Showing posts with label block virus HP symbian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label block virus HP symbian. Show all posts

Sunday, March 21, 2010

badcrack2010 latest viruses destroy computer in the world

I have not been blogging due to busy in the world offline therefore my beloved blog posting is not every day. but I will never forget my status as a true blogging.

on this occasion I wanted to discuss about the virus. This is now a computer virus has been developed by many people and even children are still smp and smk like this I have developed some of the existing viruses into a virus that is very cruel to the computer. even the scientists just do not think that young children could develop a virus that already exists.

I'm not going to give examples of the virus because next month I will spread, if only now I could have spread, but less exciting because the virus that has developed is less than perfect to destroy computers worldwide.

There's actually a virus rather than to destroy the will but there are other purposes. every person who has his own purposes - their own made virus.

the virus is a small file that aims to manipulate data in a computer course, but by ordinary people that the virus is a very dangerous bacteria.

maybe that's all the discussion this time because I was at this time still in a state of severe pain because most jobs.
if there is one word and ask the justifiable sense yes. thank you a lot of friends - friends.

Monday, January 11, 2010

10 most dangerous viruses in a cell phone in the previous year

virus is one of our blocks in doing a very important even today a lot of computers and mobile phones in trouble because of the virus. actually a computer virus and the virus is the same phone. should a virus program is a program that has been created specifically to be able to install itself without the user ordered by computers and mobile phones, they can cause damage either directly or indirectly.

many people who still do not get a virus, a virus or a software program that can install applications, transform themselves more and more and can develop by itself, but some people say it is a bacterial virus. you're wrong if someone called in a computer virus or bacterium's cell phone but it was a malicious program that made for stupid friends or antiviral agents in selling let me do.

there was even a virus can not cause damage but they can harm the user's phone or computer. I have a list of viruses before diving in, will I said in this post, what a very dangerous virus in the previous year, is as follows:

1. Cabir

Found: Jun 2004
Nickname: SymbOS / Cabir.A, EPOC / Cabir.A, Worm.Symbian.Cabir.a, Caribe
Target: Mobile Symbian S60V2
Scattered through: Bluetooth
Damage: mobile performance slow

This cabir virus is one type of virus that can spread via Bluetooth or infrared connection and enter in the inbox message with the name of a very exciting time. the virus usually give the name of the skill is worms. If the file will be opened and installed, Cabir will start looking for other mobile targets that are open access his Bluetooth connections to spread. Cabir Bluetooth will enable a periodic basis, about 15-20 minutes, to get other mobile targets. There is no danger of damage, but the hp battery will run out more quickly because of continuous use bluetooth.

2. Skulls

Discovered: November 2004
Nickname: SymbOS.skulls, skulls.sis, Extenhded theme.sis
Target: Symbian mobile phone
Scattered through: Internet
Damage: mobile phones can not be used again except to call and receive calls.

These types of Trojans and system damage caused icon menu icon changed into a skull. When installed, Skull H will display notification message: "Install beta_092_free-sms-RM8? and Skull S displays the message "Install BlueNum Stealer", and some other weird messages. Not only can change the icons, Skull can damage all the applications that his icon has been changed. Usually when an infected application is opened it will appear is the error message.

3. CommWarrior

Found: Jan 2005
Nickname: random
Target: Mobile Symbian S60V2
Scattered through: Bluetooth and MMS
Damage: Sending virus replication through MMS to any number in contacs, spent a pulse.

Several variants of this virus will also send MMS to random numbers stored in contacs. The last variant was found Commwarrior T. that infects the Symbian 8.1 (S60V2) or previous versions. These viruses are often not being recognized because the name he used was not sure. This type of virus attacks vary widely, but the most common is the virus will spread through Bluetooth. This virus will spread and infect or sometimes open an HTML page that contains the following message:

"Introduction Surprise! Your phone infected by CommWarrior worm v3.0. Matrix has you, CommWarrior inside. No panic please, it is very interesting to have mobile virus at own phone. This worm does not bring any harm to your phone and your significant data. About CommWarrior worm for Nokia Series60 provides automatic real-time protection against harmful content Anti-Virus. CommWarrior is free software and is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, without any warranty. Thank you for using CommWarrior. CommWarrior © 2005-2006 by e10d0r. "

4. Locknut

Found: Mar 2005
Nickname: unknown
Target: Symbian s60
Scattered through: Internet download
Damage: crashing phone system (ROM)

Locknut E, one variant of this virus, will destroy important files in the system and cause the application Symbian infected can not be opened. In this way, over time will be locked phone in total. Locknut or SymbOS.Locknut is a backdoor Trojan that uses the Symbian S60 system. The virus is dangerous because it can change the binary data (file extension. Bin) in the phone ROM from the system, and cause the cell phone operating system stops.

