Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified

SAN FRANCISCO - Soon many pornographic websites have with the approval of localization in the internet domain ending. XXX.  This new domain name will join the sites that have been known to us, such as. COM or. ORG.

Suffix. XXX will be used specifically for adult content for pornography.  Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a body that regulates domain naming system on the internet, has decided to use the suffix. XXX is the last weekend.

Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified by www.alexa-com.co.cc
Porn Site Localization in Domain. XXX Ratified by www.alexa-com.co.cc
Previous ICANN has repeatedly refused to provide the site name ending in. XXX.  Since 2000, ICANN rejected this request at the urging of Christian groups and governments are worried about the spread of pornography.  The religious groups worry about naming it would legitimize the presence of pornography in cyberspace.

However, the group agrees is equally eager to continue to fight for naming them.  Diane Duke, Executive Director of the Free Speech Coalition, accused ICANN has been unjust.  According to him, ICANN should be fair in the interests of free speech on the internet.

On the other hand, the emergence of a specific domain porn sites are expected to facilitate the censorship of pornographic content on the internet.  However, it is not easy to force the provider of porn sites that have been known for his address. COM or the other for switching to that address.  Perhaps, they buy the domain address with. XXX.  However, it will only be used to redirect users to the original site.

If no further stipulated, then the availability of domain names with. XXX instead trigger a new conflict.  For example, make the owner of the leading products that can be forced to buy the address with his name, but will not use it for other people not taken the fun.  For example Disney, maybe they should hurry to buy Disney.xxx not misused for other people in the future.

To date not known why ICANN finally granted the lawsuit.  But, obviously, an official ICANN acknowledges that it has agreed to use the sites with the suffix. XXX.

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