Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Paid Domain Alexa-com Weblog Returns

Glad that Alexa-com Weblog meet again in early 2015 because it has been a long time approximately 3 and a half years ago admin intention not blogging anymore. until finally the domain and blog is not neglected and almost never post back to share articles, tutorials and others never.

Actually we had already had the intention to start one year ago to turn on Alexa-com Weblog blog as formerly active in the blogging world, but because there are constraints in time and end time can not be realized.

Beginning in March 2015 we decided to turn back as Alexa-com Weblog as it used very active in the world of blogging, tutorials even a game world to us for everything. Alexa-com Weblog already bought the domain back 3 years ago that we use and then disappear from circulation finally place on March 5, 2015 we have bought back.

We only ask for prayers hopefully with the return of Alexa-com Weblog we can always share the entire team for everything.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by
 It's very long I never post on the blog tutorial but on this occasion I would like to share tutorials tweetboard pairs.  and I apologize to my loyal visitors can not give anything for you because I do not have anything, and I for the months ahead is very busy.

you certainly have them know the same Twitter networking site do you?  do you usually nge-tweet twitter directly to the website but now again expand the twitter and twitter make it easier for users, especially for the blogging circles that need special traffic on twitter itself.

Right now twitter has widget for bloggers that is tweetboard, this widget has a goal to improve your viewing pleasure, so everybody know your status on twitter, and even can tweet directly from your blog can also visit.  and this widget can be made a tool menaikat traffic to your blog, if you want to follow the way that I present below.

1.  First you need to login to Blogger
2.  After that you go to the Draft
3.  If you are logged into your design toward her HTLM Edit
4.  Your search for coding if you have found pairs of coding below, the above code .

<script type="text/javascript">
var _tbdef = {user: 'yourtwitterusername'};
var d = document;var tbjs = d.createElement('script'); tbjs.type = 'text/javascript';
tbjs.async = true; tbjs.src = ''; var tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if(!tbel) tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; tbel.appendChild(tbjs);

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by

5.  You change the text in red with Twitter Account Name You
6.  After that, do not forget to save ya
7.  Completed

Good luck hopefully this tutorial and widgets useful for you in the blogging world and do not forget his cendol.  and if you do want to update the status online at the time in twitter.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint

When we read an article or tutorial on the internet, sometimes we want to save the tutorial so that it can be read offline or as our collection.  There are various ways to do this, such as saving a picture, in MHTML format, MAFF and others.  One other alternative is to store in the form of PDF, and new entrants in this case is JoliPrint.
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by
Previously I've discussed how to save a whole web page with one of the add ons Firefox MAFF (Mozilla Archive Format), but it has also been discussed to save web pages into PDF using pdfmyurl website.

Now there is an alternative that is worth trying to save an article / tutorial web into PDF, degan JoliPrint.  When storing articles we usually do not want to include a variety of content that is not important, such as ads, the sidebar (menu to the left / right), footer (menu / contents of the bottom), headers and others, we just want the contents of the article only.  Now, with JoliPrint we can get this.

JoliPrint will save the article a website / blog by simply entering a link of the article.  Unlike other PDF conversion to that usually includes all website content, including advertisements, menus above, left and below, including pictures that are not part of the article, JoliPrint will only create PDF pages for content and what is considered important.

Display PDF results also look better than the results of PDFmYURL, as shown in 2 columns and picture size is automatically adjusted.  In addition to a better appearance and easy to read, PDF file size is usually smaller.

Example of PDF display the converted article :
Tips And Tricks Save a Web article / blog Become a PDF with JoliPrint by

For Owners Blog / Web

For the owner of the website or blog, you can create a link that could be placed on our blog so that visitors can directly download a PDF version of this article with a single click away.  WordPress Plugins users can use the supplied (can be downloaded from the page JoliPrint plugins).

For owners of other blogs, both for those who use CMS (Content Management System) or web blog hosting like blogger, may also include links download pdf by adding a link that can be obtained from the website.  More information please visit the web JoliPrint.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Auto Blog Samurai 2.0

Auto Blog Samurai 2.0

On this sunny day and I was full of work and my school. in the next few months I might be a bit busy in my school, I apologize if late for an update, yes. on this occasion I wanted to share a common software for blogging I use blogging to get some dollars. but this is no big secret, but little secrets to find a dollar in cyberspace by way of blogging. you just look at what its software, the Auto Blog v.2.0 new Samurai I got and I wanted to share this actually started first but not the right time.

