Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Free Backlink Tool Social Monkee

Submit your 
content Every Day to 25 social 
bookmarking sites, all on unique 
C class IPs... FREE.Kalian semua sudah mendengar atau melihat Free Backlink Tool Social Monkee ? dari teman atau dari iklan ? jika belum, berarti anda blogger sangat beruntung sekali membaca postingan dari Alexa-com Weblog ini, lho. kenapa menurut saya sangat beruntung ? ya, kalau tidak percaya coba anda baca postingan ini sampai selesai dan bacanya jangan setengah - setengah lho.

Berhubung dapat informasi yang masih berhubungan dengan kontes SEO yaitu tentang free backlink tools yang bernama social monkey maka sayang banget jika tidak diinformasikan ke teman - teman blogger semua.

Sebagaimana banyak yang sudah tahu bahwa faktor SEO yang sangat dominan untuk sebuah blog atau website adalah suatu original content serta backlink dari website lain ke blog anda. pasi anda sudah tahu bahwa bahwa banyak cara untuk berburu backlink, ada yang melalui komentar dofollow, social bookmark, dummy blog, dan masih banyak lagi yang sangat populer dengan istilah Link Building.

Saya telah mencoba Social Monkee Tool yang telah menjanjikan untuk para blogger mania dapat melakukan submit ke social bookmar site secara otomatis hanya dengan 1 (satu) klik saja. kalau submit seperti itu pasti mantap banget, ya ?

Social Monkee Account

Anda dapat menggunakan sebuah tool social monkee ini, anda harus melakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu pada situs resmi tool social monkee. ada dua pilihan Account yang dapat anda pilih yaitu Free Account (akun gratis) dan yang satu nya lagi Premium Account (akun berbayar).

Free Account

Untuk Free Account fasilitas yang akan anda dapatkan adalah submit ke 25 website social bookmark dofollow sebanyak 1 (satu) kali saja dalam sehari, atau dengan kata lainnya anda akan mendapatkan 25 backlink gratis setiap hari nya. enak kan ? 25 backlink setiap harinya tanpa harus submit setiap hari dan tanpa susah payah dan capek.

Premium Account

Untuk premium account anda akan mendapatkan sebuah fasilitas yang lebih dari free account yaitu submit ke 100 website social bookmark dofollow sebanyak 3 kali dalam sehari atau dengan kata lainnya anda akan mendapatkan sebuah backlink sebanyak 300 secara gratis disetiap harinya.

Harga untuk Premium Account sebesar $46 saja hanya bayar 1 (satu) kali saja dan account premium berlaku selama seumur hidup anda, lho. enak kan ? tapi kali ini ada kabar gembira buat kalian semua, ada cara lain untuk mendapatkan premium account secara gratis yaitu dengan mengajak orang lain sebanyak 12 orang saja untuk mendapatkan sebuah account premium, asyik tidak ?

Daftar Social Monkee

Untuk cara mendaftar ke Social Monkee sangat mudah semua orang yang baru belajar di internet sudah pasti bisa banget, anda simak di bawah ini, ya ?

Daftar Social Monkee Tools
  • Nama Depan: Masukkan nama depan Anda.  Contoh: Alex
  • Email Address: Isi alamat email Anda.  Contoh:
  • Password: Isi password atau password yang Anda inginkan.  Contoh: A! p4zzw0rd  * ng ini
Akhiri dengan klik tombol Submit Form.  Mohon tunggu sebentar karena proses pendaftaran membutuhkan waktu.

Jika account telah dibuat, mereka akan secara otomatis mengirimkan link verifikasi ke email yang Anda daftarkan sebelumnya, karena itu silahkan cek email Anda.  Jika ada verifikasi email dari monyet sosial, Anda harus mengklik link verifikasi sehingga account Anda diaktifkan.
Catatan: Ada beberapa contoh bahwa untuk membuat account sosial monkee tidak sekaligus jadi, kemungkinan besar karena jumlah yang pendaptaran sangat banyak.  Jika ini terjadi pada anda, silakan tunggu beberapa menit kemudian, maka silakan coba lagi.

