Thursday, October 15, 2009

making network cables

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},
the post this time I want to share knowledge with you all about a network that has evolved in this world. actually post this time suitable for students who have majors TKJ (computer and network technicians) but other users or people who are not majoring in computer and networks can also learn a network is also very easy to very cheap in studied. This post will I love a tutorial to make cables LAN / UTP. however, prior to the making of a wired LAN / UTP we have to understand what he meant by networking? network is a PC / computer interconnected with a PC / other computer and PCs can communicate, sharing, among other computer. and What is UTP cable? UTP cable is a special cable for data transmission. and the abbr eviation of UTP unshielded Twisted Pair. that's the basis of the identifier for the network for more information you can follow the next post, we went straight to the introduction of direct scene whatever equipment is needed to make a LAN cable / network, along with the functions of the device.
1. UTP cable, I've explained this over so I did not explain to shorten our time to learn we immediately go to the tool to two (2) only.
2. Head Connector or RJ-45 is a functional tool for the placement and for UTP cable is plugged into a PC or a computer.  
3. Special pliers / Crimping Tool, the tool is in use Untk "deadly" or "plant" connector to the UTP cable. so it was on the steps it is no longer on the loose Ladi connector.
4. LAN tester, a tool to test the UTP cable that has been in Crimping with pliers, if the cable you've made is correct or not.

If you are ready for it all with the equipment that your network cable directly into the stage just right for it is as follows:
1. You first peel the protective UTP cable is less than 2 cm, or do you think is enough to go to RJ-45.
2. when you're done for the first phase, you trim the ends of UTP cable to avoid messy and not experience mistakes in our cable network that made and used when no network cable is a cable tidy no. 1 with the others would not and did not fit right, the essential core of the cable must be neat or parallel with other cables.
4. selection of cable types you will make later to your network computer ie, Type and Type Cross straight over.
to order the cable type and cross straight over us choose the ISO standard just let simple and obvious fact we can choose our cable suit but we must notice the difference from the type of cable. we just straight to the scene.
Type straight
This was easiest in making important end of the one with the other should be the same.
ISO standards are:

1. young orange 
2. old orange 
3. green 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. dark green 
7. brown 
8. sepia

Then the other end also has a sequence too.Jadi essentially end the only one with the same,and special straight between pc to pc only.
Type Cross / Cross:
Cross cable used to connect from PC to PC / PC to router, just all connections from devices that normally connect through a switch or hub, but fixed directly. Here are examples of cable's position in this condition only crossover.model crossing between the tip of one another.
the following details: the end of the first

1. young orange 
2. old orange 
3. green 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. dark green 
7. brown 
8. sepia

The other end:

1. green 
2. dark green 
3. young orange 
4. blue 
5. navy 
6. old orange 
7. brown 
8. sepia

good luck for your skills course ... Do not forget to comment ?


  1. pertama menyapamu he..he..
    salam sahabatku..
    wah good n good posting nich....pass banget,thnxs ya...good luck

  2. mantap...mksh ya...

  3. uda pernah di ajarin nih di kuliah..

  4. Baru tau tuh rupanya konektor itu namanya RJ-45, makacih yaaaaaa

  5. Kabel LAN ya sob, biasanya buat dikantor ya. info yang bagus , thank

  6. i`m sorry guys... i cant speak english well.
    by the way thank for de information...

  7. danu : ne repost...dah..
    taris : ya nama nya rj -45
    kang : ya..

  8. wah, bisa membantu ne infonya bro, trims

  9. mantap tu sob ... thank y sob
