Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Tricks. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2010

change icon on the desktop computer

We certainly are familiar with pictures that adorned the display icon Desktop (screen) we. If you want to change the size of the icon images found on the desktop, the following tips will explain the ways to do it. You can zoom in or out according to your desire.

Icon is the pictures that are on the desktop screen is very useful for us in the processing speed of a program / application. Suppose there Ms.Word icon, the icon is so we can just double click to executing applications Ms.Word, we do not need to go to Start - All Programs - Microsoft Office - Microsoft Office Word. Shorter and more efficient to be one reason.

If we want to resize the image icon on the desktop, the settings made through the Registry editor / regedit. Therefore, before performing these tips are strongly advised to make backups registry editor / backup registry editor. This is very useful to avoid the computer becomes an error / stuck due to a mistake in practice.

As for the steps to implement this trick is as follows:

Click Start - Run, then type: regedit

Going to the menu HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop \\ WindowMetrics

In the right window, click on the menu 2X Shell Icon Size. In the box that appears, fill in the Value data corresponds to our wishes.

To see the results, Restart / Log Off the computer

Standard number is 32. We could enter a smaller number than 32 if you want to reduce the size of the icon, and vice versa, we include a larger number if you want to enlarge the size of the icon

This is useful if your desktop has a number of icons very much that it makes the desktop 'crammed' with icons. Changing the size of the icon becomes smaller may make the desktop look more neat and more pleasing to the eye of course.

Good try.

20 hacking the registry to improve computer performance

Right-click function is a very good way to learn some of the hidden functions of Windows. Want more? Try you start exploring the Control Panel application and find some useful techniques. And there's more command-line application in the folder Windows' System32. But, none could compare to the Registry.

Registry complete with various useful settings to improve performance, improve security holes, and even change the fundamental basis of Windows to work better. Although very sophisticated look, you still need to be careful in using it because it is not just a feature that helps but also many pitfalls.

If not careful, you are actually adding to the problem of solving it. For that, below there are 20 hacks for you to try to make your PC better. Good luck!!

1. Increase Security
Someone who does not want can easily take your data with the USB if he managed to access your PC physically. If you're using Windows XP2 or later, there is a simple way to prevent it.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ StorageDevi cePolicies", create a DWORD value called "WriteProtect" and set the value "1". You will be able to read the USB drive, but can not move the data into it again.

2. Control UAC
Full Vista's User Account so often led to warnings that eventually turned off by the user. But, sometimes it makes them miss features that are useful as protection mode for IE. You can control it how to disable the warning for the administrator, so you do not need to interfere, but the UAC still working on the background and you can still get its features.

To do this, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System \\ ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", and set the value to "0". To return to normal conditions, set the value to "2".

3. Change Owner

Install Windows on your PC and you'll be prompted to enter a name, which will then be stored as the registered owner (WinVer run to see this on your system). If you buy a secondhand computer, you may want to change the name of the owner with his own name.  there's no other way than with the Registry.
br\u003e Go to the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVers ion" and will see two sentences "RegisteredOwner" and "RegisteredOrganization". Double-click on them to change.

4. Sort the files by True
Sort the file name in Explorer can become a problem. Initial settings, he would put "File_v2.txt" before "File_v15.txt", and sequences that are not ASCII, but it looks more reasonable. But, what if "v" refers to the version number, and should "File_v15.txt" in the previous order? At this time, initial system Explorer can not work at all.

To return the ASCII sort order based on the usual, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ Explorer", create a DWORD value called "NoStrCmpLogical" and set the value to "1". Delete the code if you want to go back to the initial conditions of the standard Explorer.

5. Troubleshoot Startup
If Windows takes too long to start up and shut down, he probably was having an issue. To find out what was happening back in "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System", create a DWORD value called "verbosestatus" and set the value to "1". Restart your PC and Windows will tell you what is happening.

6. Organize Folder Types
Vista's explorer will intelligently choose the type of folder you based on its contents. However, this means your download folder will turn into the music folder if you downloaded some MP3. To fix this, go into the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shelf", delete the subkey "Bags" and create new ones at the same location.

Make a key called "AllFolders" under Bags, and other key named "Shell" at the bottom again. Then click her to open the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shell \\ Bags \\ AllFolders \\ Shell". Right-click on the right panel, select 'New | String Value "and call it" FolderType ". Then, double click on FolderType and set the value to "NotSpecified". You still can change the type of folder, but Vista will not change automatically. (If you need assistance, please click here)

7. Encryption Easily
Some versions of Windows allows you to encrypt files, although the process is a bit strange. You must right-click on the file, select "Properties", press the button "Advanced, check" Encrypt contents to secure data ", and press" OK "as much as 2x.