Auto Blog Samurai 2.0

Autoblog Samurai is the first and only blogging software that helps you build multiple revenue streams online with A Few clicks of the mouse. Get 'phenomenal Results' Even If You Are Lazy, Unmotivated Or Have No Time!
You can:

Automatic Generate Income While You Sleep - Auto Blog Software Samurai 'automatically' creates and updates your blog content every day - once your blog is setup, you're done!

Auto Blog Samurai 2.0
Auto Blog Samurai 2.0

Auto Blog Samurai 2.0

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Create a Twitter Widget More Interesting And More Light On Use

Already a few days I share tutorials and cheat for the game point blank that may now much sought after by the gamers and cheaters. I actually was not a loyal gamers but I just wanted to share it. but on this occasion I'd love to share more articles tutorials for blogging.

Them know with your social networking site Twitter? is surely, even you often use to communicate with friends, relatives, family and parents as well or boyfriend.

A blogging usually set up an account at social networking site Twitter was just to find a lot of traffic or visitors, why like? because right now most people gathered in networking sites like Facebook, google buzz, Yahoo Koprol, Twitter and many other such networking sites.

Blogging usually requires widgets or gadgets to enhance the appearance of their blogs. but on this occasion only change the look of twitter widget for bloggers who semulanya backgroundnya standard but which I share to you is more interesting and more neat and more comfortable in seeing.


I do not want to elaborate on this occasion because there was no spare time for me. ie note the steps below:

Open your blog or to login at
Select a blog that will be displayed on twitter widget
If you've signed in you click on add gadgets
Then you select the HTML / JavaScript
Then you enter scritp Destroy this widget I've become more good and interesting.

<div style='background:url( no-repeat; padding-top:65px;padding-left:12px;'>
<script src=""></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 3000,
width: 275,
height: 255,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#transparent',
color: '#555555'
tweets: {
background: '#transparent',
color: '#222222',
links: '#3b5998'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: false,
timestamp: false,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'default'

If you've entered do not forget at the store and see the results of friends.


To change the display to your liking you can change through this red link (
To change your post let me get into twitter widget you can change the nickname that like this (alexaprayogo)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Verification Code From Digg To Blog (Code From Digg dfef18e19669482c8716127a2a668317)

Icon Digg
Yesterday I was sharing about how the verification code into the Technorati blog. now turn to how digg verification code into the blog as well. actually almost the same way in digg Verification only there two codes but only one should you choose as an example this code:
Example :
Service is actually the latest service from the site directory that is imported feeds Digg aims are so no longer automatically submit submit submit manually because if the manual definitely tired and therefore no change in this digg directory site.

I do not want to tell you here just try to register your blog there and direct verification of this blog you are like me.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Claim Token Verification Technorati ( Code Claim ZJS7Y2ZFPG9S )

Technorati is a social bookmarking is very important to follow by Blogger. Because in addition to the Google PageRank and Alexa rank, Technorati rank is also an important requirement to register your blog on the site Paid Review.

For that immediately register your blog at Technorati and do Claim your blog. Next, you'll get an email containing a unique code like this ZJS7Y2ZFPG9S which is a unique code for my blog.

Make a new post in your blog and enter the unique code, because Technorati will verify whether you are the owner of the blog is true or not. When finished creating a post that contains a unique code, the next you go back to the Technorati site and click "Verify Claim Token" to your blog immediately in check by the Technorati team.

Here are some tips to increase technorati rank:
Icon Technorati
  • Put the widget on your blog Technorati aiming to facilitate visitors to your blog Fav.
  • Make a post in your blog on Technorati Favorite Exchange and invite your friends to exchange links Blogger Technorati. Explain to them also to leave a comment, especially Bloggers who want to exchange links so that you more easily make back Fav.
  • Find the Technorati blog that installed the widget, try to Fav Blog it first. After that contact the owner of the blog's new. Say if you've Fav blog and ask him politely to link back to your blog.
If you are a Blogger online marketing, it should pay attention to Alexa rank, Google PageRank, and Technorati rank so much better. Purpose is to make your blog more easily accepted by most major brokers and so you can hit the Blog Paid Review program.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to Create Your Own Templates, With Cool Templates

Now this is the season of the world of blogging, even all the income from blogging. but the world of blogging will take very many even have special skills and expertise in coding desian too. but in this article I will provide a more amazing things for you.