Cara Menggunakan Tool Social Monkee

Untuk melakukan submit menggunakan alat Artikel Baru sosial monkee ADA doa cara, yaitu dashboard PADA Langsung Akun anda monkee di atau sosial dapat menggunakan Juga Pengaya firefox (rekomendasi untuk anda menggunakan browser firefox Yang internet.

Agar regular tidak Terlalu Panjang, Alexa-com weblog terangkan coba submit artikel menggunakan metode Artikel Baru Langsung monkee dashboar Dari sosial.  Berikut Langkah-langkahnya:
  • Silahkan login ke Artikel Baru monkee sosial ID anda.
  • Klik menu Download Firefox Plugin / Kirim ke situs
  • Silahkan isi formulir data ADA Yang artkel Artikel Baru Yang Ingin di submit

Untuk mendaftarkan blog atau website anda ke social monkee tidak di pungut biaya apapun. anda dapat mendaftar langsung ke websitenya disini. dan jika kalian semua merasa artikel ini sangat bermanfaat sekali buat kalian dan sekali - sekali donasi buat Alexa-com Weblog gunakanlah link dibawah ini untuk mendaftarkan diri anda.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Solusi Forum SEO Contest 2011

ATTENTION !!!!!!!!!!!!
Solusi Forum SEO Contest 2011 by 
Solusi Forum SEO contest

Keyword while: an online enthusiast community in Indonesia
Once the time begins keyword Final will be announced on 1 March 2011

note: Prizes can still be increased if there are sponsors who converted
and do not forget to make a review article on the forums a good solution, because
1 article which you create will we choose, and there is a special gift from our
You are interested in becoming a sponsor Read below

There are good deals from us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor

1.  premium sponsor
- Banner 100x900 on our utaman page for 1 year
- Backlinks webside your logo on every article which made the race

2.  standard sponsor
- Banner 100x300 on the main page for 1 year
- Link your webside will be loaded on all articles participants

3.  supporters / exchange banner
if you support this event and and willing to promo this event in your webside
We will provide banner 195 x 100 during 1th on sf page and forums will Conducting SEO by name: Solutions Forum SEO contest.  Make sure first read all the rules set and keep abreast of the latest news on SF this SEO contest.

Prizes For Winners

- Domain. Com /. Net / org and hosting Ocimnet Pro forever worth Rp.  300.000
- Cash amounting to Rp.200, 000, -
- Bids to be moderators on the forums SF Free banner 100 x 300 to 1th

Second Place
- Domain. Com /. Net / org and hosting Ocimnet Pro forever worth Rp.  300.000
- Money cash amounting to Rp 100,000, -
- Bids to be moderators on the forums SF Free banner 100 x 300 to 1th

Third Place
- Domain. Com /. Net / org and hosting Ocimnet Pro forever worth Rp.  300.000
- Cash Rp.  50.000, -
- Bids to be moderators on the forums SF Free banner 100 x 300 to 1th

For the other 5 winners will get

- Bids to be moderators on the forums SF Free banner 100 x 75 for 1th

Terms and Conditions SF SEO contest

     * You must be registered as a member forum Please register here!  And fill out a complete and correct data.
     * Create a thread in the forum 10 SF can you copy and paste from your blog
     * Approving the terms and conditions of the race without exception.
     * This article is made start on March 1, 2011
     * If made a day / before it is considered to fall
     * Participants / members only may register a blog / web
     * If you want to register more than 1 blog must use a different email and username

More info please read the rules here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

finally mastered microsoft yahoo

microsoft have waited so long is all. microsoft giant now has been getting excited about yahoo. today talk  microsoft has agreed to the yahoo. largest search site in the world and this reliable will belong to microsoft fresh that have been built by Bill Gates.

agreed that the agreement has been signed by the Lie Qi as a representative of microsoft and yahoo CEO Carlos Bartz. the two sides still do not want to say to all the media for this launch, will likely begin next year 2010 is the year to come.

but after I saw the news like that of the USA media, that all of the assets will belong to yahoo microsoft also thousands of technology workers be taken as well. discussion of this skill makers since july 2009  and then october month to complete the two parties and the memorandum of agreement finally agreed appears second party said it.

