Sunday, March 14, 2010

eliminate shadow trick the mouse pointer

post time on this occasion I want to discuss about the trick - trick computer anywhere in the world. in the computer world is actually a lot of things we need to know to master the computer itself. 

I actually still have not mastered the computer would be perfect but with the will and the sense of knowledge and I want this thing - or a term that I do not know but I now know what a computer and the term - in computer terms.

but this time I do not want to explain about what is a computer and the term - a term in the computer itself?

on this occasion I will discuss about the mouse pointer. Did you know, in that the mouse pointer is a shadow that is not seen by us? if people who are experts or novices when we saw it certainly Eye gel?

the mouse pointer is a software package into the race we work if the mouse pointer is missing or can not move certain difficult it? oh, my understanding is wrong? I'm still a beginner's known in the computer, heheheheh !!!!. I do not need to explain the function of the mouse pointer itself, surely everyone already knows and understands the mouse pointer itself, so I do not need to explain to you all.

Just go to our main topic we are eliminating a shadow on the window the mouse pointer. whether you intend to studied? if I find an article like this I'll learn not only the look and visit but in the study. I will tell you how, as follows:
First we headed Start first, and you do not forget to right click on start then Explorer, wait until the entry into the Windows Explorer. if you have just entered into your Control Panel and then Mouse search menu. then we must take action to enable Options, but do not forget to "Enable Pointer Shadow" in the tab "Pointers". done.

why I make this kind of trick because one eating a very large resource in the window is an image of the mouse pointer, in order to reserve more Resource available to carry out their duties (Task) others. to take action to enable the mouse pointer shadow we must activate the image.

that's just from my post, hopefully useful to you all the posts this time. if this post is wrong or wrong in saying the pardon beg for every human being must have a mistake. and please provide your comments here.


  1. okey sob
    terima kasih atas koment u sob

  2. Iya kalau ngga ada mouse sulit juga sob.

    Walaupun pake laptop kalau kita sudah biasa pake mouse memang rada sulit juga.

  3. ya meang ... emang u sering pakek laptop tapi kalau saya sih sama saja sih heheh

  4. thank you very much dah koment di blog ini

  5. Ini sih wajib di translate,, biar lebih ngerti he..he.. Thanks banget atas infonya,,,

  6. well.. nice article... keep it up!! :)