For a more simple way, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Current \\ Version \\ E Xplorer \\ Advanced" create a DWORD called "EncryptionContextMenu" and set the value to "1". Now you simply right-click on the file and select "Encrypt".

8. Fast Folder Access
Quick access to folders bring it on the Start Menu, type "REGEDIT" in the "Run", go to "HKCR \\ Folder \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers", right-click "ContextMenuHandlers" and click "New | Key".

Type "and press [Enter]. Now, hold [Shift], right-click on a folder, and select" Pin to Start Menu ".

9. Accelerate Time copy
Vista gives a high priority for your soundcard, so you need to get a free audio of the problem no matter what your PC is a process. Because it can slow the process of copying the network.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Multimedia \\ SystemProfile". Try to set the "NetworkThrottlingIndex" became more 10 to 50 or 60 is quite effective, then reboot and test your network speed. For more information, click here.

10. Fix Listing Drive
If Explorer no longer displays your DVD drive, go to "HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Class \\" and delete settings "UpperFilters" or "LowerFilters". These tips usually works, but sometimes can fail if the relevant application was problematic from the beginning. If the program stops working, see if there are updates, then reinstall.

11. Access to the Fast Display Settings
Just right-click on the desktop of Windows Vista is not enough to take you directly to the display settings menu. Windows 7 was prepared to fix this. But, for now you can do so by going to "HKCR \\ Directory \\ Background \\ Shell", right-click "Shell", select "New | Key" and called the "Display Settings".

Double-click "(Default)" there the right panel and enter the "Display Settings" in the Value Data box. Now, right-click "Display Settings" on the left panel, select "New | Key" again, and call this function as "command".

Double-click the Default value of new functions and enter the following text: "rundll32 shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL DESK.CPL, @ 0.3". Click "OK" and right-click on the desktop to see the option to display the new settings.

12. Live Messenger Multiple Log-In
Normally, Windows Live Messenger (WLM) only allows you to enter into only one account at a particular time. To make more than one, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsLive \\ Messenger", create a DWORD value named "Multiple Instances" and set the value to "1". To restore to its original state, simply delete the value.

13. Clear Menu-Menu
You have to uninstall an application, but instead he left you a gift in the form of icons that are not useful. To fix this, go to "HKCR \\ *" and "HKCR \\ Directory". Dilate his panel, then select "shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers" and see the various buttons on the bottom, which relate to orders you do not want.

On the PC, the function "HKCR \\ * \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers \\ 7-Zip" context menu related with 7-Zip, for example, to delete, click the "Delete" on the left panel. But be careful, you should delete only if it is 100% sure on the right menu.
14. Accelerate Back-Up
Features of Windows XP NTCBACKUP improve performance by maintaining a list of system files if he knows you will not be possible to make a back-up. Add the files and folders that you want yourself and get better results again.

See the list at "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ BackupResto re \\ FileNotToBackup".

15. Change the Default Installation Folder
Most of the default installation is a Program Files folder, but if you want to change it, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersio n", change "ProgramFilesDir" into the folder and reboot your choice

16. Changing Drive Name
Adding a memory card reader and the Explorer will often stop the computer folders that have names similar drives. ( "Removable Drive D:", "Removable Drive E:", and so on), making it difficult to distinguish.

You can handle the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Ex plorer". Make a button with the letter of the drive (for example "G"), and inside it create another new key named "DefaultLabel". Double-click on the entered value, give the name "CompactFlash" (or whatever you want it), and click "OK". Restart Explorer or press [F5] and see the changes. Drive G: will be read as "CompactFlash (G".

17. Wipe the Page File
Windows stores memory pages on the paging file for your work. It all sounds good, until someone managed to access your system, find the files, and even add or reduce something you do not want.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ SessionMana ger \\ MemoryManagement", set the value "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" to 1 and reboot. Windows will delete all files on the page when it is turned off. It extends the duration and processes, but improve safety.

18. Crash on Cue
Blue screen crash usually bring bad news, but sometimes you may want to bring it up to test the Windows error reporting for example. Apparently Registry tricks can help you even for this one thing.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ i8042prt \\ P arameters", create a DWORD called "CrashOnCtrlScroll" and set the value to 1. Reboot your computer, and crashes to just hold [Ctrl] right and press [Scroll Lock] twice. When finished, make sure that you immediately remove these commands.

19. Save CPU Time
A standard PC usually has several programs that want to use processor capacity at the same time, and Windows will allocate each period of CPU time a "quantum" a move to the next program. By default, this is usually very short, so the PC will be responsive, but sometimes this means that Windows will make the time to move between these processes.

