Showing posts with label tutorial blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial blog. Show all posts

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by
 It's very long I never post on the blog tutorial but on this occasion I would like to share tutorials tweetboard pairs.  and I apologize to my loyal visitors can not give anything for you because I do not have anything, and I for the months ahead is very busy.

you certainly have them know the same Twitter networking site do you?  do you usually nge-tweet twitter directly to the website but now again expand the twitter and twitter make it easier for users, especially for the blogging circles that need special traffic on twitter itself.

Right now twitter has widget for bloggers that is tweetboard, this widget has a goal to improve your viewing pleasure, so everybody know your status on twitter, and even can tweet directly from your blog can also visit.  and this widget can be made a tool menaikat traffic to your blog, if you want to follow the way that I present below.

1.  First you need to login to Blogger
2.  After that you go to the Draft
3.  If you are logged into your design toward her HTLM Edit
4.  Your search for coding if you have found pairs of coding below, the above code .

<script type="text/javascript">
var _tbdef = {user: 'yourtwitterusername'};
var d = document;var tbjs = d.createElement('script'); tbjs.type = 'text/javascript';
tbjs.async = true; tbjs.src = ''; var tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
if(!tbel) tbel = d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; tbel.appendChild(tbjs);

Tips and Tricks Put Tweetboard in Blogger by

5.  You change the text in red with Twitter Account Name You
6.  After that, do not forget to save ya
7.  Completed

Good luck hopefully this tutorial and widgets useful for you in the blogging world and do not forget his cendol.  and if you do want to update the status online at the time in twitter.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Verification Code From Digg To Blog (Code From Digg dfef18e19669482c8716127a2a668317)

Icon Digg
Yesterday I was sharing about how the verification code into the Technorati blog. now turn to how digg verification code into the blog as well. actually almost the same way in digg Verification only there two codes but only one should you choose as an example this code:
Example :
Service is actually the latest service from the site directory that is imported feeds Digg aims are so no longer automatically submit submit submit manually because if the manual definitely tired and therefore no change in this digg directory site.

I do not want to tell you here just try to register your blog there and direct verification of this blog you are like me.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

How To Claim Token Verification Technorati ( Code Claim ZJS7Y2ZFPG9S )

Technorati is a social bookmarking is very important to follow by Blogger. Because in addition to the Google PageRank and Alexa rank, Technorati rank is also an important requirement to register your blog on the site Paid Review.

For that immediately register your blog at Technorati and do Claim your blog. Next, you'll get an email containing a unique code like this ZJS7Y2ZFPG9S which is a unique code for my blog.

Make a new post in your blog and enter the unique code, because Technorati will verify whether you are the owner of the blog is true or not. When finished creating a post that contains a unique code, the next you go back to the Technorati site and click "Verify Claim Token" to your blog immediately in check by the Technorati team.

Here are some tips to increase technorati rank:
Icon Technorati
  • Put the widget on your blog Technorati aiming to facilitate visitors to your blog Fav.
  • Make a post in your blog on Technorati Favorite Exchange and invite your friends to exchange links Blogger Technorati. Explain to them also to leave a comment, especially Bloggers who want to exchange links so that you more easily make back Fav.
  • Find the Technorati blog that installed the widget, try to Fav Blog it first. After that contact the owner of the blog's new. Say if you've Fav blog and ask him politely to link back to your blog.
If you are a Blogger online marketing, it should pay attention to Alexa rank, Google PageRank, and Technorati rank so much better. Purpose is to make your blog more easily accepted by most major brokers and so you can hit the Blog Paid Review program.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

How to Create Your Own Templates, With Cool Templates

Now this is the season of the world of blogging, even all the income from blogging. but the world of blogging will take very many even have special skills and expertise in coding desian too. but in this article I will provide a more amazing things for you.

In the blogging world definitely needed an expert in the field of desian logo or design templates. I want to ask you, you get your blog template or website from where? of what can make your own from a free template providers. but most of the downloads from the website templates provider.

But now you can create your own templates with a simple blog without having to download software or purchase software maker blog templates like this software.

Just direct us towards the subject matter of the article. create a template with COOL TEMPLATE. This website provides a very complete feature once even how to make it really simple. for beginners it can make a direct course without the help of the master.

