Thursday, December 17, 2009

facebook status updates via the public telephone

a software and applications that are very useful for you all. even the software and this application is for people who do not have a computer or laptop with no internet network. an application for facebook mania in Indonesia or abroad that could facebook status updates via telephone is general, but now a lot of facebook status updates via mobile phone or an expensive mobile phone just like: blackberry, nokia, sonyericsson, samsung and computers. but these applications facebook status updates through a public telephone. Public telephones are basically made from the jealousy of the people - people who use the blackberry and iPhone. the status they are always there writing via XXX which makes the heart wants to buy a second one for phone. but money is not there, and I do not have anything to buy.

you want to try to facebook status updates via the public telephone, please visit the link below:

for how all people must be able to all for the same facebook status updates via mobile. This application may be useful for you and for those who use facebook but did not have mobile and sophisticated computer can use this application only with a general telephone.

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