The solution? You can try what Windows Server do. Set the system to use a longer quantem. Set "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ PriorityCon Control \\ Win32PrioritySepartion" to 16 (hex).

Quantum older means less turnover among the programs so much less time is wasted. You may notice that lag in games or video playback will be more subtle. But, if you find other problems, simply return the value to be Win32PrioritySeparation original value of 26.

20. Disable Autorun
Autorun feature of Windows is one of the potential security risk because it runs the code automatically when you connect a removable device that is in the PC. If indeed, it can be manually set it, it would be safe to turn off the feature.

In some systems, it can only be done through the Registry. Go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ IniFileMapping" and create a button named "Autorun.inf".

Friday, January 1, 2010

powerful step away exploiters google

maybe now a lot of very dangerous viruses that cause very severe problems even to spread very quickly and very inconvenient time. W32/Smalltroj.VPCG virus is a malicious program is currently looking for more victims on the Internet at the end of this year. This new virus will block access to several security websites and other websites that have been specified by way of transfer to the IP number which is Google's public IP.

every time users to try to access certain websites, including websites or anti-virus security, so that appears not on the website but the website wants to

This 9 step following to clean W32/Smalltroj.VPCG the potion has a vaksincom:
1. Turn off System Restore during the cleaning process take place.

2. Decide who will clean your computer from the network or the Internet.

3. Change the name of the file [C: \\ Windws \\ system32 \\ msvbvm60.dll] to prevent the virus active again.

4. Perform cleaning by using the Tools Windows Live CD Mini PE. This is due to some rootkit files masquerading as services and drivers difficult to stop. Please download the software at the address

Then boot the computer using software Mini PE Live CD. After that deleting some files parent virus by:

l Click the [Mini PE2XT]
l Click the [Programs]
l Click the [File Management]
l Click the [Windows Explorer]
l Then delete the following files:

o C: \\ Windows \\ System32
§ wmispqd.exe
§ Wmisrwt.exe
§ qxzv85.exe @
§ qxzv47.exe @
§ secupdat.dat
o C: \\ Documents and Settings \\% user% \\% xx%. exe, where xx is a random character (example: rllx.exe) with a file size of 6 kb.
o C: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ drivers
§ Kernelx86.sys
§% xx%. Sys, where xx is a random character who has a size of 40 KB (example: mojbtjlt.sys or cvxqvksf.sys)
§ Ndisvvan.sys
§ krndrv32.sys
o C: \\ Documents and Settings \\% user% \\ secupdat.dat
o C: \\ Windows \\ inf
§ Netsf.inf
§ netsf_m.inf
5. Delete the registry created by the virus, by using the "Avas! Registry Editor", how:

l Click the [Mini PE2XT]
l Click the [Programs]
l Click the [Registry Tools]
l Click [Avast! Registry Editor]
l If the confirmation screen appears Kelik button "Load ....."
l Kemudain delete registry: (see figure 6)

Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ software \\ microsoft \\ windows \\ currentvers
     on \\ Run \\ \\ ctfmon.exe
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ system \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\ kernelx86
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ system \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ kernelx86
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ system \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ passthru
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ ctfmon.exe
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ software \\ microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ winlogon

ü Change the string value to be Userinit = userinit.exe,
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ SharedAccess \\ Parameters \\ FirewallPolicy \\ DomainProfile \\ AuthorizedApplications \\ List
ü% windir% \\ system32 \\ wmispqd.exe =% system% \\ wmispqd.exe: *: enabled: UPnP Firewall
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ SharedAccess \\ Parameters \\ FirewallPolicy \\ DomainProfile \\ AuthorizedApplications \\ List
ü% windir% \\ system32 \\ wmispqd.exe =% system% \\ wmispqd.exe: *: enabled: UPnP Firewall
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ SharedAccess \\ Parameters \\ FirewallPolicy \\ StandardProfile \\ AuthorizedApplications \\ List
ü% windir% \\ system32 \\ wmispqd.exe =% system% \\ wmispqd.exe: *: enabled: UPnP Firewall
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ system \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\% xx%
Ø HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ system \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\% xx%

% xx% showing random characters, this key is made to run the file. SYS which has the size of 40 KB which is in the directory [C: \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\]

6. Restart the computer, restore the remaining registry that changed by the virus to copy the following script in notepad and then save with the name repair.inf. Execute the following manner: right-click repair.inf | click install


Signature = "$ Chicago $"
Provider = Vaksincom

AddReg = UnhookRegKey
DelReg = del


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ batfile \\ shell \\ open \\ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ comfile \\ shell \\ open \\ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ exefile \\ shell \\ open \\ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ piffile \\ shell \\ open \\ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ regfile \\ shell \\ open \\ command,,, "regedit.exe"% 1 ""