Carlos yahoo bartz CEO before he spoke in the event the bank of america U.S. tech conference to say if this cooperation will work with successful, then yahoo will be able to save U.S. $ 500 million to reach U.S. $ 700 million.

while that microsoft have their own SEO are 2 Bing and MSN, you all know how Bing's performance now, just wait how about yahoo on hold by microsoft, whether forward or backward added just wait?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

seo way : optimize blogs with 5 tips

day that is not awful because of this pain with eye because dust is very annoying that I could not post yesterday. but because it is my unyielding not to post to my blog. because I had promised my visitors so I have to keep that promise. post this time I want to talk about seo first. time ago I was given seo tips and tricks are:

may tip and trick on you have to do with ease but I spend yesterday was very telling in increasing traffic once your blog. if you follow the procedures above tips and tricks you will every day traffic will increase dramatically as have my nearly 2000 visitors. remember!! It's not a tip and trick black hat seo is on now so many blog use these tips and tricks but I teach in a way that is very easy white hat but the result is rich or powerful. I now want to remove seo tips and trick again by optimizing the 5th excellent way once, follow these tips and tricks that I give to you all.

1. register blog you to search engines
may think you are really trivial for a list of the search engines. maybe this is a very powerful step and telling to increase traffic to your blog first. if you wanted to get free traffic from search engines, your blog must have registered and crawl by the search engine robots. search engine which I think works to increase my blog traffic that is Google, Yahoo, and MSN / Bing.

2. register your blog to blog / website directory
blog directory is a site that lists blogs composed accordance with its blogs or topics listed. If you register your blog to blog directories, certainly get a shot of visitors from visitors blog directory, and you also will get a backlink from a blog site that directory, the directory that most blogs have a very high pagerank in search engines. therefore the list of blog directories will increase traffic and visitors your own pagerank. Consequently own and that you d blog search engines have very high quality.

3. create content or post high-quality
creating quality content is a very essential requirement to draw visitors and your traffic. why can attract visitors when high-quality content. maybe because your content is useful for visitors and optimize at once keywords that match your blog topic. Start by writing content and topical regularly to perform on-page optimization SEO keywords based on what you are aiming. Better on-page optimization is You do, the higher the ranking  (Search Engine Results Page) that you get, and in turn the greater the chance arrival of visitors to your blog. bound to increase traffic and your own pagerank.

 4. build backlink
It is easy to build backlinks really are often visit or blogwalking and commenting and exchanging links with others. and build a backlink will increase the value of off-page search engine optimization (SEO) which in turn will increase the ranking of search results(Search Engine Results Page). if the blog / site more backlinks you are definitely coming your blog will get traffic and a very high pagerank, and would beat the other webmasters. even daily visitors will arrive at your blog it. 

5. Promote your blog
There are several ways to promote your blog / your website is as follows:
1. promote free
2. promote a paid
I asked, you choose which are free to pay what is this?
try to pay what you consider free! Then select one of your blog must have a high jump that, if the most delicious I think that a free vote because they do not spend any money. and if you choose not necessarily traffic paying visitors each day increases your most just your guests a few days so the same increase but only so I took a free course to improve my blog traffic. and I suggest to implement the following ways: 

