Saturday, February 27, 2010

accelerate shutdown with a shutdown shortcut on the desktop

usually we feel our computers are too heavy and really long time to open or close our window. actually it was not a problem in the hardware but the software's problems are in use. but I am now eager to give way or a trick, telling me how to speed up your computer shutdown, do not want to know this? it was not love this, as follows:
1. Right-click an empty area on the desktop and select New - Shortcut.
2. At the command line type c: \\ windows \\ rundll32.exe user, exitwindows.
3. Click next and name the shortcut it.
4. Finally click Finish.

way as I practice at home, and to speed up my computer shutdown by making a shutdown shortcut on the desktop computer. may be useful for you all.


  1. nice post and info.. keep bloging. ok..

  2. your ost is very usuful for me....
    to acceerelate shutdown...
    thx kang
