenger (BBM), browsing and push email and can only be used as a normal HP is to call and SMS

In the Indonesian market as well as in foreign countries, there is a buy and import existing Blackberry tersuspend from abroad to be sold in Indonesia.  Because the PIN is tersuspend and can not be used again for the Blackberry service as usual.

What is BlackBerry's PIN?
* PIN in BB it is a unique marker that distinguishes us with BB BB-owned property of others.
* PIN is almost the same like IMEI
* PIN is almost the same like YM ID, could be using that to chat with the other BB PIN.

Create what is the PIN?
* PIN is the same as "Username" and "Password" us to LOGIN or CONNECT
* LOGIN / CONNECT to?  Go to "" alias to RIM (Blackberry server) we usually buy perpaket daily / weekly / monthly.
* If you can LOGIN / CONNECT, the writing on the BB is not "GSM / GPRS small / small edge" but "GPRS / EDGE"
If you already have any posts 3G 3G BB logo, if only 3G only without the BB logo that means not connect.
* To surf from BB only (browsing, chat), the PIN does not need to be registered to the [operator].
* Registration PIN IMEI to the [operator]. it only for push email.

What is a PIN Suspend & Symptoms?
* This means we do not have permission to enter "" or the internet could nga
* BB can still make the internet, but got the GPRS tariff (though we've bought the package)
How: Setting in "Options - Advanced Options - TCP '... nah live enter APN - username - password based on each operator.
* BB can still make phone calls and SMS.

What Causes Suspend your PIN?
1.  BB traded "illegal"
2.  BB reported as stolen goods had been reported earlier by which have a BB that BB is missing.
3.  Rim of the BB had a special reason for it to suspend pin.

Secure is my PIN?
* Insert the SIM card is already on its BB service
* Open the [operator]. from BB / PC or select the icon "Email Settings" in BB
* Select "Create New Account"
* Then enter the PIN and IMEI
* If it is secure direct entry to the menu, but if Suspend "PIN is Suspended"

How to Start When the PIN Check:
* Check No pin and imei on the units (Option-status) / Alt-Cap-H
* Check No pin and imei on the battery compartment
* Check No pin and imei on the box.
Make sure the three are equal and genuine rather than homemade (patch doang).  It may be added to check the batteries, if new in tin plate there should be no point / any blisters (because many who replaced former)

Following manner, it must be active BIS before or at least his cards already didaftarin!
Open in (xxx = xl or atu Indosat Telkomsel)

Then enter the Create New Account:
When the contents of Pin and IMEI and click next will exit the inscription:

1.  Your device has not yet been registered with the network
This condition is due to the pin and imei UNSUSPEND still fresh.

2.  The Blackberry is registered with another provider / carrier
There are 2 conditions, namely:
a.  It is pin and imei fresh charge is usually from overseas (outside of our provider)
b.  Pin and emai not fresh and there is probably already in use outside of our providers.
Steps to be done is to turn on the BB-Option-STATUS and type BUYR.  If a completely new voice and data usage must be 0 and if it is exceeded, mean USED.
But if new content 2.5 kb (still a bit) may be opened to unlock needs.  But try to find a 0
The condition of the 2nd is risky to suspend so try to ask for a PIN WARRANTIES suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

3.  Your account is already registered ... ..
There are 2 conditions:
a.  Salvage merchandise (refurbished) and've been using that dg our provider (BUYR check to make sure)
b.  Or a new item (BUYR = 0) but the pins already cloned and submitted to our providers.
Condition 3 is risky to suspend so try to ask for a PIN WARRANTIES suspend (in the sense that if suspend exchanged)

4.  Your account is suspended ... ...
Guns could be for the BIS (Blackberry Internet Service) but only doang Phone and SMS (or now the more ngetrend "your pin and imei is INVALID ...")
Recommendation: DO NOT PURCHASED !!!!!!

AFAIK (As Far As I Know) suspend condition due to:
1.  The condition of the PIN and IMEI already in place laen tercloning
2.  Stolen goods
3.  Goods are bought with a contract system in foreign countries but were brought here to escape to
4.  There are other legal issues.

* Save your pin and imei (dusnya disimpen).
* Do you often pinjemkan BB.
* Do not often menshare pin to the person that guns are clear or on Facebook, etc.
* Buy the official operator
* Buy in store recommendations
* Buy in store no internet to check all of the above
* Request a PIN WARRANTY
* Do not want to reply in the love reply AZERTY or QWERTZ button, locate the QWERTY (checked it easier for aja)

International Test Number Plans:
To test whether your BB Imei according to the type of your BB.  This is to ensure if it turns out different clones result means your body weight.
How to Check the BlackBerry Suspend Or UnSuspend by