Wednesday, January 27, 2010

User passwords restore the window from the beginning

on before posting this time, this site has provided tips and tricks for telling you about regedit even a lot of things - things that maybe you are not familiar with regedit. if you have experienced loss in the window user password?

maybe if your computer is in use by some users sometimes there are several user accounts with different account in a different operating system. example: administrator, Limited, and even just simply Guest. if at any point you really need one to use or change something in an operating system that you need to access the operating system using a user account with administrator or user administrator rights.

if you still remember the password you use may not be any problem but if you forget the password. This one follows a very telling way of all. sometimes it this way in all PCs berhasi will but who knows in the PC you use was not successful. the following steps:

1. Turn on your computer in Safe Mode.
2. After arriving in the user menu, select a user that is not password protected or that you remember the password.
3. After entry into the operating system, click [start]\u003e [Run] and click "CMD" and press Enter.
4. After the command prompt window open, click "C: \\ WINDOWS \\ System32" (without the "), your operating system is installed on drive C: \\ and name of the folder where Installing a 'Windows'.
5. For safety, before changing the administrator password, there is a good idea to make backups of the files with the name logon.scr. The trick is to click the "Copy logon.scr logon.bak" (without the ").
6. Next is click the command "copy cmd.exe logon.scr".
7. To change the administrator password, the dir c: \\ windows \\ system32 earlier, click command: "net user administrator 1234". with the example, the administrator user's password will be changed to 1234. Surely the new password you can change at will. In addition you can also change the password other registered users.
8. After that the screen will display the password change was successfully performed. If you've restarted your computer and try to login with the user password has changed.

The steps above is one way to change password administrator or other users in the Windows XP operating system. If you do not succeed to open the windows XP administrator's password with the steps above, there is one other shortcuts that you can do.

The way is to reset the administrator password to be empty, so we login with the administrator account without having to enter his password.

To do this, you need a tool called CHNTWP (Change NT Password), utilities may CHNTWP taken in address and you can use as a waste Besides can reset the password of each user which operating system is Windows NT-based, you also do not need to remember long-reminders password of each user.


  1. hanya kasih saran sob, lebih enak klo disini dikasih widget terjemahan. OK
    ditunggu comen baliknya...sekalian aku jitak KB

  2. nice information for me...i'll try letter

  3. Wah keren nih alexa.. gak tau apaan nh.. hehehe

  4. owalah ... ya ntar tak kasih widgetnya sob sip dah

    sorry bhs inggris wkwkwk

  5. sukses sobat buat semua" maaf nieh aku ngak mudeng bahasanya" maaf dari kecil makan singkong...
    kang alex tulong kasih translate biar aku juga bisa serep ilmunya,..
    thang yah

  6. okey sob sip dah
    tak coba dah
    masih cari widgetnya ne wkwkwkkw

  7. udah aku jitak tuh AC kamu, jitak balik ya