In the blogging world definitely needed an expert in the field of desian logo or design templates. I want to ask you, you get your blog template or website from where? of what can make your own from a free template providers. but most of the downloads from the website templates provider.

But now you can create your own templates with a simple blog without having to download software or purchase software maker blog templates like this software.

Just direct us towards the subject matter of the article. create a template with COOL TEMPLATE. This website provides a very complete feature once even how to make it really simple. for beginners it can make a direct course without the help of the master.

Cool Templates feature provides four templates are HTML templates, Wordpress templates, Joomla Templates and ASP.Net Templates. Cool Templates at the moment there is no feature to create templates for Blogger. screenshoot of you who want to see their website below:

If you want to create a template through the Template Cool please click the link below:

after that you can choose at will the features you have on offer for free. congratulations and enjoy this service, hopefully useful review of this article.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Recent Post With Picture News

In this opportunity I am eager to provide an article or widgets are crucial blogspot maybe once in the blogging world to improve your blog SEO. for the blogging mania may have been using this widget is Recent Post but at this widget widgets exist in its addition of the pictures, even in the menu widget exists as in post there yait Date, More, just like that.

And I took this widget from a blog that has been popular by those who first started blogging. these widgets you can modify your own important to understand the HMTL and CSS.

I do not want a long conversation with this article because it is still much work to me finish. you want to use these widgets see below :

  • First you copy the code below, in blue :

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var numposts = 10;
var showpostthumbnails = false;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 200;
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs"></script>

  • Then you must first go to the Design and Page Element.
  • Then you click add gadgets.
  • After that you select HTML / JavaScript.
  • If It's Going to the choice of HTML / JavaScript that you please enter the code blue and you had already copied earlier.
  • then do not forget you save.
  • After that you can see the results of these widgets.
Note to you:

If you want to use the note below:

if you want to display the latest articles as much as 5 or 20 articles please replace the code that is also red, below.
var numposts = 10;
if you want your latest article has a picture please you replace with True red.
var showpostthumbnails = false;

if you want to show other features that you please replace that code with the code of the True Red color. 

var showpostthumbnails = false;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;

if you wanted to modify all the recent post you need JavaScript please can you look at the URL below.

    Wednesday, August 11, 2010

    The Blogger Birthday Provides New Services

    Last year bloggers ten-year anniversary event. but yesterday's 11-year-old blogger, he would like to thank all of us have been using the services Were provided with the best - good.

    yesterday at the Eleventh anniversary of the bloggers have launched a new service Also new features for bloggers or a more complete tool.

    The tool is a fiesta blogger, blogger meetups is a tool to find out where visitors live, my example I reside in Indonesia. This tool re-issued at the time of year to eleven bloggers because bloggers like him better than others.

    I actually get this latest info from the blogger buzz and I have not had time to try the latest service from this blogger. blogger by blogger meetups fiesta is the best tool of others, and therefore chose blogger blogger meetups fiesta. for more INFO please read here.

    or it could be the first in your first entry into your blogger account and then when you get into writing your search dashbord blogger buzz after that look at the information there.

    I am actually not very familiar with this info, I apologize for the registration - the amount of inconvenience for you. good luck.

    Saturday, August 7, 2010

    Affiliate Program of the newest and Easy VigLink

    From what I previously had never provided an information or make an article about online business. but on this day I give the newest thing in the world of online business is with affiliate.

    There are so many websites now that provide affiliate programs to the bloggers. This affiliate program has supported the Blogger Buzz. this program on one of the bloggers selected by the affiliate program that really - really give us the money. even had the launch by the official bloggers for the bloggers themselves.

    Affiliate Program that is VigLink. VigLink have up to 12.500 affiliate and they take 25 percent of the income you earn. simply plug your affiliate code in your blog and make visitor interested in affiliate programs and then they want bertraksasi. to run your affiliate programs, desperately needed a powerful promotional strategies and habits of people who already follow a program like this.

    For those of you who want a lot of money from internet without working hard all day, you can follow this program for free. if you want to follow this link.

