Friday, September 25, 2009

create animated labels in blogger

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}
in this post I provide tips and tricks to play on bloggers who are in the favorite one and often people look for the widget or a tutorial from the blog or the other. so provide knowledge and the results of my practice to you for the learning or use. please do not much talk or just chat on the topic, which is as follows:
1. Login to blogger
2. On the Dashboard select Layout> Edit HTML tab
3. To be safe Download full template can be used for backup.
4. After that search the following code

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
should be noted en blogs you might be different to have me so be careful.
5. Copy - Paste the following code after the code <b:section place class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'>
id='Label99' <b:widget locked='false' title='Labels' type='Label'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:title'>
<h2> <data:title/> </ h2>
</ b: if>
<div class='widget-content'>
<object type = "application / x-shockwave-flash" data = "" width = "250" height = "200" allowscriptaccess = "always">
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
<param name = "flashvars" value = "tcolor = 0x000000 & mode = tags & distr = true & tspeed = 100 & tagcloud = <tags>
<b:loop values='data:labels' var='label'>
<a expr:dir='data:blog.languageDirection' expr:href='data:label.url' style='12'> <> </ a>
</ b: loop>
</ tags> "/>
<p> href=''> <a Blogumulus by Roy Tanck </ a> and <a href=''> Amanda Fazani </ a> </ p>
</ object>
</ div>
<b:include name='quickedit'/>
</ b: includable>
</ b: widget>

6. Click Save if you have templates.
7. Finished ---- View your blog.
By doing the above step, then the label blog you've made in a flash. To match this widget to your blog note the following information:
Width = "250" (adjust the width to the width you blog with how to change the value of 250)
Height = "200" (adjust the height to the height of your blog by replacing the value of 200)
name = "bgcolor" value = "# ffffff"
(FFFFFF is the code for white color you can change color according to your blog).
To change the color of the writing for this code
value = "tcolor = 0x000000
(000,000 is the code for black color)
To change the font size of its search code
expr: href = 'data: label.url' style = '12 '>
(figure 12 shows the size font there may be substituted according to your blog).
So once ....! Hopefully useful.
Good Luck ..!!!!


  1. thank y... atas komentar nya
    semoga puas ja dah.....

  2. dukungannya om doyok...

  3. wah boso kompeni,, ane ora ngerti,,,,

  4. kan bisa di translate bos... jangan khawatir bos....

  5. cip mantep nich tutornya gan, Thx tips nya

  6. prafangga :
    y sm2 sering kesini y...

  7. sadewa : mksh ya atas komentar anda tentang postingan saya kali ini ... semoga bermanfaat untuk anda semua

  8. I like to visit this website ,,,,, there especially in beberpa translate articles into Indonesia

  9. terima kasih ya atas komentarnya okey
    semoga anda puas dg artikel saya ini
