Showing posts with label network security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label network security. Show all posts

Friday, July 9, 2010

MikroTik RouterOS features

Last time I had a post about the history MikroTik and what it MikroTik RouterOS? I will now go back about MikroTik. and in the post this time to discuss what features are on offer on the MikroTik RouterOS. for more details read feature - its features below. 
There are Some features in MikroTik That I Know Which Is Mutation

3. Bonding
7. Firewall and NAT
10. ISDN
11. M3P
12. MNDP
14. NTP
16. Proxy

18. SDSL
19. SIMPLE tunnels
20. SNMP
21. Synchronous
23. UPnP
24. VLAN
25. VOIP
26. VRRP

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What is MikroTik RouterOS ?

Had long since I do not post my Chances of not blogging about three months more, why I was not blogging Because I was really busy at my job and Become a computer technician at a university network in the poor. yesterday I was posting about the history of the MikroTik Which I have written a complete and detailed without cheap to post about this MikroTik. in the post this time I'm still going to discuss about the MikroTik RouterOS is in use in many countries - developing countries like Indonesia this. but on this occasion I just give an explanation what it is MikroTik RouterOS and MikroTik Hardware Built-ins? we go straight to the subject below.


RouterOS Mikrotik is a variant of linux that is specifically packaged into an independent operating system where its main function is to create ordinary personal computer into a powerful router, and enables network administrators in managing their network without having to study for a long time.

MikroTik RouterOS does not support multiple operating systems and only make a single partition on the hard drive, so when the installation process Mikrotik RouterOS happens is all the data on the disk will be formatted. To start the installation process make sure the boot device in bios is directed toward the cd-room, the first step is to determine the package or what features will be in use.


MikroTik is in the form of hardware packed in a very special board within the board router Routers that are already installed with Mikrotik RouterOS. For versions of the Built In Hardware Mikrotik license is included in the price of board Mikrotik router.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

latest virus unique and cruel end of the year

 many viruses are spread by the end of this year, there was even an expert in programming to know a virus that spreads the end of this year. This malware has changed in the hard disk image into a file which is very dangerous once the virus has even invaded the latest operating system from microsoft ie 7 window.

an expert analysis of antiviral vaksincom Indonesia has declared it has detected the circulation of a malicious program with Autorun.ATSJ name. that a virus or malware is a variant of the virus that has dominated autorun virus in Indonesia ranked the period November to December 2009. virus variants have been hidden in a file called images in the hard disk and make a duplicate which is actually a malicious program as well. even the duplicate files that are created will have an icon image attract enough attention so that users are able to deceive all users.

according to antivirus expertise that the file is malicious or virus created by the script in C via a software AutoIt version 3 and the compression with UPX program. features - traits the virus is to use the icon-sized pictures of about 353 KB, and extension. EXE and a type of "application".

a phenomenon in your computer get infected if the virus is as follows:
infect your computer when the victim, then the virus will cause two very strange process in the task manager once. processes running in task manager called Jview and Shimgvw and will appear in the task manager windows operating system. if it has run victims windows 7 operating system, the virus seems to run a function to turn off user account control feature (AUC). but the virus is not able to run on OS window 7. virus even has the main purpose of deadly a feature of the OS is windows 7 security features center. and consequently update and warning functions of the OS window will have a very serious problem at all.

some antivirus that will be killed by the virus as well as, Ansav guard, ESET (NOD32), norman security suite, and McAfee security center. even more unique is more the virus can kill a virus that runs locally on the taskmanager process or on star up, such as: Blastclnn.exe, blastclnnn.exe, newfolder.exe, and SSCVIHOST.exe. The main symptom that caused the most obvious is he has the ability to plow and duplicate all the existing image files in your hard drive. files that will be the main target of the virus files have the extension jpeg, bmp, png, and gif.

the virus will spread through a peripheral device is a USB flash drive. other than that he will spread itself through a local network if the victim computer has a share folder or share data in a local network. careful - careful with the virus that is very unique and cruel this year. My info may be useful this time. thanks.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