    For those of you who want to learn your affiliate program, please see the video below:

    good luck with this affiliate program may be useful for you.
    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Free Download Ebook Joomla 1.5 Complete

    Joomla Open Source or better known is one stau Joomla Content Management System (CMS) Open Source. Joomla is a free software that is used to create a web of the most simple to the most complex ones, such as web portals.

    Why is called the Open Source Joomla! because users can modify, Mengediting, Removing or adding other scripts that are included in the software provided to include copyright and abide by the rules agreed upon together.

    In the discussion this time is actually just want to distribute your free ebook to ebook Joomla 1.5 is complete. in this joomla ebook shelled out - run out in the Joomla Open Source.

    For those of you who want a Joomla 1.5 Ebook is please you download first from the link below:


    Rar Password

    others such as ebook, ebooks office 2010, Google Adsense ebook, Ebook SQL Server 2008. have a nice ebook I already give to you all. thank you so much for those of you who have supported me.
    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Thursday, August 5, 2010

    New services from Google's Webmaster Tool

    A Google Webmaster is an application that is often used by bloggers around the world. webmaster itself is a place that serves to view our website or blog stats. like for instance see whether the keywords I entered in google search engine, continues the article, still many others.

    Even Google now almost every month the system continuously improved and updated, in order that visitors enjoy safer and services that were provided. in webmaster tools themselves have been provided various tools for blogging. there is now the newest feature of webmaster tools.

    if you already know the latest features of the webmaster tools? if you already know the meaning of this article repost. but I think not, because this information is still warm and new. google party apparently has given its newest service is a video sitemap.

    Video Sitemaps itself serves as a tool in the form of video archives in order to make it easier for us to know that there is an article from the past until now. sitemap truth itself has long existed in the webmaster, but the lab's most recent google provide video sitemap yangn provide better service than before.

    to more clearly with Video Sitemap itself screenshoot please see below:

    Screenshoot Video Sitemap
    already dilihatkan, if not try to go straight into your webmaster tools account. for those of you who have not tried please try first. This article is an article of information to the other bloggers out there who want information webmaster tools. hopefully useful to you all.

    Friday, July 23, 2010

    Update Status Of Social Jejaringan Site Only One Times Just Click

    I am thankful I was Able to connect again, Because yesterday did not get online and update the all of you for the article. I can not even update the status on facebook, twitter, and many more. at this time I Will discuss about the social jejaringan site. yesterday I was discussing about twitter of information. but this time will of jejaringan discuss about the social status updates with just one (1) clicks, weird right? I was just confused and wonder Can this application.

    now this is still rampant social jejaringan and microblogging sites that make us always feel at home for hours - hours in front of your computer / laptop. but you have no discomfort or complicated Because it must be opened one by one account That you have? to note Should Mention if you forget your password or username, Because Each account at Different - distinguish? dizziness definitely have to memorize, Standard and Poor 'schools, there Rote.

    at this time I give you the solution to many social jejaringan your site? what is the solution? The solution is with the Emergence of this Can you update the application via phone or SMS, MMS Could Also, even is already supported phones like IPhone, Blackberry, and many others.

    with just one click Can you update your status to all accounts you have, Standard and Poor 'facebook, twitter, myspace, friendster, and many more, even with just one SMS or MMS pakek just once, so do not Spend so many of his pulse.

    services can be found or enjoyed in ie see picture below :

    Gan Meanwhile, social networking and blogs mivroblogging you can update via is complete enough for more than 35 social networking sites start from a very phenomenal like Facebook, twitter, myspace, friendfeed, ning, Plurk, Wordpress and more .

    The steps for setting via SMS PING.FM read this carefully gan.

    1. You must already have the first account in the various social networking sites like FB, twitter or another.

    2. Create an account first on

    3. Because of you be aware of this via sms worry gan ... ... .... HP second any can still be home to a number of international sms and wrote no purpose with the prefix .

    4. If you already have an account at and login settings you need to do "social networks" in able to click on the link "Add More Networks" to include a list of social networking which will update you.

    5. Once finished entering the list of social networking that will be connected, you should do next with the click SMSnya settings "Services / Tools" SMS / Text Messaging App bukanMobile (WAP)

    6. Next, and click the "Not in the U.S. or Canada? Click here! "

    7. Then click on the link "click this link" in writing:

    8. Before you post cans through the international SMS number, you must first verify your mobile device. Verification is easy! Just click this link and generate your verification code, and then follow the instructions on the next page.