5. Fontal

Discovered: April 2005
Nickname: unknown
Target: Symbian s60
Scattered through: Internet download
Damage: Lock the phone since the first fired and could not be used.

If the phone lock Locknut gradually, it will lock the phone Fontal since it first started.

6. RommWar

Found: --
Nickname: theme.sis, xxx.sis, Britney_.sis, or the names of other interesting fishing do lo for installation
Target: Symbian s60
Scattered through: Bluetooth, MMS, and internet
Damage: causes do phone can not boot, restarts itself often

When the installation process running, the screen will display a message like this: "Install Stoper by WarriorMarrior?"
RommWar consists of 4 variants namely A, B, C and D which all have functions can cause the phone not booting do, often restart itself, turn off the power button, and prevent the mobile to light when lit.

7. DoomBoot

Found: --
Nickname: Doom_2_wad_kracked_by_DFT_S60_v.1.0.sis (disguised as a mobile games Doom 2), exoVirusStopv2.13.19 (disguised as antivirus programs)
Target: symbian s60
Scattered through: Bluetooth
Damage: create corrupted files, preventing phone reboot, if successful reboot it should be hard-reset do

Damaged file will prevent the phone to run the reboot. In addition, this virus also causes the battery will quickly run out due to constant use bluetooth connection. Make Doomboot A corrupted file, and after infecting a file, he would put another way CommWarrior.B virus into the phone. Doomboot including Trojan viruses. Many variants have been discovered, such as Doomboot A, C, L, F, G, and P.

8. CardTrap

Found: --
Nickname: masquerading as famous as kingkong game, Half Life, Battlefield 2, etc.. Sometimes also disguised as an application example SeleQ 1.7 - kracked TNT.sis
Target: Symbian S60 mobile phone and Windows-based PC
Scattered through: memory cards
Damage: causes important applications to malfunction, chaos systems, damaging the function of some buttons

Many variants have been found, such as CardTrap P, Q, R, S to double alphabets like CardTrap AA, AG, AJ, etc.. Cardtrap damage your system by turning off some important applications, especially anti-virus applications. If the memory card to be infected with the virus is connected to a PC, it will grow CardTrap himself to the PC and they will spread themselves. The first mobile phone virus created to also attack Windows-based computers. He will put the virus into 2 files in memory cards for mobile phones.

9. PBStealer

Found: --
Nickname: ChattingYuk.sis, PBCompressor.sis
Target: Symbian s60 phone
Scattered through: Bluetooth
Damage: exploiting the number of contacts, to-do list, database and notepad

 into the format. Txt and then will spread to other mobile phones such as Bluetooth. Brief look harmless but what if there are important data we are disseminated and used for criminal purposes? PBStealer is mobile viruses from Indonesia, we take pride in Indonesia . This virus will copy important data on our mobile phones such as contacs, to-do list, notes, etc.

10. AppDisabler

Found: --
Nickname: --
Target: Symbian
Scattered through: Bluetooth, MMS
Damage: install other viruses are dangerous as well, such as Locknut, Cabir and Skulls, causing the entire operating system to a halt.

That said, this is the most dangerous cell phone viruses in existence for combining several types of viruses as well. If this virus has gotten into our mobile phones, which can only in doing say goodbye. if you like that we have to buy a new phone.

may be useful for you all and be - careful with the virus do not like to underestimate the virus.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Antivirus 7.4 SmadAV make a Pro

maybe you have a lot to know that there are SmadAV Pro and there is also a free, too. even many people who want a Pro antivirus SmadAV having a very good advantage at all, but this time I wanted to made Antivirus Pro SmadAV without review or put our banner on your site but I wanted to use a very good and cheap . I do not want to talk with you, we straight to the main topic yes? follow the steps - steps that I gave to you, as the following:

before you register Pro SmadAV we do SmadAV 7.4 installation, however if you are already install SmadAV 7.5 please uninstall the antivirus 7.5 SmadAV then you replace it with the antivirus back 7.4 SmadAV. if already installed antivirus SmadAV 7.4, we just go to the settings menu and then when I go into the settings menu just click the Unregister button. just create a SmadAV reinstall 7.4, then please enter your name and my keys are provided below:

Name  : iloovufull
Key     : 098810807000

great SmadAV become Pro 7.4, if it is a PRO, then you click Unregister and then would SmadAV will be free again, because in a part of the tricks alone.

7.4 SmadAV if you've become free again I suggest you enter your name and key that I have prepared the following:

note: to name just please Copy paste and for Key please enter it manually.