Cool Templates feature provides four templates are HTML templates, Wordpress templates, Joomla Templates and ASP.Net Templates. Cool Templates at the moment there is no feature to create templates for Blogger. screenshoot of you who want to see their website below:

If you want to create a template through the Template Cool please click the link below:

after that you can choose at will the features you have on offer for free. congratulations and enjoy this service, hopefully useful review of this article.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Recent Post With Picture News

In this opportunity I am eager to provide an article or widgets are crucial blogspot maybe once in the blogging world to improve your blog SEO. for the blogging mania may have been using this widget is Recent Post but at this widget widgets exist in its addition of the pictures, even in the menu widget exists as in post there yait Date, More, just like that.

And I took this widget from a blog that has been popular by those who first started blogging. these widgets you can modify your own important to understand the HMTL and CSS.

I do not want a long conversation with this article because it is still much work to me finish. you want to use these widgets see below :

  • First you copy the code below, in blue :

<script style="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script style="text/javascript">
var numposts = 10;
var showpostthumbnails = false;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;
var showpostsummary = true;
var numchars = 200;
<script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=showrecentpostswiththumbs"></script>

  • Then you must first go to the Design and Page Element.
  • Then you click add gadgets.
  • After that you select HTML / JavaScript.
  • If It's Going to the choice of HTML / JavaScript that you please enter the code blue and you had already copied earlier.
  • then do not forget you save.
  • After that you can see the results of these widgets.
Note to you:

If you want to use the note below:

if you want to display the latest articles as much as 5 or 20 articles please replace the code that is also red, below.
var numposts = 10;
if you want your latest article has a picture please you replace with True red.
var showpostthumbnails = false;

if you want to show other features that you please replace that code with the code of the True Red color. 

var showpostthumbnails = false;
var displaymore = false;
var displayseparator = false;
var showcommentnum = false;
var showpostdate = false;

if you wanted to modify all the recent post you need JavaScript please can you look at the URL below.

    Saturday, January 16, 2010

    blog consulting: URL site in the banned shoutmix premium

    after I make browsing and downloading even I'm doing a search of inspiration for my newest site, I've got a lot of people email . some people have asked how to deal with a blog URL or address of getting banned. God bless you all this time I have never experienced casualties in shoutmix banned URLs. but I can post about solving problems in the banned URLs shoutmix I paid the inspiration of the mas doyok that become my partner in the world of blogging.

    you may feel very confused at all when the URL or address of your blog can not be used again to make blogwalking to blogs of people in shoutmix banned because of the premium. when traffic from widgets or gadgets shoutmix still control your blog or are still there to shoutmix dependence. in a few tips and tricks may a very easy for you all, follow the tips and tricks below :

    1. Make a goal of diverting Other Blog

    Another alternative is that you create a redirect from another blog. Suppose you have a blog A and B. A Blog URL (main blog) on shoutmix banned. How is your blog URL blogwalking with B, whereas when the visitor comes to the blog B will automatically be transferred to the blog A (your main blog). So visitors to stay awake.

    It's just that things like the program is not safe. If you see Google's TOS is said they do not like blogs with empty content just to redirect. Even google does not like blogs that labeled 'under construction.

    2. Upgrade Your Address

    If your original blogspot address in banned, you can upgrade the domain to. Com Or if you do not have a budget in service you can try for free. But there are fears that rumors circulated that the free service is only for one year. For those of you who feel disturbed by these rumors, please read: Domain. Bener-bener Online, Renew!

    3. URL Forwarding Only

    If you still want to use the original blogspot address does not intend to move your domain, alternative to 4 is to use URL forwarding. You also can use. url forwarding service only. So you just use it as a replacement for the original blogspot url as in banned.

    4. Short URL Service

    The easiest is to use short url service that so many bloggers use. You just enter your blog url. One click and you get a new url that you can use to blogwalking during in banned.

    5. Report To Admin Shoutmix

    This is the advice from shoutmix. But according to my personal experience after we reported this issue to the party banned shoutmix there was no confirmation. So do not guarantee that your URL will be restored as quickly as you want. I own URL back to normal after 3 months. A very long time ,If you intend to report, report to . tips and tricks that these five tips and tricks is a very powerful once had in trying all the mas doyok the blog on the banned URLs by shoutmix paid.

    hopefully you can apply this tip and trick and managed to get back a URL that has been banned shoutmix. This might just be from my post this time. wait for the arrival of my latest posts.