AVG 9.0 free and premium

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},,

for the users anti-virus avg heart seemed to be having this day guard, because the AVG antivirus AVG release we have not only the 9.0 version of AVG is paying 9, but they now have release most recent edition of AVG Free 9.0 or you can download for free and updates are free.

the AVG 9.0 is certainly a lot of new features have been added to complement the reliability of their anti-virus is. for the fans AVG anti-virus, AVG 9.0 you deserve try to deal with the emerging viruses in cyberspace or the internet.

avg 9.0 to 3 compatible operating system most recent version of windows xp, windows vista, windows 7. if you want to download  please click here!

if there is a problem with how to install the latest avg 9.0, please comment or contact me here !!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

making network cables

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},
the post this time I want to share knowledge with you all about a network that has evolved in this world. actually post this time suitable for students who have majors TKJ (computer and network technicians) but other users or people who are not majoring in computer and networks can also learn a network is also very easy to very cheap in studied. This post will I love a tutorial to make cables LAN / UTP. however, prior to the making of a wired LAN / UTP we have to understand what he meant by networking? network is a PC / computer interconnected with a PC / other computer and PCs can communicate, sharing, among other computer. and What is UTP cable? UTP cable is a special cable for data transmission. and the abbr eviation of UTP unshielded Twisted Pair. that's the basis of the identifier for the network for more information you can follow the next post, we went straight to the introduction of direct scene whatever equipment is needed to make a LAN cable / network, along with the functions of the device.
1. UTP cable, I've explained this over so I did not explain to shorten our time to learn we immediately go to the tool to two (2) only.
2. Head Connector or RJ-45 is a functional tool for the placement and for UTP cable is plugged into a PC or a computer.  
3. Special pliers / Crimping Tool, the tool is in use Untk "deadly" or "plant" connector to the UTP cable. so it was on the steps it is no longer on the loose Ladi connector.
4. LAN tester, a tool to test the UTP cable that has been in Crimping with pliers, if the cable you've made is correct or not.

If you are ready for it all with the equipment that your network cable directly into the stage just right for it is as follows:
1. You first peel the protective UTP cable is less than 2 cm, or do you think is enough to go to RJ-45.
2. when you're done for the first phase, you trim the ends of UTP cable to avoid messy and not experience mistakes in our cable network that made and used when no network cable is a cable tidy no. 1 with the others would not and did not fit right, the essential core of the cable must be neat or parallel with other cables.
4. selection of cable types you will make later to your network computer ie, Type and Type Cross straight over.
to order the cable type and cross straight over us choose the ISO standard just let simple and obvious fact we can choose our cable suit but we must notice the difference from the type of cable. we just straight to the scene.
Type straight
This was easiest in making important end of the one with the other should be the same.
ISO standards are:

1. young orange 
2. old orange 
3. green 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. dark green 
7. brown 
8. sepia

Then the other end also has a sequence too.Jadi essentially end the only one with the same,and special straight between pc to pc only.
Type Cross / Cross:
Cross cable used to connect from PC to PC / PC to router, just all connections from devices that normally connect through a switch or hub, but fixed directly. Here are examples of cable's position in this condition only crossover.model crossing between the tip of one another.
the following details: the end of the first

1. young orange 
2. old orange 
3. green 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. dark green 
7. brown 
8. sepia

The other end:

1. green 
2. dark green 
3. young orange 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. old orange 
7. brown 
8. sepia

good luck for your skills course ... Do not forget to comment ?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

10 Tips and trick wireless security

the opportunity this time I took time to post because this month I'm very busy with my school and my job became a computer technician and network. but for you all do not worry I will always be bothered to post this on my website almost every day or week. us directly to our subject in the conduct of wireless security .... why did I post about security or wireless security because lots of software and lots of hackers or crack spread in cyberspace or the internet so I release tips and tricks in this post. but we must know what is meant by wireless networks or who is often called a wireless network understanding very simple and clear is very easy for the setup, and also feels comfortable, especially if we want to be able to walk around the house or office with a portable computer / laptop / net book, but we are still able to access the Internet network. however, because the wireless waves, it will be easier on the hack by hackers or crackers or a can of computer and network experts from the connections that are still using the cable.
I took out my 10 tips and tricks you can use to secure the wireless network / wireless us, is as follows:
1. Wearing encryption.