    9. Next you will be given a four digit number for verification, record and send it via sms to no international number 447 786 208 201 (save this important number because this number will be used every time they update status)

    10. After you sms the code you can simply try to update the status, because you will receive a confirmation so be conscious try.

    Good luck

    Thursday, July 15, 2010

    Software Substitute Artisteer

    buddy, welcome back in this weblog. the opportunity this time I'll give you a little picture of a software That is required by the WHO bloggers like blogging or so! whether the software is it? XMLSpy answer his name, pal. This software is a software or a special program to edit an xml Used files (*. xml) if the XML? XML is a file extension is usually Used as a blog template or a website. if you are currently a blog or website using the template from the works of Others or obtained for free, 'there is no harm if you try the software for this one. Should you Know That Some Also if there are free templates That contain viruses, too.

    if you do not quite understand sepenuhnyay about XML, not what - what the template is a free download a lot of money on offer out there and then your brain - work on their own through editing the blog Itself. maybe after your brain - work on the template for two months actively, you May be Able to create your own templates for the WHO are ready to sell to people WHO need your template. preferably if you Can make money from your blog or website template. to buy a decent fried rice.

    if you intend to learn or try this software Can be found via the link below:


    Monday, July 12, 2010

    protect your website or blog from plagiarist

    time this post is a post Which I think is very exciting Because this was the first time I posted about the blog or website. the previous post I discussed about the icons - 3D icons social site.

    but on this occasion are still discussing about with websites and blogs sekitaran That is the problem of hacking websites.

    protect your website or blog from plagiarist

    Have the source code for your website or blog is Stolen or copied to Others? That without your permission or knowledge? or maybe you yourself are too often take or steal or copy the source code to Others, yes? hehehehehehehe .... kidding me.

    Remind you but I often steal or copy the WHO the source code for blogs or websites of other people, sorry for the people WHO Make That Same Tired. Those of you WHO but often stok the live copy and paste it. Complaints!

    eg you have a good blog or website of the design and the other, then the source code is taken on, come on how? certainly very annoying really. our work is taken must be very sick sekail, but people WHO live very very nice copy paste. Those ESPECIALLY WHO copy the source code has admitted he has copyrighted or creator.

    therefore in this post I Will solve or eradicate Those WHO like to steal, copy the source code of the website and blog with us, in Airways We encrypt the source code via this address:

    WHO Those That so frequently copy and steal the source code or the people WHO are not responsible is not easy to copy or steal our source code again.

    I found this address: That Can encrypt and decryption source code, from my browsing results.

    you please try the services of These websites to protect your work in order not to be copied by Others Who Are not responsible.

    Hopefully useful and good luck.

    Friday, April 9, 2010

    Pangrank update but my pagerank dropped

    maybe I have not made a post a long time Because I still want me to stay very busy but will from a very large cause fatality would not do it. maybe a week ago a Virtual World That Is google Ruler has made renewal of the blogs - blogs That exist in cyberspace even willing to wait for a blogging for about 4 months to get a pagerank. PageRank is somehow highly coveted by any real blogging. My blog is a blog That is very sad. why I can speak sad That my blog initially have a pagerank 3 now instead of this Because it is rarely updated posts and visitors is reduced Each day would not give pagerank google pagerank Anymore but instead just took me one, my blog was sorry Unfortunately yes! Because - Because I was busy in the offline me to forget my duty as a true blogging. First BUT take it easy now Because Google PageRank is not too think once the people - people BUT WHO have a master its content is very secure. quite so many times before posting this sleepy Because while typing like that Happen. Much obliged.

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    blog consulting: URL site in the banned shoutmix premium

    after I make browsing and downloading even I'm doing a search of inspiration for my newest site, I've got a lot of people email . some people have asked how to deal with a blog URL or address of getting banned. God bless you all this time I have never experienced casualties in shoutmix banned URLs. but I can post about solving problems in the banned URLs shoutmix I paid the inspiration of the mas doyok that become my partner in the world of blogging.

    you may feel very confused at all when the URL or address of your blog can not be used again to make blogwalking to blogs of people in shoutmix banned because of the premium. when traffic from widgets or gadgets shoutmix still control your blog or are still there to shoutmix dependence. in a few tips and tricks may a very easy for you all, follow the tips and tricks below :

    1. Make a goal of diverting Other Blog

    Another alternative is that you create a redirect from another blog. Suppose you have a blog A and B. A Blog URL (main blog) on shoutmix banned. How is your blog URL blogwalking with B, whereas when the visitor comes to the blog B will automatically be transferred to the blog A (your main blog). So visitors to stay awake.