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Classes \\ scrfile \\ shell \\ open \\ command ,,,"""% 1 ""% * "

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon, Shell, 0, "Explorer.exe"

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ software \\ microsoft \\ ole, EnableDCOM, 0, "Y"

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Security Center, AntiVirusDisableNotify, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Security Center, FirewallDisableNotify, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Security Center, AntiVirusOverride, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Security Center, FirewallOverride, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet001 \\ Control \\ LSA, restrictanonymous, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet002 \\ Control \\ LSA, restrictanonymous, 0x00010001, 0

HKLM, SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ LSA, restrictanonymous, 0x00010001, 0

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Advanced \\ Folder \\ SuperHidden, CheckedValue, 0x00010001, 0


HKCU, Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ System, DisableRegistryTools

HKCU, Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ System, DisableCMD

HKCU, Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ Explorer, NoFolderOptions

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run, ctfmon.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\ kernelx86

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet002 \\ Services \\ kernelx86

HKLM, SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ kernelx86

HKLM, SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ mojbtjlt

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\ mojbtjlt

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet002 \\ Services \\ mojbtjlt

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ ControlSet001 \\ Services \\ Passthru

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ SystemRestore

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ windowsupdate, DoNotAllowXPSP2

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Policies \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ windowsupdate

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ ctfmon.exe

7. Delete temporary files and temporary Internet files. Please use the tools ATF-Cleaner. Download these tools in addresses.

8. Restore back to the host file in Windows that has been changed by the virus. You can use tools Hoster, please download at the following address

Click the [Restore MS Hosts File], to restore the Windows hosts file.

9. For optimal cleaning and prevent re-infection, anti-virus scan with up-to-date and was able to detect this virus. You can also use Norman Malware Cleaner, please download at the following address

login to windows XP as a "system"

plenty of people who think that a user with the highest privileges is administrator only. because the user admin is in the trust can solve almost any problem. but the assumption is wrong, because the user with the highest privileges in the window system is the user system.

I have a question for you all, how do I log into the system? (Users 100% free).
- Via the user account is still wrong really.
- Through the registry is not as well.
- Via bruteforce actually not true.
- Via the command prompt if this means that once the new 100% correct.

Just go straight to the topic of his mind:
1. open command prompt
2. Start - Run - cmd.exe - enter
3. you type the command below then you exit the command prompt program.

code: at xx: xx / interactive cmd.exe

with a code of xx: xx is that the code indicates the time when the program your computer to the command prompt run as a system. I usually fill with 1 minute after the hour now. example: 03.00 hours so now I am content with the time 03.01.

- Wait until the command prompt appears with the title c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ svchost. but it was not a command prompt
- Then you are not a task manager (ctrl + alt + delete / del)
- Open the tab on the processor in task manager and click on "explorer.exe".
now your computer taskbar will disappear and let desktop well and do not in close task manager. because the task manager's user interface system with your user at the time.
- Back to the command prompt
- Type "explorer.exe" warning not to close the command prompt.
- Now taskbar will appear and desktop too. but it will be quite different from the previous one.

with tips and tricks this time you can access all places, all the directories, all registry keys, and they're all here all you can even access the computer without any limits, but is deliberately making the system user can not access.

to return to the previous user and tricks this tip:
- You directly to the command prompt
- Type the following command
code: tskill explorer.exe

if the first order problems that you can use this:
- Task manager
- On the first tab and then you click the new process
- Then you are content with the "explorer.exe"

if you are satisfied you can close task manager and command prompt.
hopefully useful to you all.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

manipulation of an application window

a tip and trick that is rarely used by the skill or master computer. a tip and trick manipulation this application is not paid manipulation application or free, but sort manipulation this application is running with a ms.word program command winword.exe, excel, or you run IE (internet explorer) but the road is a bad tip and very unique.

the most to the tip and the tip of this trick can be used on the window, even tip no longer is any additional applications. capital is only 99% window (30% and 70% registry script) and 1% using scripting intelligence.

manipulation tip is very well suited to some of those activities as follows:
1. admin who did not want the kind client - kind of.
2. they use the computer together (cafes, computer courses) but did not want certain programs run.
3. personal computers but is very afraid of the brain - manipulate other people or younger.
4. want be different with friends.
5. like ignorant friends or often idle
6. often try to - try

you should know that we will play with the script and the registry. which means quite dangerous if you do not follow the steps - steps from me. and you watch carefully and step by step. If you still do not understand or do not understand you should not directly apply tips and tricks below will result in enough trouble. but when it clearly and understand the tips and please continue with the next trick.

some word
every time you run the program, then the window will check or control of registry keys.

