Saturday, January 2, 2010

20 hacking the registry to improve computer performance

Right-click function is a very good way to learn some of the hidden functions of Windows. Want more? Try you start exploring the Control Panel application and find some useful techniques. And there's more command-line application in the folder Windows' System32. But, none could compare to the Registry.

Registry complete with various useful settings to improve performance, improve security holes, and even change the fundamental basis of Windows to work better. Although very sophisticated look, you still need to be careful in using it because it is not just a feature that helps but also many pitfalls.

If not careful, you are actually adding to the problem of solving it. For that, below there are 20 hacks for you to try to make your PC better. Good luck!!

1. Increase Security
Someone who does not want can easily take your data with the USB if he managed to access your PC physically. If you're using Windows XP2 or later, there is a simple way to prevent it.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ StorageDevi cePolicies", create a DWORD value called "WriteProtect" and set the value "1". You will be able to read the USB drive, but can not move the data into it again.

2. Control UAC
Full Vista's User Account so often led to warnings that eventually turned off by the user. But, sometimes it makes them miss features that are useful as protection mode for IE. You can control it how to disable the warning for the administrator, so you do not need to interfere, but the UAC still working on the background and you can still get its features.

To do this, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System \\ ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", and set the value to "0". To return to normal conditions, set the value to "2".

3. Change Owner

Install Windows on your PC and you'll be prompted to enter a name, which will then be stored as the registered owner (WinVer run to see this on your system). If you buy a secondhand computer, you may want to change the name of the owner with his own name.  there's no other way than with the Registry.
br\u003e Go to the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVers ion" and will see two sentences "RegisteredOwner" and "RegisteredOrganization". Double-click on them to change.

4. Sort the files by True
Sort the file name in Explorer can become a problem. Initial settings, he would put "File_v2.txt" before "File_v15.txt", and sequences that are not ASCII, but it looks more reasonable. But, what if "v" refers to the version number, and should "File_v15.txt" in the previous order? At this time, initial system Explorer can not work at all.

To return the ASCII sort order based on the usual, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ Explorer", create a DWORD value called "NoStrCmpLogical" and set the value to "1". Delete the code if you want to go back to the initial conditions of the standard Explorer.

5. Troubleshoot Startup
If Windows takes too long to start up and shut down, he probably was having an issue. To find out what was happening back in "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System", create a DWORD value called "verbosestatus" and set the value to "1". Restart your PC and Windows will tell you what is happening.

6. Organize Folder Types
Vista's explorer will intelligently choose the type of folder you based on its contents. However, this means your download folder will turn into the music folder if you downloaded some MP3. To fix this, go into the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shelf", delete the subkey "Bags" and create new ones at the same location.

Make a key called "AllFolders" under Bags, and other key named "Shell" at the bottom again. Then click her to open the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shell \\ Bags \\ AllFolders \\ Shell". Right-click on the right panel, select 'New | String Value "and call it" FolderType ". Then, double click on FolderType and set the value to "NotSpecified". You still can change the type of folder, but Vista will not change automatically. (If you need assistance, please click here)

7. Encryption Easily
Some versions of Windows allows you to encrypt files, although the process is a bit strange. You must right-click on the file, select "Properties", press the button "Advanced, check" Encrypt contents to secure data ", and press" OK "as much as 2x.

For a more simple way, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Current \\ Version \\ E Xplorer \\ Advanced" create a DWORD called "EncryptionContextMenu" and set the value to "1". Now you simply right-click on the file and select "Encrypt".

8. Fast Folder Access
Quick access to folders bring it on the Start Menu, type "REGEDIT" in the "Run", go to "HKCR \\ Folder \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers", right-click "ContextMenuHandlers" and click "New | Key".

Type "and press [Enter]. Now, hold [Shift], right-click on a folder, and select" Pin to Start Menu ".

9. Accelerate Time copy
Vista gives a high priority for your soundcard, so you need to get a free audio of the problem no matter what your PC is a process. Because it can slow the process of copying the network.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Multimedia \\ SystemProfile". Try to set the "NetworkThrottlingIndex" became more 10 to 50 or 60 is quite effective, then reboot and test your network speed. For more information, click here.

10. Fix Listing Drive
If Explorer no longer displays your DVD drive, go to "HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Class \\" and delete settings "UpperFilters" or "LowerFilters". These tips usually works, but sometimes can fail if the relevant application was problematic from the beginning. If the program stops working, see if there are updates, then reinstall.