    Wednesday, December 9, 2009

    Protection posts

    a lot of posts or articles in copy paste other people, because they do not have a good article for your site / blog and who have a blog does not have an idea to post it so people are posting or copy paste articles from blogs / sites that have been popular. I wanted to reduce fraud in blogging because it was not a good thing. I have a suggestion if you are like copy paste another article in include source but do not often copy paste the article to others. follow the steps - the steps below carefully:

    1. You need to login to blogger
    2. then to dashboard
    3. then you go directly to the edit HTML .
    4. then you are looking for </head>
    5. enter the code below:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    if (typeof document.onselectstart!=&quot;undefined&quot;) {
    document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
    document.onmousedown=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
    document.onmouseup=new Function (&quot;return true&quot;);

    6. do not forget the save template.
    I write this post because I felt sorry for my friend named Hasim and THE Maniax who post articles on their blogs on other people copy and paste, but I had articles in the coffee paste, but my patience also. yes thank his participation in the world of blogging it.

    Enhanced by Zemanta

    Saturday, November 28, 2009

    seo way : optimize blogs with 5 tips

    day that is not awful because of this pain with eye because dust is very annoying that I could not post yesterday. but because it is my unyielding not to post to my blog. because I had promised my visitors so I have to keep that promise. post this time I want to talk about seo first. time ago I was given seo tips and tricks are:

    may tip and trick on you have to do with ease but I spend yesterday was very telling in increasing traffic once your blog. if you follow the procedures above tips and tricks you will every day traffic will increase dramatically as have my nearly 2000 visitors. remember!! It's not a tip and trick black hat seo is on now so many blog use these tips and tricks but I teach in a way that is very easy white hat but the result is rich or powerful. I now want to remove seo tips and trick again by optimizing the 5th excellent way once, follow these tips and tricks that I give to you all.

    1. register blog you to search engines
    may think you are really trivial for a list of the search engines. maybe this is a very powerful step and telling to increase traffic to your blog first. if you wanted to get free traffic from search engines, your blog must have registered and crawl by the search engine robots. search engine which I think works to increase my blog traffic that is Google, Yahoo, and MSN / Bing.

    2. register your blog to blog / website directory
    blog directory is a site that lists blogs composed accordance with its blogs or topics listed. If you register your blog to blog directories, certainly get a shot of visitors from visitors blog directory, and you also will get a backlink from a blog site that directory, the directory that most blogs have a very high pagerank in search engines. therefore the list of blog directories will increase traffic and visitors your own pagerank. Consequently own and that you d blog search engines have very high quality.

    3. create content or post high-quality
    creating quality content is a very essential requirement to draw visitors and your traffic. why can attract visitors when high-quality content. maybe because your content is useful for visitors and optimize at once keywords that match your blog topic. Start by writing content and topical regularly to perform on-page optimization SEO keywords based on what you are aiming. Better on-page optimization is You do, the higher the ranking  (Search Engine Results Page) that you get, and in turn the greater the chance arrival of visitors to your blog. bound to increase traffic and your own pagerank.

     4. build backlink
    It is easy to build backlinks really are often visit or blogwalking and commenting and exchanging links with others. and build a backlink will increase the value of off-page search engine optimization (SEO) which in turn will increase the ranking of search results(Search Engine Results Page). if the blog / site more backlinks you are definitely coming your blog will get traffic and a very high pagerank, and would beat the other webmasters. even daily visitors will arrive at your blog it. 

    5. Promote your blog
    There are several ways to promote your blog / your website is as follows:
    1. promote free
    2. promote a paid
    I asked, you choose which are free to pay what is this?
    try to pay what you consider free! Then select one of your blog must have a high jump that, if the most delicious I think that a free vote because they do not spend any money. and if you choose not necessarily traffic paying visitors each day increases your most just your guests a few days so the same increase but only so I took a free course to improve my blog traffic. and I suggest to implement the following ways: 

    - To comment (of course not a spam comment) on other blogs
    - Sign up and leave the blog signature in online forums
    - RSS Feed utilizing the services, for example by FeedBurner
    - Leave a link / URL you are on some sites that have high pagerank 

    may tip and trick on you get from surfing from various other websites but it is different with tutors from other websites. if you follow my tutors certainly get visitors each day to 300 visitors each day. good luck.