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\

the subkey of the file name and not paths. subkey will be equated with the name that will run progrma. if the same, it will check the string "Debugger". and if the string is the window will run the program in accordance with the contents of the string. try you see below:

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ taskmgr.exe

empty contents you see this image above. so if you run taskmgr.exe from the RUN menu in any EXE location. the program will run no matter the parth or another. but taskmgr.exe subkey contains the string "Debugger" see the picture below.

and the string value "C: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ Office11 \\ WinWord.exe". then each run RUN tasmgr.exe from the menu or from the other tasks that appear not manager instead ms.word.

an application:
with a very simple way as above is enough time to run a malicious intent. yagn as I explained the above, the window will check the existence of the string "debugger" and read the contents to run programs on purpose. but what would happen if the contents of the string "Debugger" in the blank? if nothing happened - what was the try despite a thousand times is not going the way malicious applications. but you do not worry about this tip and trick will not stop here it is still a long way to make our malware and good step if you know about the VBS script.

how to scare computer users:
for example there are users who want ignorant run task manager with CTRL + ALT + DEL, you try to fill the string "Debugger" with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" without the quotes yes.
then you run a note and type the code below:
code: MsgBox ( "How dare you ignorant my computer! it was recorded! who have a computer then going mad !!!")

or the actual format below:
MsgBox ( "message")

then save the file in "C: \\" with the name "skrip.vbs" (unless you set yourself)
now try run task manager.

Make a password to run things
If you want to install the password for the program (eg) task manager, the "Debugger" content with\u003e\u003e "wscript.exe c: \\ skrip.vbs" (without the quotation marks, too)

then type the following script in notepad.

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger","wscript C:\skrip.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Awas kalo coba-coba maen-maen dengan komputer ini!!!")
End IF

then save with the name "skrip.vbs" in C: \\

and IF you want to make a regedit password, live for a new key with the name "regedit" (do not say forget the place. go try to check the above)
then make a string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" (still without the quotes)
contents same as above ... but replace the "wscr.exec (taskmgr.exe)" replaced "wscr.exec (regedit.exe)"
so if password other files ...

if you want to change the password ... clay third row ... PASSWORD said that you replace like-like you is ...
WARNING! Case sensitive password!

Super Security
This time the game was still in VBScript ... a security that can barely broken ... Login PASSWORD SUPER-BAD!

Each run windows, then the application is first run and was followed NTOSKRNL winlogon and result in EXPLORER.
your evil thoughts would lead to "change the debugger to winlogon.exe" ... It's too bad ... now I give a little better: Explorer.
Essentially every time you enter a password window will be prompted by this little program. and if the wrong password, windows will Shutdown!
quite bad right.

Step by Step Procedure

1. Notepad
type the following script

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger","wscript C:\muncul.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Berani ya!!! awas kamu!!!")
  wscr.exec("shutdown -s -f -t 00")
End IF

save with the name "C: \\ muncul.vbs"

2. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe

3. string debugger
in the key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe
for the string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ muncul.vbs"

4. done
please try restarting your computer and feel Khasiatnya ^ ^

Change the way the program
still remember most of the writing? jalanin the way MS Word MS Excel instead it loh ...
This time I beberin how ...

1. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ winword.exe

2. string
in key winword.exe, make the string "debugger" and then fill with
"c: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ OFFICE11 \\ EXCEL.EXE" with quotation marks (because there are spaces. if no yes no spaces need quotes)

3. done
run the word ... which appears even excel
most evil tricks. Change the program that works with the script!
returned to the VBS mode ...
follow the step above (the word so excel). but debugger replaced so "wscript (jahil.vbs)" (without the quotes )
This script contents jahil.vbs

set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Msgbox("A Ghost has attacked this computer. This computer may result an invalid execution. Contact your Ghostbusters for more information.")
dim i
for i=0 to 100
   msgbox "Ayo bermain tekan enter 100x! Anda harus menekannya " & 100 - i & "x lagi"
msgbox "Gooooooooooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
wscr.exec("c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE")

 save with the name "C: \\ jahil.vbs" then run the word ... enjoy tapping

Friday, December 25, 2009

Mobile number one track

with technological advances in this world, everything must be related technologies. maybe one day you get a call from someone you do not know and he even teased you with it until you miss call angry - angry even replace the card, so avoid from prankster. surely if someone continually miss call even make you curious about the mobile phone number.

but now you do not worry wondering, because now there is a website that provides a tracking phone number. want to know how, look down without blinking, ok.

you visit this website and then input mobile phone number you want to track. hopefully useful friend, that's all I can do. to use all of those would have been able to. good luck.

