Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site by
VIVAnews - Apparently, among the hackers (hackers), U.S. government sites priced so cheap.

According to a recent report from computer security firm Imperva, the control of U.S. government sites merchantability starts at U.S. $ 33-US $ 499 (USD 300 thousand to $ 4.5 million).

As quoted from the site Computerworld, at a forum on 'underground' which is a black market among hackers, Imperva find the sale and purchase of several U.S. government Web sites, including sites owned by the military.

"You can buy the administrator access these sites easily," said Noa Bar-Yosef, Senior Strategic Security Imperva.  In fact, all it is an important site.

Among these are the sites owned by the Department of Defense Pharmacoeconomic Center, United States who analyzed the use of drugs for the military, and U.S. veterans.  Then there are sites the U.S. state of Utah and Michigan, the site of the Italian government, as well as several university sites in the U.S..

Not just selling government sites, the hackers also sell some of their confidential information stolen from various websites only for U.S. $ 20 (180 thousand) for 1000 was confidential information.

Usually this information is required by spammers or fraudsters online to launch its actions.  So far, Bar-Yosef said there are about 16 government sites and 300 thousand people are bought and sold confidential data in that forum.

Hackers Selling Cheap U.S. Government Site by

Bar-Yosef estimates, the hacker could steal confidential data using an attack called SQL Injection.  Usually the web pages that provide search box or form filling, can be attacked, because the box will be connected directly with the database.

According to him, do not need deep technical expertise to do so.  Even novice hackers commonly referred to as 'script kiddies', can perform this type of attack.

However, SQL Injection attacks can be fatal.  For example in the case of company-owned payment system jebolnya Heartland and 7-Eleven by a hacker named Albert Gonzalez.  (Np)

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