Showing posts with label hacking blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hacking blog. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Create a Twitter Widget More Interesting And More Light On Use

Already a few days I share tutorials and cheat for the game point blank that may now much sought after by the gamers and cheaters. I actually was not a loyal gamers but I just wanted to share it. but on this occasion I'd love to share more articles tutorials for blogging.

Them know with your social networking site Twitter? is surely, even you often use to communicate with friends, relatives, family and parents as well or boyfriend.

A blogging usually set up an account at social networking site Twitter was just to find a lot of traffic or visitors, why like? because right now most people gathered in networking sites like Facebook, google buzz, Yahoo Koprol, Twitter and many other such networking sites.

Blogging usually requires widgets or gadgets to enhance the appearance of their blogs. but on this occasion only change the look of twitter widget for bloggers who semulanya backgroundnya standard but which I share to you is more interesting and more neat and more comfortable in seeing.


I do not want to elaborate on this occasion because there was no spare time for me. ie note the steps below:

Open your blog or to login at
Select a blog that will be displayed on twitter widget
If you've signed in you click on add gadgets
Then you select the HTML / JavaScript
Then you enter scritp Destroy this widget I've become more good and interesting.

<div style='background:url( no-repeat; padding-top:65px;padding-left:12px;'>
<script src=""></script>
new TWTR.Widget({
version: 2,
type: 'profile',
rpp: 10,
interval: 3000,
width: 275,
height: 255,
theme: {
shell: {
background: '#transparent',
color: '#555555'
tweets: {
background: '#transparent',
color: '#222222',
links: '#3b5998'
features: {
scrollbar: false,
loop: true,
live: true,
hashtags: false,
timestamp: false,
avatars: false,
behavior: 'default'

If you've entered do not forget at the store and see the results of friends.


To change the display to your liking you can change through this red link (
To change your post let me get into twitter widget you can change the nickname that like this (alexaprayogo)

Monday, July 12, 2010

protect your website or blog from plagiarist

time this post is a post Which I think is very exciting Because this was the first time I posted about the blog or website. the previous post I discussed about the icons - 3D icons social site.

but on this occasion are still discussing about with websites and blogs sekitaran That is the problem of hacking websites.

protect your website or blog from plagiarist

Have the source code for your website or blog is Stolen or copied to Others? That without your permission or knowledge? or maybe you yourself are too often take or steal or copy the source code to Others, yes? hehehehehehehe .... kidding me.

Remind you but I often steal or copy the WHO the source code for blogs or websites of other people, sorry for the people WHO Make That Same Tired. Those of you WHO but often stok the live copy and paste it. Complaints!

eg you have a good blog or website of the design and the other, then the source code is taken on, come on how? certainly very annoying really. our work is taken must be very sick sekail, but people WHO live very very nice copy paste. Those ESPECIALLY WHO copy the source code has admitted he has copyrighted or creator.

therefore in this post I Will solve or eradicate Those WHO like to steal, copy the source code of the website and blog with us, in Airways We encrypt the source code via this address:

WHO Those That so frequently copy and steal the source code or the people WHO are not responsible is not easy to copy or steal our source code again.

I found this address: That Can encrypt and decryption source code, from my browsing results.

you please try the services of These websites to protect your work in order not to be copied by Others Who Are not responsible.

Hopefully useful and good luck.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

blogwalking quickly

My day off school because of time off must be used properly then I want to use my free time to post because I may not be posting tomorrow because it is very busy and important that can not be expected by our own. I do not want to talk about my personal issues in this post because the post is a place of learning for me therefore, I want to go directly to learning about blogwalking. blogwalking it was very easy once the new child internet and computer learning course would have been able to all, and blogwalking it is a medium or a very fine tool to increase visitors and traffic to your blog. blogwalking therefore widely used by the blogging faithful throughout the world, therefore the players to blog in blogwalking require. but if your blog or website you want to visit more than 50 blogs for example, if you are not tired of having to open them one by one blog and had to leave messages or comments there?