    It's just that things like the program is not safe. If you see Google's TOS is said they do not like blogs with empty content just to redirect. Even google does not like blogs that labeled 'under construction.

    2. Upgrade Your Address

    If your original blogspot address in banned, you can upgrade the domain to. Com Or if you do not have a budget in service you can try for free. But there are fears that rumors circulated that the free service is only for one year. For those of you who feel disturbed by these rumors, please read: Domain. Bener-bener Online, Renew!

    3. URL Forwarding Only

    If you still want to use the original blogspot address does not intend to move your domain, alternative to 4 is to use URL forwarding. You also can use. url forwarding service only. So you just use it as a replacement for the original blogspot url as in banned.

    4. Short URL Service

    The easiest is to use short url service that so many bloggers use. You just enter your blog url. One click and you get a new url that you can use to blogwalking during in banned.

    5. Report To Admin Shoutmix

    This is the advice from shoutmix. But according to my personal experience after we reported this issue to the party banned shoutmix there was no confirmation. So do not guarantee that your URL will be restored as quickly as you want. I own URL back to normal after 3 months. A very long time ,If you intend to report, report to . tips and tricks that these five tips and tricks is a very powerful once had in trying all the mas doyok the blog on the banned URLs by shoutmix paid.

    hopefully you can apply this tip and trick and managed to get back a URL that has been banned shoutmix. This might just be from my post this time. wait for the arrival of my latest posts.

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    Google Dosc: air storage can be file-sharing and capacity 1 GB

    now we are very hard to find a place online data storage or hosting, even today, websites that provide hosting at a price, capacity, service variety - of once. but for the users of Google or all of you who have blogs that use blogger thinking of hosting do not worry anymore because Google has added the power of google docs service by adding a storage capacity of 1 GB, which we think is huge enough. Google has said in a blog that the Google Docs service will be released soon within this week but now you also can use it for free 100%.

    now give users the chance to save the file - file them through the air with a capacity of 1 GB of space. and with the addition that also invite users to upload files up to 250 MB/file you have, then that much storage space you can exploit for a variety of very large formats such as Graphics, Image RAW and ZIP Archive. we can replace even a USB drive that you will use to file - the file where they are also too big to send via email at.

    if you intend or want to increase capacity at the Google Docs that it wants to have bigger you only spend your pocket money only, which is only U.S. $ 0.25 will be charged in one year for a GB, but you who have used Apps Premium Editions only charged very light cost is not like other hosting of U.S. $ 3.50 only. The air storage feature is not the first to appear will be but there are many more websites that provide such services like DropBox (Google), Box.Net, Live Mesh (microsoft) and MSN (microsoft). Google Docs may be useful to you all.

    blogger widget: blogger support Haiti disaster relief

    a new widget for your very very important function because the widget is intended to help victims of earthquake disaster in American. This is now a blogger had made reforms in the labor system in the blogger buzz. because of natural disasters and not only that the American people at this time the unfortunate natural disaster, blogger buzz today's support disaster relief in Haiti. the company and others. you are using blogger to work in this virtual world, a site has provided a special widget for you all to the readers of your website can help us in contribute money to the international Red Cross disaster relief efforts. Red Cross assures us that 100% of the money will disaster relief efforts in Haiti - we and they thank you for your support.

    please let's try some widgets that have been provided by blogger to help the earthquake victims. want to know how to install the widget? follow the steps - the steps below:

    1. You need to login to blogger
    2. if you've entered your dashboard just scroll down to the reading list.
    3. then you do the blogger Buzz tab.
    4. then you select the size of the widget that will in your life for the tide to your blog.
    5. then select the blog that will be installed widgets help the victims.
    6. do not forget the save ya
    7. you see
    8. done

    I hope this information useful, because this information had just been issued by the blogger. let's plug! let's help the victims with this widget!