Wednesday, October 14, 2009

related post with image

in this post I just repost a post that has a lot of in posting by many blogs in the world or the webmaster who spread on the Internet or cyberspace. but I just add it on the first post related to a new post related to an image that is as follows:

1. First, go first to the Edit HTML, do not forget to check the "Expand Widget Templates"
2. Look for this code \x3c/ head\x3e
3. Then replace the code below

\x3c! - Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles Start -\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cstyle type="text/css"\x3e
# related-posts (
float: center;
text-transform: none;
height: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
padding-top: 5px;
padding-left: 5px;

# related-posts h2 (
font-size: 1.6em;
font-weight: bold;
color: black;
font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
margin-bottom: 0.75em;
margin-top: 0em;
padding-top: 0em;
# related-posts a (
color: black;
# related-posts a: hover (
color: black;

# related-posts a: hover (
background-color: # d4eaf2;
\x3c/ style\x3e
src='' \x3cscript type='text/javascript'/\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3c! - Related Posts with thumbnails Scripts and Styles End -\x3e
\x3c/ head\x3e

4. Now looking back the code below
\x3cdiv class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'\x3e
If you do not find the code above, try searching the code like this
\x3cp class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'\x3e
if is met, live input all the code below under one of the above code that associates found.
\x3c! - Related Posts with Thumbnails Code Start -\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cdiv id='related-posts'\x3e
values='data:post.labels' \x3cb:loop var='label'\x3e
cond='data:label.isLast \x3cb:if != "true"'\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3cb:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'\x3e
\x3cscript expr: src = ' "/ feeds/posts/default/- /" + data: + "? alt = json-in-script \x26 callback = related_results_labels_thumbs \x26 max-results = 6"' type = 'text / javascript'/\x3e\x3c/ b: if\x3e \x3c/ b: loop\x3e \x3ca href =' 'style =' display: none; '\x3e Related Posts with thumbnails for bloggers \x3c/ a\x3e \x3ca href='' style='display:none;'\x3e blogger widgets \x3c/ a \x3e
\x3cscript type='text/javascript'\x3e
var currentposturl = "\x3cdata:post.url/\x3e";
var maxresults = 5;
var relatedpoststitle = "Related Posts";
removeRelatedDuplicates_thumbs ();
printRelatedLabels_thumbs ();
\x3c/ script\x3e
\x3c/ div\x3e \x3cdiv style='clear:both'/\x3e
\x3c/ b: if\x3e
\x3c! - Related Posts with Thumbnails Code End -\x3e

5. Do not forget to see the results stored dah
To show how many posts related to editing the code below:
var maxresults = 5;
To change the title, you can edit this code: 
var relatedpoststitle = "Related Posts";
I hope you succeed .... good luck for your blog and do not forget to comment for this post.


  1. bagus lex.... ini berguna banget :D
    namun jgn terlalu banyak

  2. wow nice blog here... alex coe to my home everyday ok... and i will

  3. sip...ine cuman aja mas doy...
    siip ndefender

  4. salam sahabat
    mantap postingnya semantap diriku nyengir bacanya thnxs ya...

  5. Sip infonya sob. Berguna banget nich buat newbie seperti saya. Terima kasih ya udah bagi2 ilmu, semoga sukses selalu

  6. okey thank ya all

  7. manteb nih..patut tuk dicoba.. hayoo sobat2 skalian cobain triks ini yaa.. Haaaatsiiiii.. wuuiiih.. sory nular gk.. ;-)

  8. wew,,, boleh jg niy,,, coba dulu bos

  9. all " thank ya dah koment coba aja..pasti bisa

  10. wah... manteb ne...
    tutorny keren..!

  11. bagus mas tutorialnya, keep posting

  12. Great work. Hope you never stop writing.

  13. ocim; thank you very much ...
    any: yes I will always write to people ... thanks for the support sob

  14. Don't you think that life and time change people? I hope they'll find their "way home" after reading your post.

  15. @Anonymous thank you so much ... could have come home with a knowledge of science and what is not - what matters is useful to you.