but before removing the tips and tricks I've pulled out tips and tricks of seo Seo Way: Optimize on blog search engiengs
therefore I took out tips and tricks to blogwalking easy and fast, and you are not tired, but getting the steady traffic for your blog.

tips and tricks to help us blogwalking as follows: 

1. open your blog to the comment or you have to find the target first to comment on blogs
2. then if you've commented it and write messages, use the services provided by the mozilla or other browser software is bookmarks. 
3. use the service to store bookmarks blog pages you want to visit by using the buttons (ctrl + D in Firefox / other software that you must know) and then you save in a folders, you name blogwalking example.
4. if the blog that will be opened more than 50 blog or 100 blogs then, make a folder to store these blog pages. but try every 1 folder containing 10 pages or less a blog, so that when opened is not too heavy to open all those pages.
5. To open a live open the folder where to save this blog and the Open All in New Tab.
and you can go directly to the menubar which has been provided on the browser software you use them.

This may only be a tip and trick that I use to make us to blogwalking. may be useful for you who like blogwalking. do not forget to give your comments for this post.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

blog consulting part 1

in this post I want to answer a question from my friends who like blogging and others. there is this friend of mine who unfortunately HS residing in bandung, he said how, create way these google translate? My answer is very easy. This step - step mas ... is as follows:
1. you to login to
2. then you go straight to the layout
3. add widgets
4. then you select the HTML / Java script
5. then you enter the code - code that is below dah..

<div id="google_translate_element"></div><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
  new google.translate.TranslateElement({
    pageLanguage: 'en'
  }, 'google_translate_element');
</script><script src=""></script>

Do not forget to save the widget translate

Thursday, October 22, 2009

to name a link to the "post a comment"

how do I change the name of the link "post a comment" to discuss Indonesia or English, for a very simple example for you "give your comment", "your comments", and many examples. we come to the point we are about how to change the name of the link to post a comment. for steps - steps as follows:

1. Go to your Blogger layout tab, then click Edit HTML 
2. Check the Expand Widget Tempelates  
3. Next you find the following code in the Edit Template

<p class='comment-footer'> 

<a expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' 
expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'> your comments </a> 

you can comment you replace your liking.
4. When finished, do not forget the Save

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

related post with image

in this post I just repost a post that has a lot of in posting by many blogs in the world or the webmaster who spread on the Internet or cyberspace. but I just add it on the first post related to a new post related to an image that is as follows:

1. First, go first to the Edit HTML, do not forget to check the "Expand Widget Templates"
2. Look for this code \x3c/ head\x3e
3. Then replace the code below

\x3c! - Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles Start -\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cstyle type="text/css"\x3e
# related-posts (
float: center;
text-transform: none;
height: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;

# related-posts h2 (
font-size: 1.6em;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
margin-bottom: 0.75em;
margin-top: 0em;
padding-top: 0em;
# related-posts a (
color: black;
# related-posts a: hover (
color: black;

# related-posts a: hover (
background-color: # d4eaf2;
\x3c/ style\x3e
src='' \x3cscript type='text/javascript'/\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3c! - Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles End -\x3e
\x3c/ head\x3e

4. Now looking back the code below
\x3cdiv class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'\x3e
If you do not find the code above, try searching the code like this
\x3cp class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'\x3e
if is met, live input all the code below under one of the above code that associates found.
\x3c! - Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start -\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cdiv id='related-posts'\x3e
values='data:post.labels' \x3cb:loop var='label'\x3e
cond='data:label.isLast \x3cb:if != "true"'\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cscript expr: src = ' "/ feeds/posts/default/- /" + data: + "? alt = json-in-script \x26 callback = related_results_labels_thumbs \x26 max-results = 6"' type = 'text / javascript'/\x3e\x3c/ b: if\x3e \x3c/ b: loop\x3e \x3ca href =' 'style =' display: none; '\x3e Related Posts with thumbnails for bloggers \x3c/ a\x3e \x3ca href='' style='display:none;'\x3e blogger widgets \x3c/ a \x3e
\x3cscript type='text/javascript'\x3e
var currentposturl = "\x3cdata:post.url/\x3e";
var maxresults = 5;
var relatedpoststitle = "Related Posts";
removeRelatedDuplicates_thumbs ();
printRelatedLabels_thumbs ();
\x3c/ script\x3e
\x3c/ div\x3e \x3cdiv style='clear:both'/\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3c! - Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End -\x3e

5. Do not forget to see the results stored dah
To show how many posts related to editing the code below:
var maxresults = 5;
To change the title, you can edit this code: 
var relatedpoststitle = "Related Posts";
I hope you succeed .... good luck for your blog and do not forget to comment for this post.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why google ban your blog?