    Wednesday, November 25, 2009

    SEO way: optimize blog on search engines

    in a very short time I was eager to learn with you about seo which he said is very difficult. but I think seo is very easy, but surprisingly I was already getting quite a lot of backlinks and PR pretty good but now after the domain change so I had to start from scratch again to get backlinks and visitors a lot. but I try I get a backlink high and very high pagerank, seo wanted to know he was tough but it's easy to seo it. the following way:

    1. blog title
    earned the title of your blog and blog content related to each other not to deviate to the content or the blog title.  
    2. meta tag
    you in making a blog or website always use the meta tags of any visitors you may get for example: yahoo, google, altavista, Bing and many more. so that search engines can find your blog or website.

    3. Inbound and Outbound links
    Inbound links: links that go to the blog.
    Outbound links: links that came out blog.
    According to the 'master' like a blogroll link SEO / link Xchange placed on a separate page, not in place on the first page of a blog, because if most of your outbound links than the link into google does not like.

    4. Articles
    - Each write an article / posting new pieces to use at least 3 keywords or keyword in accordance with the keyword blog.

    - Use the font color, underline, italics and boldface type in words that correspond to blog keywords can accelerate the search engines to find a blog.
    Keyword: business
    Article: Many think that online business is easy and simple.

    - Use ALT tags on images or pictures ... Search engines can not read
    image then use ALT tags to clarify the purpose of these images.
    Keyword: business, money, money

    5. Reproduce backlink from blogs with high-Page Rank

    6. Use the attribute rel = "nofollow" on affiliate links or any other banner.

    7. Send articles to article directory blog
    Select articles most often or longer was it hot-hot on the internet.

    8. Updated blogs
    REMEMBER ... update with themes or topics that match descripsition and keywords / keyword blog.

    8. Blogwalking
    blogwalking you can do to increase visitors your blog or website. 
    You can comment to any blog or website that you visit, to get a backlink or requests feedback from the owner.

    10. posting updates every day
    you make sure you are posting updates every day or 2 times a day.

    This tip and trick I have been using so far, in this way Tech Computer blog visitors quite a lot every day for wearing the above tips and tricks. This is a tip and trick me for this but there are many seo tips and tricks that telling that I have been using the tutorial awaited me about SEO. all of my seo tips and tricks this time. hopefully useful seo tips and tricks that I post this time. if you want to get backlinks and Pagerank and alexa solid examples please try and telling tips and tricks above will work. do not get off the mark. remember that !!!!!

    Saturday, November 21, 2009

    7 the concept of building a Blog

    I have not been posting 2 days because a lot of things that give lessons to my sister who wish to learn computer until I was preoccupied with my own sister almost every time I was asked to guide him because he wanted to learn to like my computer. He wanted to learn computer termotifasi because he wants to like me because my sister said, I am a talented and a master computer at school and my environment. I do not know why he can talk that a master computer and the network when I was a student who still need guidance by the teacher and the other masters. I have to teach until he was dizzy and hold each day and each time I. Today I took my time to post blog / website because I was determined to pursue tarjet, but this time I want to talk about the 7 steps to build an online business website correctly and must get visitors or traffic very well because I've tried.

    Before you build a website or blog what do you do first? before you build a website or blog your online business must determite idea first. Because the IDE is a foundation or a fortress you have to make, for example such as: what topics should determited, products, and others.
    Tips and tricks for the second to build a website or online business blog is that we do a research for an idea or topic that you'll use for your website or business blog online.

    For tips and tricks that you must collect all three content to your blog or website that will at first do not make purchasing domains and hosting and templates and all've become active and have had a website or blog is no post content, it will result in a fatal on your website own and must have the time to launch your confused on what the content of this blog or website, confused not, until the person is sent a post or a guest blog or website, is it not true. So before you build your blog or website content we have to collect for example: pictures, videos, articles, and audio and many others.