Name  : [C] ara [C] urang and [P] rogram [b] call
Key     : 299921696441

have you entered yet? if you have the Key enter the name and do not forget you click the button rigester. now you try to install 7.5 SmadAV you have to click on the file 2 times.

note: 7.4 SmadAV not be deleted first yes, but let it SmadAV because if we install a new SmadAV be affected.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

latest virus unique and cruel end of the year

 many viruses are spread by the end of this year, there was even an expert in programming to know a virus that spreads the end of this year. This malware has changed in the hard disk image into a file which is very dangerous once the virus has even invaded the latest operating system from microsoft ie 7 window.

an expert analysis of antiviral vaksincom Indonesia has declared it has detected the circulation of a malicious program with Autorun.ATSJ name. that a virus or malware is a variant of the virus that has dominated autorun virus in Indonesia ranked the period November to December 2009. virus variants have been hidden in a file called images in the hard disk and make a duplicate which is actually a malicious program as well. even the duplicate files that are created will have an icon image attract enough attention so that users are able to deceive all users.

according to antivirus expertise that the file is malicious or virus created by the script in C via a software AutoIt version 3 and the compression with UPX program. features - traits the virus is to use the icon-sized pictures of about 353 KB, and extension. EXE and a type of "application".

a phenomenon in your computer get infected if the virus is as follows:
infect your computer when the victim, then the virus will cause two very strange process in the task manager once. processes running in task manager called Jview and Shimgvw and will appear in the task manager windows operating system. if it has run victims windows 7 operating system, the virus seems to run a function to turn off user account control feature (AUC). but the virus is not able to run on OS window 7. virus even has the main purpose of deadly a feature of the OS is windows 7 security features center. and consequently update and warning functions of the OS window will have a very serious problem at all.

some antivirus that will be killed by the virus as well as, Ansav guard, ESET (NOD32), norman security suite, and McAfee security center. even more unique is more the virus can kill a virus that runs locally on the taskmanager process or on star up, such as: Blastclnn.exe, blastclnnn.exe, newfolder.exe, and SSCVIHOST.exe. The main symptom that caused the most obvious is he has the ability to plow and duplicate all the existing image files in your hard drive. files that will be the main target of the virus files have the extension jpeg, bmp, png, and gif.

the virus will spread through a peripheral device is a USB flash drive. other than that he will spread itself through a local network if the victim computer has a share folder or share data in a local network. careful - careful with the virus that is very unique and cruel this year. My info may be useful this time. thanks.

Monday, October 19, 2009

make flash password without buying the software

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}

before I give lessons or insights to you all about making the password in the flash, I thank you very much for you because it has been faithfully visiting my blog. but you should never tired of dwelling or to communicate in my place this very simple because I will give a very broad perspective of the technology world. I do not want to talk here because it will take a very long time if I told here, we immediately headed to the scene at once. post this time I want to share knowledge on how to make flash password without buying the software, but I will give knowledge about the script that I have learned, is as follows:
1. Open Notepad
(Here's how: Start _ All Programs_Accessories_Notepad or entered in notepaddan RUN then type Enter) and then copy and paste the following script code into notepad

on error goto 0
Dim s, quest, sd, m, winpath, fs
set sd = CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell")
set fs = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
Set s = WScript.CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell")
do while my quest = ""
quest = InputBox ( "Enter a PASSWORD, if you enter the wrong password, the computer is going !!!"," ShutDown")
if quest = "" then
m = MsgBox ( "Sorry you have not entered a password ...!", 0 +0 +48," ")
end if
if quest = "
WRITE THE PASSWORD HERE 'then "shutdown-a" winpath \x26 "\\ explorer.exe / e, / select," \x26 Wscript.ScriptFullname
else "shutdown-s-t 0"
end if

WRITE THE PASSWORD HERE your own locker, it is as a place of your password. Use of capital letters is very influential. I suggest using numbers that have been remembered by rote.
then save as a name with "passwordlock.vbs" without the quotes, before the save as sure select all files.
2. when you finish above.
then open Notepad again, to automatic settings after the flash is included in the computer.
copy and paste the following script code into notepad.

shellexecute = wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs
action = FLASHDISK completed CODE

you can change the word "completed FLASHDISK CODE" according to the words of your own desires pearls.
after that do storage as the first file, but in the File name write "autorun.inf" without the quotes, before the save as sure select all files.
Then move the two files you created earlier (autorun.inf and passwordlock.vbs) into your flash.
last step please autorun.inf and hidden passwordlock.vbs made earlier.
How to hidden: right click on each autorun.inf and then select Properties passwordlock.vbs check the box on the sign is hidden. done. . . .
@ info
- support with windows XP.
- Please do not forget the password itself (spicy sweet love not responsible for their own password error)
you please comment on this post!