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}
in this post I will talk about blogs in banned by google. a lot of my friends who complained to the state of blogs or websites that have been built in banned by google. and your blog or website has been banned by google the page rank your blog or website will decrease drastically and can not be lookups by google update again and also lost a lot of things that cause your blog or website we become silent by visitors, but here I will give tips and tricks for your blog or website so that you are not in the currently banned by google. examples of blogs or websites of my friends who have been banned by google is mas doyok, saridara, and others.

and this is the tips and tricks that I had made to avoid banned blog or website, is as follows:

1. content (doubles)
If you have the same content in a page within your website or maybe the same content on different sites, Google will "punish" your site with a lower rank or sometimes even make your site banned.
If you feel some content to copy your website (you can find the page / pages that duplicate using the same phrase with the words you use when looking for your original content), you can give warning to the
webmaster of the site that you copy paste content or go to www. / dmca.html.
2.Cloaking and Redirects
Cloaking is a non-ethical techniques to create Web pages that "different" to search engines and visitors. So,
webmaster create a Web page that does not mean that and fill it with the most searched keywords. As visitors enter this website, they will automatically be transferred (redirect) to a good page and good quality, but the spider (robot) from a search engine does not "see" the good web pages and quality, he will "see" into the web page does not mean this. Currently, search engines have opposed this cloaking technique. However, this technique is still a lot happening right now because the search engine is still difficult to find and penalize sites that use this technique. Although search engines are less effective in detecting cloaking, does not mean that such sites would never be detected. So, do not use cloaking and redirect to your site are not banned by search engines.
3.Teks and Hidden Links
The text and hidden links are not visible to visitors but will be seen by search engines. Generally, text and hidden links have the same color with the background color (background) from Web pages. This trick is often used to augment the
webmaster web pages with keywords and links do not appear to increase the page rank. Currently, search engines have been able to identify the hidden text and links with both and consider them as Spam. Sites that use this trick, of course, will be banned.
Keyword Spam 4.working
Keyword spam is to give too many keywords in the META tags and body text. Commonly used way is by repeating the same words and give a lot of keywords that are not related to the content. If search engines detect this, of course, your site is in the balance.
Towards 5.Link site "Wicked"
Backlink is good to improve your site ranking, but be careful when joining a link farm is designed to "inflate" artificially link popularity.
- Do not sell or buy links to improve rankings artificially / false.
- Do not link to the Web that uses Spam techniques to increase rankings.
- Do not join link exchanges designed to improve the ranking.
- Do not link to sites that have been banned by
6.Machine-Generated Web Sites
This site is the site to generate / create automatically hundreds of the same Web page. In general, highly effective search engine to detect such sites, but these sites are banned for having reported first by the site's users.


Most search engines, including Google - of course, consider illegal techniques above. If you are detected using these techniques, which will probably happen is:
- Your web page will be Flagged red or marked for further inspection by a human (manual).
- Your web page will be deployed to its page rank. \x3c- if is this not possible because of this blog PR0 .
- Your web page will be removed from the search engines.
- The entire site will be banned by search engines.

