Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Local Phone Indonesian Need Messenger Neighbor

Local Phone Indonesian Need Messenger Neighbor by www.alexa-com.co.cc
Local Phone Indonesian Need Messenger Neighbor by www.alexa-com.co.cc
Homeland mobile users very menggandrungi sending text messages.  Craze that is one reason his best-selling products made ​​by Research In Motion has a special instant messenger facility amongst BlackBerry users.

However, according to Raymond Tedjokusumo, General Manager of SPC Mobile, presents special instant messenger facility fellow owners of a particular local brand mobile phone just is not the right answer to take advantage of their needs.

" Manufacturers need to have a local mobile phone instant messenger ( IM ) is used exclusively for communicating with fellow local phone from various brands, " said Raymond in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 22, 2011.

" This step is more beneficial than if the local producers provide special IM applications to other brands, " said Raymond who does not plan to deliver specific messaging applications for mobile phones SPC, including the three mobile phone models are released this time.

For information, SPC Mobile presents three new mobile phones namely Jazz Qwerty TV One, Jive Whisper, and Spin One.  All three phones worth Rp399 thousand, Rp449 thousand, and Rp629 thousand was targeted to economical, youth, and users who need a second phone.

As VIVAnews.com preached before, now, in Indonesia has been no application that can be used as an Instant Messaging software for all mobile phone users, including local phone ie IM me besutan PT inTouch Innovate Indonesia.  However, Raymond said, the market's response on this application is apparently not very good.

However, according to Raymond, the opportunity is still wide open.  " Especially if the local mobile phone manufacturers to work together to develop applications for it and also provide an attractive business model for operators and mobile users, " he said.  ( art )

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