Monday, December 21, 2009

chat using local area network (LAN)

Your chance to work in offices with computer network systems, must each - each computer in use must have a name or IP address. the actual system as you all network users in the office or where you are, you can use the service as well as possible just to communicate between computers. can you imagine if you space your work with your friend's study apart but still within a network, you must have if your friend needs to SMS or call a friend even ordered.

with the network system is provided by the company to use the best and useful for your work. and you are in one network can communicate, communication as well as chat on facebook and yahoo messenger so you can save your credit.

you want to try the service, follow these steps - the steps below:

1. you must go into the control panel first

2. then you find the administrative tools and then direct you to the service alone, you try perhatiakan example image below.

3. you click 2 times on the option "Messenger" will display a window picture windows as below.

4. then you disable the option Automatic and then make you click ok. then when it's finished will return to the previous page, click again option "Messenger" then you click the option "Start".

5. then you wait until the process is complete, when it's finished you do it this way on your target computer. means that the computer must connect to the same settings in your computer and make sure you know the username and ip address of your target computer. after the above stages you have to do it right and good, it's time to start chatting with your friends with satisfaction and without cost. open command prompt and then when it appears you are typing messages to be sent to your friend. example "hello friend".

Sunday, December 20, 2009

tips and tricks update processor

maybe you Infections with a very sophisticated processor and high technology industries in the market in the world. you may not believe this but it's all I've tried on my own computer. if you are interested in tips and trick me this time? want to know, follow the steps - from my simple steps, as follows:

1. you open the RUN
2. then you type regedit in the RUN box earlier.
3. if you can go to regedit then follow the perbagian folder as below:
regedit --- HKLM ---  Hardware --- description --- System --- CentralProcessor --- 0 --- ProcessorNameString

when you get processornamestring, you can change the name processornamestring your liking. pentium how you want it to or whatever you want to give any names. tips and tricks that I use this time only mode on the computer or just display it all. but it can be made to the show style to others.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Handpone restart remotely

already many technologies that spread in this world and even the user could not even handle it all because almost every day out all the latest technology. even today many mobile phones that use Bluetooth and infrared for transferring data from one phone to another phone, you do not need a computer to a mobile phone enough alone. but now many people are ignorant to us. I have a very telling way of all to ignorant friends, with handphone restart remotely. want to know how? follow the steps - the steps below:

1. txt file you created on your laptop or computer
2. then you right click
3. then press the new
4. text document
5. then you love the name with the name you want it.
6. open a new txt file you created and then you type "(tab) restart (tab)"
7. Do not forget you save the file.
8. then you send txt file you created earlier to your Mobile.
9. then you open the file that has been sent and you copy text in the file.
10. you replace the name with bluetooth. and paste it in your bluetooth name.
11. done

If you are in a state of Bluetooth on a mobile phone and other people who lit the bluetooth, the phone will automatically restart itself.

Friday, December 18, 2009

overcome that addiction is not facebook

the current social networking sites are places in the most preferred by Internet users. facebook on to say as a very excellent site by many people in Indonesia. This social networking site appeared about 5 years ago it seemed to have the magical power of many members appear each day. do not leave it at that even the members of facebook as if it has its own loyalty on facebook. I've been doing research on the social networking sites themselves that Indonesia was the country colonized by the social networking site facebook. what is it - what would the facebook, even the most frequently visited their loyalty in the social networking to lose track of time studying and praying. could result in the guess, that some work to do so now at the first delayed for a while just to visit the sites of social networking. for a few tips and tricks we need to do in order that he have the benefit facebook, the facebook users can also minimize the impact - negative impact of the social networking site facebook is. The following tips and tricks:

1. schedule and provide a special time to play facebook
example: a day spent just one hour to spend facebook facebook or just type in the evenings before bed.

2. if you are online on facebook from internet cafe then you bring just enough money, so you will be afraid and keep not too long on facebook mania.

3. you need to remember in your mind that the real is better than the friends of the virtual world.

4. hold your desire to always comment on the status of your existing friends on facebook.

5. use the chat facility to communicate it simply. because if you follow to communicate through facebook up to 1 to 2 hours you will not feel.