    Tips and tricks for the next one you might not so important because you really do not understand all the tips and tricks of the above then you have to understand tips and tricks 3 above is then I will give you tips and tricks for success next build business websites and blogs online good and profesional. Wait for further tips and tricks tips and tricks would further be beneficial to you all for the masters and novices. Look forward to ya next article.
    Thank you very much for visiting and participation.

    Sunday, November 15, 2009

    adsense on top and below the post

    In this post, we will discuss some easy ways to add or place Adsense ads. Post this may have been a lot of people who know the tips and tricks that way but I want to post tips and tricks time to share knowledge and tips and tricks I have been using this time. Such knowledge I have been approved by the mas doyok you all might have known him. I thank mas doyok who has given me insight into a very high about the science of all this blogging.

    at the end or in early post Anda.ini one way that can be used to increase "click" AdSense ads on your blog. To put the unit code of the Adsense ads that you first have to take the code in the Adsense account, in making sure you have registered
    Once you get the code and want to put on your blog, the following steps:

    1. Open the Layout tab on your Blogger Page Element
    2. Click Edit HTML
    3. Do not forget to check the Expand Widgets tempelates
    4. Then find the following code:
    5. When you've met, Then Put Adsense code before and after the code above
    But before you enter the code - the code on your adsense code to the first prase because the code - the code from adsense using java script normally or using animation and much more. Please go Enter your HTML code earlier. Click Encode. Then the code will automatically change




    6. Preview final result, if the match immediately press the Save button

    Note: Not recommended for use in this way, usually Adsense does not like in ways like this, so be careful. Can - can google Adsense account or the other can be banned because it can hurt and how this is a very unfair way, and probably not good for me.
    Hopefully these tips and tricks can be useful for you all, for trying good luck.

    Sunday, November 8, 2009

    3 columns under the header

    In this post is just posting random tips and tricks and this from a master of doyok mas. That I will issue a tip and trick how to make a 3 column under the header which I've tried and can walk well on my blog this very simple and just getting destroyed, ! want to know how a simple but useful, follow these steps - these steps:
    Enter the code - the HTML code below on this code ]]></b:skin>  :

    #kolom {

                width: 960px;

                position: relative;

                clear: both;

                margin: 0px 0 15px -10px;

                color: #000000;

                float: left;

                padding: 0 0;

                background: #cccccc;


                border-bottom: 2px solid #e6e6e6; }

    #kolomkiri {

                width: 290px;

                float: left;

                margin: 0 5px 0 10px;

                padding: 5px 15px 5px 10px;

                border-right: 1px solid #e6e6e6;


    #kolomtengah {

                width: 290px;

                float: left;

                margin: 0 5px 0;

                padding: 5px 15px 5px 5px;

                border-right: 1px solid #e6e6e6;


    #kolomkanan {

                width: 290px;

                float: left;

                margin: 0 0 0 5px;

                padding: 5px;


    .kolom li {

                background:url('') no-repeat;

                list-style-type: none;

                margin: 0 0 5px;

                padding-left: 20px; }

    .kolom ul {

                list-style-type: none;

                margin: 0;

                padding: 0; }

                .column ul li {

                            background:url('') no-repeat;

                            list-style-type: none;

                            margin: 0 0 5px;

                            padding: 0 0 0 20px;

                            border-bottom: 1px dashed #e6e6e6; }

    .kolom h2 {

                background: #cccccc;

                color: #000000;

                height: 29px;

                text-transform: uppercase;

                margin: 0 0 10px;

                padding: 6px 0 3px 0px;

                font: bold 18px Arial, Tahoma, Verdana;

                text-align: center; }

    then you find the following code <div id='main-wrapper'>

    when it met with the code enter the code - the code below the above code

    <div id='kolom'>

    <b:section class='kolom' id='kolomkiri' preferred='yes' showaddelement='yes'/>

    <b:section class='kolom' id='kolomtengah' preferred='yes' showaddelement='yes'/>

    <b:section class='kolom' id='kolomkanan' preferred='yes' showaddelement='yes'/>


    When you finish do not forget to save templates

    Tuesday, November 3, 2009

    writing home replaced ICON

    Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},,
    Rock when I do surf and a lot of people consulting with me. I told them to send email to me, but after I answered and no answer to any of their consultation. I think again if they are able to own or already get from other people, I do not know it all because I did not have time to do research on them because I am busy with school and my job is to cover all my spare time at home. And I do blogging every day or every week when I was only just refreshing. This time I took time to make sure the post for beginners blogging for beginners blogs a lot to ask about how to change the text or OLDERPAGE HOME or the like that we are home to a small icon in order that we can Professional blog, like yesterday's post about 17 tips and tricks blog professional, including entry in here. We just came into our topic of making a small icon to the writing and the other Home, follow these steps - steps as follows:

    The first course was conducted at and login to edit the HTML layout and select the expand widget template.
    Next find the code like below:
    But I suggest to simplify the code search - a lot of code that you may not find 1 / 1, you click the CTRL + F and enter the code you will search in the box that was provided to conduct these searches

    <span id='blog-pager-newer-link'>
    <a class='blog-pager-newer-link' expr:href='data:newerPageUrl' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_blog-pager-newer-link"' expr:title='data:newerPageTitle'><data:newerPageTitle/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:olderPageUrl'>
    <span id='blog-pager-older-link'>
    <a class='blog-pager-older-link' expr:href='data:olderPageUrl' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_blog-pager-older-link"' expr:title='data:olderPageTitle'><data:olderPageTitle/></a>
    <b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl != data:blog.url'>
    <a class='home-link' expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'><data:homeMsg/></a>

    When you've found the code above instead of the red color icon that you have provided:
    � Data: newerPageTitle = new post
    � data: the Old Post olderPageTitle =
    � Data: homeMsg = Home (front page)
    was code for the following image link:

    \x3cimg src='http://URL image you'/\x3e

    but when you're done changing the icon you want to be sure to save the template. Then see the results of the earlier edits.
    If the above script in the other join would be a case of this

    <a class='blog-pager-newer-link' expr:href='data:newerPageUrl' expr:id='data:widget.instanceId + "_blog-pager-newer-link"' expr:title='data:newerPageTitle'> <img src='http://Url ICON anda'/></a>

    Good luck hopefully s tips and tricks can be very useful for the beginner to the master of my blogging this post out because many people are asking about this. Enough of this post may be useful to the blogging.

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Showing posts eliminating LABEL WITH ..... SHOW ALL POSTS

    In this opportunity I'd love to experience and the things I used to have my blog and tips and tricks of times I've managed to  impose on my blog, therefore you should not hesitate to use these tips and tricks in beautifying your blog because blogs need a professional once, in the past I've pulled a post that gives you the knowledge to blog prefesional and I have 17 tips and tricks blog professional We go directly to our topic this time about how to remove the post with a label showing .... show all post, follow these steps - these steps:
    1. Login to Blogger then select "Layout"
    2. Click on "Edit HTML", check the "Expand Widget Templates"
    3. Find the code below in red :

    <b:includable id=’status-message’>
    <b:if cond=’data:navMessage’>
    <div class=’status-msg-wrap’>
    <div class=’status-msg-body’>
    <div class=’status-msg-border’>
    <div class=’status-msg-bg’> 
    <div class=’status-msg-hidden’><data:navMessage/></div>
    <div style=’clear: both;’/>

    4. To more easily press ctrl + f to search

    5. Replace the above code with below code

    <b:includable id=’status-message’>
    <b:if cond=’data:navMessage’>
    <div style=’clear: both;’/>

    6. Save template
    Now try you click on the category you or do search .. whether there was writing Showing posts with label .... Show all posts. But do not forget after work or do not provide your comments on this post so I can fix it all when things go wrong in the script or the other. I say many thanks

    Saturday, October 24, 2009

    blog consulting part 1

    in this post I want to answer a question from my friends who like blogging and others. there is this friend of mine who unfortunately HS residing in bandung, he said how, create way these google translate? My answer is very easy. This step - step mas ... is as follows:
    1. you to login to
    2. then you go straight to the layout
    3. add widgets
    4. then you select the HTML / Java script
    5. then you enter the code - code that is below dah..