11. Access to the Fast Display Settings
Just right-click on the desktop of Windows Vista is not enough to take you directly to the display settings menu. Windows 7 was prepared to fix this. But, for now you can do so by going to "HKCR \\ Directory \\ Background \\ Shell", right-click "Shell", select "New | Key" and called the "Display Settings".

Double-click "(Default)" there the right panel and enter the "Display Settings" in the Value Data box. Now, right-click "Display Settings" on the left panel, select "New | Key" again, and call this function as "command".

Double-click the Default value of new functions and enter the following text: "rundll32 shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL DESK.CPL, @ 0.3". Click "OK" and right-click on the desktop to see the option to display the new settings.

12. Live Messenger Multiple Log-In
Normally, Windows Live Messenger (WLM) only allows you to enter into only one account at a particular time. To make more than one, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsLive \\ Messenger", create a DWORD value named "Multiple Instances" and set the value to "1". To restore to its original state, simply delete the value.

13. Clear Menu-Menu
You have to uninstall an application, but instead he left you a gift in the form of icons that are not useful. To fix this, go to "HKCR \\ *" and "HKCR \\ Directory". Dilate his panel, then select "shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers" and see the various buttons on the bottom, which relate to orders you do not want.

On the PC, the function "HKCR \\ * \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers \\ 7-Zip" context menu related with 7-Zip, for example, to delete, click the "Delete" on the left panel. But be careful, you should delete only if it is 100% sure on the right menu.
14. Accelerate Back-Up
Features of Windows XP NTCBACKUP improve performance by maintaining a list of system files if he knows you will not be possible to make a back-up. Add the files and folders that you want yourself and get better results again.

See the list at "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ BackupResto re \\ FileNotToBackup".

15. Change the Default Installation Folder
Most of the default installation is a Program Files folder, but if you want to change it, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersio n", change "ProgramFilesDir" into the folder and reboot your choice

16. Changing Drive Name
Adding a memory card reader and the Explorer will often stop the computer folders that have names similar drives. ( "Removable Drive D:", "Removable Drive E:", and so on), making it difficult to distinguish.

You can handle the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Ex plorer". Make a button with the letter of the drive (for example "G"), and inside it create another new key named "DefaultLabel". Double-click on the entered value, give the name "CompactFlash" (or whatever you want it), and click "OK". Restart Explorer or press [F5] and see the changes. Drive G: will be read as "CompactFlash (G".

17. Wipe the Page File
Windows stores memory pages on the paging file for your work. It all sounds good, until someone managed to access your system, find the files, and even add or reduce something you do not want.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ SessionMana ger \\ MemoryManagement", set the value "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" to 1 and reboot. Windows will delete all files on the page when it is turned off. It extends the duration and processes, but improve safety.

18. Crash on Cue
Blue screen crash usually bring bad news, but sometimes you may want to bring it up to test the Windows error reporting for example. Apparently Registry tricks can help you even for this one thing.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ i8042prt \\ P arameters", create a DWORD called "CrashOnCtrlScroll" and set the value to 1. Reboot your computer, and crashes to just hold [Ctrl] right and press [Scroll Lock] twice. When finished, make sure that you immediately remove these commands.

19. Save CPU Time
A standard PC usually has several programs that want to use processor capacity at the same time, and Windows will allocate each period of CPU time a "quantum" a move to the next program. By default, this is usually very short, so the PC will be responsive, but sometimes this means that Windows will make the time to move between these processes.

The solution? You can try what Windows Server do. Set the system to use a longer quantem. Set "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ PriorityCon Control \\ Win32PrioritySepartion" to 16 (hex).

Quantum older means less turnover among the programs so much less time is wasted. You may notice that lag in games or video playback will be more subtle. But, if you find other problems, simply return the value to be Win32PrioritySeparation original value of 26.

20. Disable Autorun
Autorun feature of Windows is one of the potential security risk because it runs the code automatically when you connect a removable device that is in the PC. If indeed, it can be manually set it, it would be safe to turn off the feature.

In some systems, it can only be done through the Registry. Go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ IniFileMapping" and create a button named "Autorun.inf".


  1. Mesti dicoba nih... lumayan nambah pengetahuan otak-atik komputer

  2. ya sob silahkan coba saja... gampang kok sob...
    yg penting ikuti prosedur dari arikel ini saja sob
