Sunday, August 2, 2009

how to create a native window

I blog here as the management of this simple I apologize when wrong in speaking English because I am still learning.

This time I will teach you about creating an operating system or window that we crack or a pirated windows genuine 100%.

weeks ago, my computer is stamp, to mark that it is pirated. but I think how the operating system window or original we can. without the cost and cheap gay! turns out the way I find very useful for people who can not afford to buy original CD window. and may be very useful to all of you who want to try .... and the article or this post is my attempt on my computer and school computer SMK Muhammadiyah 6 rogojampi I inhabit to learn, and this experiment I posting to my loyal visitors . this way - how you wait for this, which is as follows:

copy scrips under this in notepad!!!!!!!!

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"
"ProductName"="Microsoft Windows XP"
"RegisteredOrganization"="Icon Computer"
"RegisteredOwner"="Icon Computer"

click [File]> [Save As] and name the CurrentVersion.reg
and you save on the partition C:

Merge the file with 2x click the file or right click and select [merge]

And will appear as pop-up stating that if you are willing to enter the file that you created earlier for inclusion into the registry, and select yes.
then restart your computer.

After the steps above you have to do, now do live validation or checking whether your windows genuine or not, how:

To check these you do need a software called WGAPluginInstall, can be downloaded here. then you install the software as usual.

Once finished, do you check the windows to the microsoft site here
When the image appears as below the windows you stated ORIGINAL!

book indonesia posting download here

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