Saturday, July 10, 2010

Windows XP Back so this year targeted by hacker

the opportunity this time I am eager to share information Which is very useful for you all. That information comes from my windows xp so far but now it will from Disappear reappear. Disappear somehow or maybe it was the cause of launchingnya Windows 7 (Windows Seven). Microsoft has said more than 10.000 self-made machine microsoft has been attacked by hackers and crackers are caused by bugs That Are Owned oelh Windows XP, and will of continue to fall victim to the next. but so far no official patch from Microsoft. wow, this is terrible news. This deadly attack is very capable of making the intruder / attacker / cracker, cans call this person and have full control or the controls on your pc or computer attack.

Microsoft Window XP has allowed access to Help Document (Microsoft Help Center) through a URL using  protocol: hcp:// refrensi like at this URL:  .
and to note That Can everyone use a CMD or Command Prompt, you are already biased running calculator calculator just by typing in the Command Prompt.

Windows XP Hacking
Exciting is not it? And of course, what if there is a third type of program, thirdy follow-up party chipped to randomize the system. As written by Tavis Ormandy in his article in
There are so many possibilities that occur by using an iframe and insert Hcp protocol like this:
<iframe src="hcp://...">