Friday, October 16, 2009

disable right click

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},
This post is for learners to all of you as possible at the time your computer by viruses or disable the master disable your computer can handle it all, so you do not have to call a computer technician in your village or town. because now a lot of new viruses that spread on the internet so we must be - the heart with a virus. virus spreads in Internet anti-virus is also spread on the Internet. so the master  virus or the antivirus makers competing each other but most of the virus that makes the antivirus experts in order that he made anti-virus can do much in cyberspace. but I will deal with only the virus scrips, manipulate script or a disable right click, which is as follows:

Entered into the Registry editor (must be logged in as administrator) click start -\x3e Click RUN -\x3e type Regedit -\x3e click OK 
� Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ 
Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Policies \\ Explorer 
� In the blank area sebeleh right: right click -\x3e New -\x3e DWORD value -\x3e give name NoViewContextMenu

� Double click on the Value NoViewContextMenu and give the value of data 1 -\x3e click OK

� Re-start the computer 

Normalize again, repeat the steps - the steps above, then delete or give the value 0 in the Value data DWORD NoViewContextMenu.


  1. sekarang disable righjt click jarang dipake lex
    karena banyak orang yg bisa nembusnya ;(
    copa memang merajalela hiks hiks

  2. keren om triknya
    saya coba-coba deh ntar

  3. kalau aq mendapai blog / web yg d disable right klik, kalau aq pengen copaz tu artikel aq blog aq tkn ctrl+c lalu CTRL+v dapat deh tu artikel, sebaiknya kalau bisa dprotek 22nya, jadi g bisa d klik kanan, juga g bisa d blog aq yakin aman

  4. sip tu,,,,
    ocim : sip

  5. hahaha... saya juga kmaren pengen post ttg ini.. ^_^

  6. ehmm,,,, kenpa gk post dulu an..hehe

  7. waah kalo saya sih kurang seneng sama disable klik kanan soalnya ngerisihin siih tapi nice post friend

  8. slam sahabat
    wah bagus postingnya..thnxs for this info ya...good luck

  9. good post and i think we need to know about this. Please keep update with fresh content.. !! going .

  10. coodel makasih ya
    kusang : thank y sob

    dhana : ya sm2
    tungsten : thank y
