Tuesday, December 29, 2009

latest virus unique and cruel end of the year

 many viruses are spread by the end of this year, there was even an expert in programming to know a virus that spreads the end of this year. This malware has changed in the hard disk image into a file which is very dangerous once the virus has even invaded the latest operating system from microsoft ie 7 window.

an expert analysis of antiviral vaksincom Indonesia has declared it has detected the circulation of a malicious program with Autorun.ATSJ name. that a virus or malware is a variant of the virus that has dominated autorun virus in Indonesia ranked the period November to December 2009. virus variants have been hidden in a file called images in the hard disk and make a duplicate which is actually a malicious program as well. even the duplicate files that are created will have an icon image attract enough attention so that users are able to deceive all users.

according to antivirus expertise that the file is malicious or virus created by the script in C via a software AutoIt version 3 and the compression with UPX program. features - traits the virus is to use the icon-sized pictures of about 353 KB, and extension. EXE and a type of "application".

a phenomenon in your computer get infected if the virus is as follows:
infect your computer when the victim, then the virus will cause two very strange process in the task manager once. processes running in task manager called Jview and Shimgvw and will appear in the task manager windows operating system. if it has run victims windows 7 operating system, the virus seems to run a function to turn off user account control feature (AUC). but the virus is not able to run on OS window 7. virus even has the main purpose of deadly a feature of the OS is windows 7 security features center. and consequently update and warning functions of the OS window will have a very serious problem at all.

some antivirus that will be killed by the virus as well as, Ansav guard, ESET (NOD32), norman security suite, and McAfee security center. even more unique is more the virus can kill a virus that runs locally on the taskmanager process or on star up, such as: Blastclnn.exe, blastclnnn.exe, newfolder.exe, and SSCVIHOST.exe. The main symptom that caused the most obvious is he has the ability to plow and duplicate all the existing image files in your hard drive. files that will be the main target of the virus files have the extension jpeg, bmp, png, and gif.

the virus will spread through a peripheral device is a USB flash drive. other than that he will spread itself through a local network if the victim computer has a share folder or share data in a local network. careful - careful with the virus that is very unique and cruel this year. My info may be useful this time. thanks.


  1. salam sahabat pertamaxx....
    iya ga ya?he..he..untuk versi eset NOD32 lagi saya pakai mas Alex siip tenan .good luck ya

  2. thank ya mbak...
    semoga bermanfaat ya ... ya sm2 sob