- To comment (of course not a spam comment) on other blogs
- Sign up and leave the blog signature in online forums
- RSS Feed utilizing the services, for example by FeedBurner
- Leave a link / URL you are on some sites that have high pagerank 

may tip and trick on you get from surfing from various other websites but it is different with tutors from other websites. if you follow my tutors certainly get visitors each day to 300 visitors each day. good luck.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

blogwalking quickly

My day off school because of time off must be used properly then I want to use my free time to post because I may not be posting tomorrow because it is very busy and important that can not be expected by our own. I do not want to talk about my personal issues in this post because the post is a place of learning for me therefore, I want to go directly to learning about blogwalking. blogwalking it was very easy once the new child internet and computer learning course would have been able to all, and blogwalking it is a medium or a very fine tool to increase visitors and traffic to your blog. blogwalking therefore widely used by the blogging faithful throughout the world, therefore the players to blog in blogwalking require. but if your blog or website you want to visit more than 50 blogs for example, if you are not tired of having to open them one by one blog and had to leave messages or comments there?

but before removing the tips and tricks I've pulled out tips and tricks of seo Seo Way: Optimize on blog search engiengs
therefore I took out tips and tricks to blogwalking easy and fast, and you are not tired, but getting the steady traffic for your blog.

tips and tricks to help us blogwalking as follows: 

1. open your blog to the comment or you have to find the target first to comment on blogs
2. then if you've commented it and write messages, use the services provided by the mozilla or other browser software is bookmarks. 
3. use the service to store bookmarks blog pages you want to visit by using the buttons (ctrl + D in Firefox / other software that you must know) and then you save in a folders, you name blogwalking example.
4. if the blog that will be opened more than 50 blog or 100 blogs then, make a folder to store these blog pages. but try every 1 folder containing 10 pages or less a blog, so that when opened is not too heavy to open all those pages.
5. To open a live open the folder where to save this blog and the Open All in New Tab.
and you can go directly to the menubar which has been provided on the browser software you use them.

This may only be a tip and trick that I use to make us to blogwalking. may be useful for you who like blogwalking. do not forget to give your comments for this post.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

SEO way: optimize blog on search engines

in a very short time I was eager to learn with you about seo which he said is very difficult. but I think seo is very easy, but surprisingly I was already getting quite a lot of backlinks and PR pretty good but now after the domain change so I had to start from scratch again to get backlinks and visitors a lot. but I try I get a backlink high and very high pagerank, seo wanted to know he was tough but it's easy to seo it. the following way:

1. blog title
earned the title of your blog and blog content related to each other not to deviate to the content or the blog title.  
2. meta tag
you in making a blog or website always use the meta tags of any visitors you may get for example: yahoo, google, altavista, Bing and many more. so that search engines can find your blog or website.

3. Inbound and Outbound links
Inbound links: links that go to the blog.
Outbound links: links that came out blog.
According to the 'master' like a blogroll link SEO / link Xchange placed on a separate page, not in place on the first page of a blog, because if most of your outbound links than the link into google does not like.

4. Articles
- Each write an article / posting new pieces to use at least 3 keywords or keyword in accordance with the keyword blog.

- Use the font color, underline, italics and boldface type in words that correspond to blog keywords can accelerate the search engines to find a blog.
Keyword: business
Article: Many think that online business is easy and simple.

- Use ALT tags on images or pictures ... Search engines can not read
image then use ALT tags to clarify the purpose of these images.
Keyword: business, money, money

5. Reproduce backlink from blogs with high-Page Rank

6. Use the attribute rel = "nofollow" on affiliate links or any other banner.

7. Send articles to article directory blog
Select articles most often or longer was it hot-hot on the internet.

8. Updated blogs
REMEMBER ... update with themes or topics that match descripsition and keywords / keyword blog.

8. Blogwalking
blogwalking you can do to increase visitors your blog or website. 
You can comment to any blog or website that you visit, to get a backlink or requests feedback from the owner.

10. posting updates every day
you make sure you are posting updates every day or 2 times a day.

This tip and trick I have been using so far, in this way Tech Computer blog visitors quite a lot every day for wearing the above tips and tricks. This is a tip and trick me for this but there are many seo tips and tricks that telling that I have been using the tutorial awaited me about SEO. all of my seo tips and tricks this time. hopefully useful seo tips and tricks that I post this time. if you want to get backlinks and Pagerank and alexa solid examples please try and telling tips and tricks above will work. do not get off the mark. remember that !!!!!