Monday, October 19, 2009

make flash password without buying the software

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}

before I give lessons or insights to you all about making the password in the flash, I thank you very much for you because it has been faithfully visiting my blog. but you should never tired of dwelling or to communicate in my place this very simple because I will give a very broad perspective of the technology world. I do not want to talk here because it will take a very long time if I told here, we immediately headed to the scene at once. post this time I want to share knowledge on how to make flash password without buying the software, but I will give knowledge about the script that I have learned, is as follows:
1. Open Notepad
(Here's how: Start _ All Programs_Accessories_Notepad or entered in notepaddan RUN then type Enter) and then copy and paste the following script code into notepad

on error goto 0
Dim s, quest, sd, m, winpath, fs
set sd = CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell")
set fs = CreateObject ( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")

set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
Set s = WScript.CreateObject ( "WScript.Shell")
do while my quest = ""
quest = InputBox ( "Enter a PASSWORD, if you enter the wrong password, the computer is going !!!"," ShutDown")
if quest = "" then
m = MsgBox ( "Sorry you have not entered a password ...!", 0 +0 +48," ")
end if
if quest = "
WRITE THE PASSWORD HERE 'then "shutdown-a" winpath \x26 "\\ explorer.exe / e, / select," \x26 Wscript.ScriptFullname
else "shutdown-s-t 0"
end if

WRITE THE PASSWORD HERE your own locker, it is as a place of your password. Use of capital letters is very influential. I suggest using numbers that have been remembered by rote.
then save as a name with "passwordlock.vbs" without the quotes, before the save as sure select all files.
2. when you finish above.
then open Notepad again, to automatic settings after the flash is included in the computer.
copy and paste the following script code into notepad.

shellexecute = wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs
action = FLASHDISK completed CODE

you can change the word "completed FLASHDISK CODE" according to the words of your own desires pearls.
after that do storage as the first file, but in the File name write "autorun.inf" without the quotes, before the save as sure select all files.
Then move the two files you created earlier (autorun.inf and passwordlock.vbs) into your flash.
last step please autorun.inf and hidden passwordlock.vbs made earlier.
How to hidden: right click on each autorun.inf and then select Properties passwordlock.vbs check the box on the sign is hidden. done. . . .
@ info
- support with windows XP.
- Please do not forget the password itself (spicy sweet love not responsible for their own password error)
you please comment on this post!


  1. Thank you for the trick, very informative

  2. saia transalate dolow yaaaaaaaaaa.....

    ndak faham soalnya,, pake bahasa inggris sech xixixi....

  3. oh bisa juga ya, saya dulu gunain software ...

  4. info menarik bos....!!bisa dicoba...

  5. info yang sangat menarik.... thanks ya alax

  6. thanks sob dah berkomentar di blog daku... jangan segan segan downloadnnya yak...

    masih banyak yang perlu kamu download disana... ayuk di cek...

  7. komment lagi deh biar senan teman ku yang stu ini wkwkwkwkw

  8. smua nya thank ya

  9. wah bahasa inggris.....
    mau pinjam kamus dulu ni ma minta teh manis hangat....^_^

  10. salam sahabat
    sangat cocok buat aku thnxs ya..good luck

  11. Sip gan langsung ane coba... thank you very much :)

  12. sip banget bro...
    langsung dipraktekkan.
    kalo ada masalah, nanti di sambung kembali

  13. mas adi : mantap tu ...terusin ja...coba dulu ya smua sobat aq heheh

  14. yo semangat membara buat blogger untuk terus ngeblog,,,

  15. wowowowow bau dollar semua blognya mas

  16. lam knal....
    saya idem ma yang di atas......xixixixi....
    tapi tak plajari,n ajarin ya...

  17. sm2 bro..sip aq ajrin mang u mau di ajarin pa ne?

  18. It is informative and impressive same time.