Encryption is the first security measure, but many wireless access points (WAPs) do not use encryption as a default. Although many WAP has Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol, but not enabled by default. WEP does have som
e holes in securitynya, and an experienced hacker would be able to open it, but it was still better than no encryption at all. Be sure to set the WEP authentication method to "shared key" rather than "open system". To "open system", he does not encrypt data, but only authenticate the client. Change the WEP key as often as possible, and use 128-bit WEP compared with the 40-bit.

2. Use strong encryption.
Because of the weakness weaknesse s in WEP, it is recommended to use Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) as well. To use WPA, WAP had to the support. The client side must also be able to support WPA tsb.
3. Change the default administrator password.
Most manufacturers use the same administrative password for all their products WAP. The default password is generally known by the hackers, which can then be used to change the settings on your WAP. The first thing to do in the WAP configuration is changing the default password tsb. Use at least 8 characters, a combination of letters and numbers, and do not use the word word in the dictionary.
4. Turn off SSID Broadcasting.
Service Set Identifier (SSID) is the name of our wireless network. By default, the SSID of the WAP will be broadcast. This will make users easy to find the network they will be, because the SSID will appear in the list of available networks that have the wireless client. If the SSID is turned off, the user must first know a bit SSID can be connected with the network.
5. Turn off the WAP when not in use.
The way this one looks very simple, but some companies or individuals do it. If we have users who only connect at a certain moment, there is no reason to run a wireless network at all times and provide the opportunity for intruders in an automated to carry out his evil intentions. We can turn off access point when not in use.
6. Change the default SSID.
Factory default SSID provided. Usefulness of the SSID broadcast is switched off to prevent anyone else know the name of our network, but if you still use the default SSID, will not be difficult to guess the SSID of our network.
7. Wearing MAC filtering.
Most WAP (not the cheap cheap of course) will permit us to use the filter media access control (MAC). This means we can make a "white list" of the computer computer that can access our wireless network, based on the MAC or physical addresses on each network card pc. Connections from the MAC is not on the list will be rejected.
This method is not always safe, because it is still possible for a hacker to do packet sniffing that we transmit via the wireless network and get a valid MAC address from one user, and then use it to make spoof. But the MAC filtering will make a intruders in an automated trouble is still not really good candidate.
8. Isolate the wireless network from the LAN.
To protect the cable from the internal network threats coming from the wireless network, it is important to make wireless DMZ or perimeter network is isolated from the LAN. It means installing a firewall between the wireless network and LAN.
And for the wireless client that requires access to the internal network, he must first authenticate to the RAS server or use a VPN. This provides extra layers for protection.
9. Control the wireless signal
802.11b WAP to emit waves of about 300 feet. But this distance can be added by replacing the antenna with a better one. By using high-gain antenna, we can get more distance. Directional antenna will transmit the signal to a particular direction, and the radiance is not circular as in Omnidirectional antenna that usually found in standard WAP package. In addition, by selecting the appropriate antenna, we can control distance and direction signals to protect themselves from intruders in an automated. In addition, there are some WAP settings that can be in signal strength and direction through WAP config tsb.
10. Emits waves at a different frequency.
One way to hide from hackers who often use technologies 802.11b / g, which is more popular is to use 802.11a. Because 802.11a works on a different frequency (ie at the frequency of 5 GHz), NIC is designed to work on a popular technology will not be able to catch the signal tsb.
good luck hope it can be useful for you all, but do not forget to give your comments on this post or other posts.