    <div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
    function googleTranslateElementInit() {
      new google.translate.TranslateElement({
        pageLanguage: 'en'
      }, 'google_translate_element');
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    Saturday, October 17, 2009

    17 tips for blog pages look more professional:

    Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},,,

    In this post I will discuss about how  blog page professional it. Because so many people in Indonesia or outside blog, but do not know how to make a professional in the blogging world. But here I just wanted to give me tips and tricks for your blog page can be seen at all in the eyes professional visitors or webmasters who spread on the internet. You can not home - home made blog for money while pursuing our blog pages in check by google, yahoo, or frame and may also people who visit your blog once males to visit your blog again for less mess and once professional yard so there would be back again and it will reduce your own blog visitors. And your great loss if visitors to your blog missing one / one, although the content of your post but it was attractive blog pages you are males professional sure visitors were. Do not elaborate  ... straight to the scene we just ... the following I made just for you so that your blog looks professional, although the content is less good post, namely the following tips and tricks for your blog pages can be seen more professional:

    1. Do check the pages on several different web browser: Display your pages so pretty in firefox browser but not necessarily good in IE or Opera browser or other browsers. Remember that your blog visitors do not just use one browser only. for that you are trying to do checks with a different browser, eg: Firefox, Flock, Mozilla, IE, Opera, Safari.
    2. Color options on blogs: Color selection is easy bother to taste it all depends on the blog owner. Do not be too selfish, choose colors according to the theme of your blog. try if you think your blog about religion with black color options, looks weird is not! black majority is more likely to underground themed sites.
    3. Avoid Installing Hours: Ask yourself what's the point put the clock on your blog, if only as a reminder of time or to beautify the pages should not have used, what was the point at the windows taksbar. which obviously would make your page load heavier.
    4. Avoid tide calendar: What use windows calendar? people need information from your blog not want to see the calendar. mere calendar information I mean the general calendar, different from the calendar that displays a post (usually a lot of used wordpress users)
    5. Avoid pairs of the number of visitors remains: if you are new blogs do not use the number of visitors (counter), this will result in a poor assessment of your blog. although for some counter service providers to provide facilities to manipulate and increase the number of visitors manually, you try to think the newly created blog has reached 100,000 visitors what is possible?.
    6. Do not pleading to request click on the ads: avoid the word "click the ads below" or whatever language you ask visitors to click on ads. until now there are some blogs that do that (sorry if the blog you are including in this case) who the hell this world who like to be governed, without your menyuruhpun visitors will click on these ads if they are deemed useful.
    7. Do not put ads scattered: a lot of ads are very profitable, but not to the content of your pages and ads ads only. Advertise proper course and do you know who your visitors are uncomfortable with the ads that are seemingly beyond the capacity of the contents of your blog page.
    8. Avoid installing a song on his blog: In addition to making the page that displays blogs weight rather impressed songs unprofessional and forgiveness rather impressed earlier times. No matter if you blog about music or personal blog but for less rich business block matching.
    9. Displays the status of IP visitors: Blog you are not a spy program khan?, So better not to be installed so that visitors do not feel spied on.
    10. Installing widgets that no relationship with blog: Adding widgets is fun, but if it has nothing to impress even your blog weird. install a widget in accordance with the needs of all.
    11. Do not just Copy-Paste: I do not forbid you to do Copy-Paste, if done well should fix code scrip, appreciated efforts because actual writer if only copy-paste the writing is not going to look neat and possibilities that included a picture would not appear.
    12. Note the punctuation: Watch your writing whether it is correct punctuation. Error in just a semicolon will result in a different meaning.
    13. Do not use large images: Images are beautify your yard, large images even be a boomerang for loading your page. Clear your blog will be ignored for a while when loading page is running.
    14. Check Dead link: The link was dead would not like the reader, the reader should not even search engines do not like this. Perform dead link checking as often as possible, many tools on the Internet that can perform this task.
    15. Not too many others to post the article: It will get a bad response from readers,because think readers would be better to read directly kesumbernya.
    16. Always put the name of the source of the article: Blog a professional is always appreciated efforts of others, which clearly put the name of the source does not harm your credit for the slightest contrary efforts of others that make you look more professional.
    17. How to respond to the good comments: Do not ever be patronizing, appreciate all the comments judiciously, even though their are some nasty comments. Remember! blogs where people put all the ideas and thoughts so everyone will have a different opinion.