Tuesday, July 13, 2010

laptop into hotspot areas

hotspot areas is a new network but has now mushroomed and Became very popular Indonesian Among netters. and now this lot are using laptops or mobile phones That already use Wi-Fi services as well. but this time I Will discuss about the laptop.

WHO for Those of you frequently use your laptop must have been trying to internet use in Various hotspots hotspot areas like in malls, universities, companies, cafes and much more. use hotspot services is relatively easy and cheap. event not rarely, are now so many hotspots That Can be enjoyed free of charge and cans be Used much as you like if not turned off hotspotnya, hehehehe.

laptop into hotspot areas
but on certain conditions These Can not enjoy hotspots. Pls for example at home, friends Who Are still using ADSL or cable network connection. but you do not worry Anymore with it all, for the WHO Those of you have laptops with operating system Windows 7, Can you only build a hotspot network with Internet connection and your laptop is its operating system Windows 7, yes.

so, Enough of a notebook, netbook or laptop you are connected to the internet (ethernet connection cable / internet) and your other friends cans already use the Internet access using the hotspot That network has been created in your area.

You Want to know how to make our laptop as a hotspot area, follow the Steps - Steps Below :

1. For the first step you must first download the software here,
2. then you install connectify, to not install the First Steps Explained in detail as to how it all would have been Able to.
3. connectify open it from an existing icon on the taskbar.
4. then you fill in a WIFI network, accses passwords, then Specify the type of connection you want to use for sharing (LAN support, Virtual Box Host Only, Wireless Network, and without internet sharing).
5. That after click start hotspots.

6. That after the program works and please you connect with a laptop computer or your friend into your laptop.
it should be noted that connectify can only be installed and working on my laptop with windows 7 operating system, but the computer with any operating system can connect with the network. For example, we connect the laptop to windows XP operating applying hotspot network created by applying a laptop connectify in windows 7
1. open wireless network
2. Select the Network That Have Been Made Earlier
3. Enter your password and click connect
4. applying a laptop for windows XP are connected to a hotspot network created by a laptop with windows 7 connectify.


all the laptops friend - your friend Can Can you connect and start surfing with friends - friends only from a cable Internet connection only, not at all easy?

I hope These tips and tricks useful for all of you. and I apologize in this article gampar or not I include a screenshot Because of the limitations of time and maybe everyone has been Able to all for the setting.


  1. mantapp. .

    ngomong2,alamt blognya keren. . blum ada yang make ya. .

  2. @Dian Ribut _ masih gk ada yg punya kok ... emang knpa ... jangan lupa berlangganan artikel ya ...sekali lagi terima kasih sudah berkunjung ...

  3. emang mangtabs artikelnya... thanks for sharing the info ya bro..

  4. @Celebwebnews _ thank ya ,,, dah koment di tmpt aq semoga bermanfaat saja dah

  5. ditempatku juga saya pake jaringan wifi hotspot, tapi saya juga mau coba dulu cara ini

    thx atas sharingnya, semoga berguna buat saya..siip

  6. @Manchester United Tech_ maksih ya ... tp tip dan trick ini beda hotspot u cz ne acses pointnya pakek laptop hexxx
