Thursday, November 26, 2009

blogwalking quickly

My day off school because of time off must be used properly then I want to use my free time to post because I may not be posting tomorrow because it is very busy and important that can not be expected by our own. I do not want to talk about my personal issues in this post because the post is a place of learning for me therefore, I want to go directly to learning about blogwalking. blogwalking it was very easy once the new child internet and computer learning course would have been able to all, and blogwalking it is a medium or a very fine tool to increase visitors and traffic to your blog. blogwalking therefore widely used by the blogging faithful throughout the world, therefore the players to blog in blogwalking require. but if your blog or website you want to visit more than 50 blogs for example, if you are not tired of having to open them one by one blog and had to leave messages or comments there?

but before removing the tips and tricks I've pulled out tips and tricks of seo Seo Way: Optimize on blog search engiengs
therefore I took out tips and tricks to blogwalking easy and fast, and you are not tired, but getting the steady traffic for your blog.

tips and tricks to help us blogwalking as follows: 

1. open your blog to the comment or you have to find the target first to comment on blogs
2. then if you've commented it and write messages, use the services provided by the mozilla or other browser software is bookmarks. 
3. use the service to store bookmarks blog pages you want to visit by using the buttons (ctrl + D in Firefox / other software that you must know) and then you save in a folders, you name blogwalking example.
4. if the blog that will be opened more than 50 blog or 100 blogs then, make a folder to store these blog pages. but try every 1 folder containing 10 pages or less a blog, so that when opened is not too heavy to open all those pages.
5. To open a live open the folder where to save this blog and the Open All in New Tab.
and you can go directly to the menubar which has been provided on the browser software you use them.

This may only be a tip and trick that I use to make us to blogwalking. may be useful for you who like blogwalking. do not forget to give your comments for this post.

Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Pertamax . .. .

    yup, sob . . blogwalking meningkatkan traffic . .

    i'm working on it. ..

  2. semua yang sudah koment makasih banyak ya sob

  3. panduan dan informasinya sangat berguna bagi saya. terimakasih ya. salam sukses luar biasa

  4. kunjungan sore sahabatku!, saya follow ya..!? jgn lupa follow balek ya

  5. Thanks my friend.. Blogwalking bikin kurus badan blog.. :D

  6. kang roni : makasih ya ...
    celebrit : ya sip dah
    tukang : emang sob tp ini beda sob

  7. keren osb SEOnya, keep shooting om

  8. blog walking uah menjadi kehidupan sehari hari sob,

    nice posting sobat!!!!

  9. makasih atas infonya ya sob berguna banget buat aku

  10. ocim : mkasih ya sob
    muh : thank y
    hendrik : thank y
    all : semua nya terima kasih banyak sob

  11. thanks for the nice info guys, it's very important info for blogwalking like me. nice to visit here.

  12. thank ya udah koment sob

  13. kalau pake seped bener jadi cepet ya :D

  14. jaka : thank ya sob
    mas doy : mang cept mas doy

  15. english languange, no mudeng..,but nice info,
    keep post,

  16. azizal maaf ya sob... bhs english

  17. keep posting... slam sukses sob...

  18. makasih ya jaya

  19. wah...bisa buat tambahan nih.....oke deh...ane coba meski harus translete dulu...hehe

  20. aditya makasih ya sob

  21. mantap.. aku juga pake Boomark buat catet orang yang dah mampir n aku mampirin.....


  22. facechan : bagus lah kalau gitu

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Very nice and helpful information, success for you.
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    a billion thanks for you.

  25. thank you very much friend comment you..

  26. sorry comment nya tak hapus ya krn mengandung spam

  27. blogwalking sarana yang bagus bro untuk membangun traffic keep posting

  28. Tips yang berguna kawan, langsung di praktekkan neh :D

  29. thank ya
    silahkan anda coba pasti mantap dah buat anda semua ...