6. try to remember that your job is not playing facebook only course, there are other jobs that must be done even as soon as possible.

hopefully tips and tricks on the benefit to you all. do not forget to give comment on my post this time.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

obama and coaches face changing chelsea

some time ago I found the face of a president in a country like technology. maybe you all do not think it was a famous president of the country with technology. country's technology and the American president obama. This is now changing the face of obama, wants to know how the new faces just look below :

chelsea coach even change the face too. :

That's the face - the face of famous people, let's face as you do not change because - because of technology.

facebook status updates via the public telephone

a software and applications that are very useful for you all. even the software and this application is for people who do not have a computer or laptop with no internet network. an application for facebook mania in Indonesia or abroad that could facebook status updates via telephone is general, but now a lot of facebook status updates via mobile phone or an expensive mobile phone just like: blackberry, nokia, sonyericsson, samsung and computers. but these applications facebook status updates through a public telephone. Public telephones are basically made from the jealousy of the people - people who use the blackberry and iPhone. the status they are always there writing via XXX which makes the heart wants to buy a second one for phone. but money is not there, and I do not have anything to buy.

you want to try to facebook status updates via the public telephone, please visit the link below:

for how all people must be able to all for the same facebook status updates via mobile. This application may be useful for you and for those who use facebook but did not have mobile and sophisticated computer can use this application only with a general telephone.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Protection posts

a lot of posts or articles in copy paste other people, because they do not have a good article for your site / blog and who have a blog does not have an idea to post it so people are posting or copy paste articles from blogs / sites that have been popular. I wanted to reduce fraud in blogging because it was not a good thing. I have a suggestion if you are like copy paste another article in include source but do not often copy paste the article to others. follow the steps - the steps below carefully:

1. You need to login to blogger
2. then to dashboard
3. then you go directly to the edit HTML .
4. then you are looking for </head>
5. enter the code below:

<script type='text/javascript'>
if (typeof document.onselectstart!=&quot;undefined&quot;) {
document.onselectstart=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
document.onmousedown=new Function (&quot;return false&quot;);
document.onmouseup=new Function (&quot;return true&quot;);

6. do not forget the save template.
I write this post because I felt sorry for my friend named Hasim and THE Maniax who post articles on their blogs on other people copy and paste, but I had articles in the coffee paste, but my patience also. yes thank his participation in the world of blogging it.

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

seo way : optimize blogs with 5 tips

day that is not awful because of this pain with eye because dust is very annoying that I could not post yesterday. but because it is my unyielding not to post to my blog. because I had promised my visitors so I have to keep that promise. post this time I want to talk about seo first. time ago I was given seo tips and tricks are:

may tip and trick on you have to do with ease but I spend yesterday was very telling in increasing traffic once your blog. if you follow the procedures above tips and tricks you will every day traffic will increase dramatically as have my nearly 2000 visitors. remember!! It's not a tip and trick black hat seo is on now so many blog use these tips and tricks but I teach in a way that is very easy white hat but the result is rich or powerful. I now want to remove seo tips and trick again by optimizing the 5th excellent way once, follow these tips and tricks that I give to you all.

1. register blog you to search engines
may think you are really trivial for a list of the search engines. maybe this is a very powerful step and telling to increase traffic to your blog first. if you wanted to get free traffic from search engines, your blog must have registered and crawl by the search engine robots. search engine which I think works to increase my blog traffic that is Google, Yahoo, and MSN / Bing.

2. register your blog to blog / website directory
blog directory is a site that lists blogs composed accordance with its blogs or topics listed. If you register your blog to blog directories, certainly get a shot of visitors from visitors blog directory, and you also will get a backlink from a blog site that directory, the directory that most blogs have a very high pagerank in search engines. therefore the list of blog directories will increase traffic and visitors your own pagerank. Consequently own and that you d blog search engines have very high quality.

3. create content or post high-quality
creating quality content is a very essential requirement to draw visitors and your traffic. why can attract visitors when high-quality content. maybe because your content is useful for visitors and optimize at once keywords that match your blog topic. Start by writing content and topical regularly to perform on-page optimization SEO keywords based on what you are aiming. Better on-page optimization is You do, the higher the ranking  (Search Engine Results Page) that you get, and in turn the greater the chance arrival of visitors to your blog. bound to increase traffic and your own pagerank.

 4. build backlink
It is easy to build backlinks really are often visit or blogwalking and commenting and exchanging links with others. and build a backlink will increase the value of off-page search engine optimization (SEO) which in turn will increase the ranking of search results(Search Engine Results Page). if the blog / site more backlinks you are definitely coming your blog will get traffic and a very high pagerank, and would beat the other webmasters. even daily visitors will arrive at your blog it. 