Monday, October 12, 2009

blogging with window live writer

course to all of you already know about the live window of the window so we should not be afraid to windows live, and many people are using the window but the window live live out the latest products for blogging is very easy and does not require an internet connection to post or edit blog however, you simply open the program or the application window is the latest live this writer. and you can be offline blogging while working on problems, or drink coffee or can also listen to music from slank or emerald .


if you all new blogging world, for the purpose of posting an article or editing your blog does not have to login to blogger dashboard and working in posts that have been provided by the blogger. if I like that already antiquity and no longer used by the expert or experts blogging because it's no time to login to blogger but now so many tools or software for free, or the latest spread on the Internet that can be to post the article in without having to entered first blogger dashboard. call Wbloggar tool, Scribefire, Post2Blog, and the latest from the window Windows Live Writer I have discussed in this post. you still do not understand well the offline blogging? in short, you simply make an article on offline blogging tool you use, then you can click on the button and automatically publish articles that you created earlier will be immediately posted on your blog.
of the many offline blogging tool that I tried the reliability of these tools, it turns out I also fell in love with these corporations microsoft products. considerations - the reasons why I choose windows live writer as a partner in blogging about doing good and reliable are as follows:
1. be offline blogging. means that I can do a post with the way offline and when I write a post for my blog, I do not not have to go first into the dashboard of blogger, so are not required to connect to the  or offline network Internet first. for that we can save or cost allowance and severe internet if you use the Internet yourself at home, you can save your Internet quarto.
2. look very interesting. when I saw the first time with the right tools like window.
3. editor tool which is very complete. if you are already familiar with using blogger editor, so when you use these tools, you'll be dreamy in places, because the atmosphere is all-new and complete, and may in said also was using microsoft word famous.
4. a powerful image editor. Blog Windows Live Writer of this latest image editors have a tool that is very reliable at all, only with a single click will cause the effect of a very interesting picture. 
5. not have to upload the image. on WLW latest version, you do not need upload the first picture because it will be automatically uploaded to your Picasa Web Albums.
6. Preview Multi Editor. You can choose your favorite editor, in HTML version or regular version (WYSUWYG), as well as a preview to see the web in real.
7. Adding Plugin. Similarly, a very famous FireFox with Add-On feature it so firefox more reliable performance. WLW there any Add-Plugin facilities, various plugins for WLW adds reliability can be downloaded and you add at will.
and still a lot of reliability of the latest version of WLW that this time. Do not doubt the reliability of current WLW. please download here! or here
who want to add a plugin in WLW please visit this

Friday, September 25, 2009

create animated labels in blogger

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}
in this post I provide tips and tricks to play on bloggers who are in the favorite one and often people look for the widget or a tutorial from the blog or the other. so provide knowledge and the results of my practice to you for the learning or use. please do not much talk or just chat on the topic, which is as follows:
1. Login to blogger
2. On the Dashboard select Layout> Edit HTML tab
3. To be safe Download full template can be used for backup.
4. After that search the following code

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
should be noted en blogs you might be different to have me so be careful.
5. Copy - Paste the following code after the code <b:section place class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
id='Label99' <b:widget locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<h2> <data:title/> </ h2>
</ b: if>
<div class='widget-content'>
<object type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" data = "" width = "250" height = "200" allowscriptaccess = "always">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<param name = "flashvars" value = "tcolor = 0x000000 & mode = tags & distr = true & tspeed = 100 & tagcloud = <tags>
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'> <> </ a>
</ b: loop>
</ tags> "/>
<p> href=''> <a Blogumulus by Roy Tanck </ a> and <a href=''> Amanda Fazani </ a> </ p>
</ object>
</ div>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
</ b: includable>
</ b: widget>

6. Click Save if you have templates.
7. Finished ---- View your blog.
By doing the above step, then the label blog you've made in a flash. To match this widget to your blog note the following information:
Width = "250" (adjust the width to the width you blog with how to change the value of 250)
Height = "200" (adjust the height to the height of your blog by replacing the value of 200)
name = "bgcolor" value = "# ffffff"
(FFFFFF is the code for white color you can change color according to your blog).
To change the color of the writing for this code
value = "tcolor = 0x000000
(000,000 is the code for black color)
To change the font size of its search code
expr: href = 'data: label.url' style = '12 '>
(figure 12 shows the size font there may be substituted according to your blog).
So once ....! Hopefully useful.
Good Luck ..!!!!