5. Promote your blog
There are several ways to promote your blog / your website is as follows:
1. promote free
2. promote a paid
I asked, you choose which are free to pay what is this?
try to pay what you consider free! Then select one of your blog must have a high jump that, if the most delicious I think that a free vote because they do not spend any money. and if you choose not necessarily traffic paying visitors each day increases your most just your guests a few days so the same increase but only so I took a free course to improve my blog traffic. and I suggest to implement the following ways: 

- To comment (of course not a spam comment) on other blogs
- Sign up and leave the blog signature in online forums
- RSS Feed utilizing the services, for example by FeedBurner
- Leave a link / URL you are on some sites that have high pagerank 

may tip and trick on you get from surfing from various other websites but it is different with tutors from other websites. if you follow my tutors certainly get visitors each day to 300 visitors each day. good luck.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

blogwalking quickly

My day off school because of time off must be used properly then I want to use my free time to post because I may not be posting tomorrow because it is very busy and important that can not be expected by our own. I do not want to talk about my personal issues in this post because the post is a place of learning for me therefore, I want to go directly to learning about blogwalking. blogwalking it was very easy once the new child internet and computer learning course would have been able to all, and blogwalking it is a medium or a very fine tool to increase visitors and traffic to your blog. blogwalking therefore widely used by the blogging faithful throughout the world, therefore the players to blog in blogwalking require. but if your blog or website you want to visit more than 50 blogs for example, if you are not tired of having to open them one by one blog and had to leave messages or comments there?

but before removing the tips and tricks I've pulled out tips and tricks of seo Seo Way: Optimize on blog search engiengs
therefore I took out tips and tricks to blogwalking easy and fast, and you are not tired, but getting the steady traffic for your blog.

tips and tricks to help us blogwalking as follows: 

1. open your blog to the comment or you have to find the target first to comment on blogs
2. then if you've commented it and write messages, use the services provided by the mozilla or other browser software is bookmarks. 
3. use the service to store bookmarks blog pages you want to visit by using the buttons (ctrl + D in Firefox / other software that you must know) and then you save in a folders, you name blogwalking example.
4. if the blog that will be opened more than 50 blog or 100 blogs then, make a folder to store these blog pages. but try every 1 folder containing 10 pages or less a blog, so that when opened is not too heavy to open all those pages.
5. To open a live open the folder where to save this blog and the Open All in New Tab.
and you can go directly to the menubar which has been provided on the browser software you use them.

This may only be a tip and trick that I use to make us to blogwalking. may be useful for you who like blogwalking. do not forget to give your comments for this post.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SEO way: optimize blog on search engines

in a very short time I was eager to learn with you about seo which he said is very difficult. but I think seo is very easy, but surprisingly I was already getting quite a lot of backlinks and PR pretty good but now after the domain change so I had to start from scratch again to get backlinks and visitors a lot. but I try I get a backlink high and very high pagerank, seo wanted to know he was tough but it's easy to seo it. the following way:

1. blog title
earned the title of your blog and blog content related to each other not to deviate to the content or the blog title.  
2. meta tag
you in making a blog or website always use the meta tags of any visitors you may get for example: yahoo, google, altavista, Bing and many more. so that search engines can find your blog or website.

3. Inbound and Outbound links
Inbound links: links that go to the blog.
Outbound links: links that came out blog.
According to the 'master' like a blogroll link SEO / link Xchange placed on a separate page, not in place on the first page of a blog, because if most of your outbound links than the link into google does not like.

4. Articles
- Each write an article / posting new pieces to use at least 3 keywords or keyword in accordance with the keyword blog.

- Use the font color, underline, italics and boldface type in words that correspond to blog keywords can accelerate the search engines to find a blog.
Keyword: business
Article: Many think that online business is easy and simple.

- Use ALT tags on images or pictures ... Search engines can not read
image then use ALT tags to clarify the purpose of these images.
Keyword: business, money, money

5. Reproduce backlink from blogs with high-Page Rank

6. Use the attribute rel = "nofollow" on affiliate links or any other banner.

7. Send articles to article directory blog
Select articles most often or longer was it hot-hot on the internet.

8. Updated blogs
REMEMBER ... update with themes or topics that match descripsition and keywords / keyword blog.

8. Blogwalking
blogwalking you can do to increase visitors your blog or website. 
You can comment to any blog or website that you visit, to get a backlink or requests feedback from the owner.

10. posting updates every day
you make sure you are posting updates every day or 2 times a day.

This tip and trick I have been using so far, in this way Tech Computer blog visitors quite a lot every day for wearing the above tips and tricks. This is a tip and trick me for this but there are many seo tips and tricks that telling that I have been using the tutorial awaited me about SEO. all of my seo tips and tricks this time. hopefully useful seo tips and tricks that I post this time. if you want to get backlinks and Pagerank and alexa solid examples please try and telling tips and tricks above will work. do not get off the mark. remember that !!!!!