Monday, December 14, 2009

technology that will come in the future

previous articles I have posted about 10 technologies that changed the future of the whole world. but in this post is still related to the previous article was about the explanation but still-it was still tech. want to see below:

1. Intelligent machines Atomic Size, Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology is the future of all technologies that allow humans to manipulate particles smaller super size almost atom-sized! Itself is the size of nanometer 1/semilyar meters, or nearly the thickness of the hair was parted 50,000. That is the magnitude of nano technology.

The goal is to create new materials future, even the machines and robots the size of the particles. Materials that will be much stronger than diamond, super light, heat and cold resistant to extremes of scale, can conduct electricity better, more durable, environmentally friendly and so on.

Possible applications really powerful and will change the whole world. Imagine if we could create a variety of new materials harder than diamond, and much lighter than steel. (Carbon nanotubes, sp2 bond). We can create super-strong frame for cars, airplanes, or buildings and bridges. With a lighter weight, all the cars and planes will also be more energy efficient.

We can create anti-wrinkle shirts and stain resistant. We also can create a bacteria-sized robots, nanobots, and put into the human body. Functions can be of cure disease, to destroy cancer cells, and even strengthen the human body (Feynman, "swallowing the Doctor"). Nanobots or even later nanoparticles are also expected to re-close will be ozone hole.

With nano-sized components, we can make a supercomputer for a matchbox, and the data storage medium storing millions of gigabytes of information about mankind and the universe, for the tip of the nail.

How this technology can be done? Because the super-powerful microscope that could see atoms have existed since 1981, Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) and Atomic Force Microscope (AFM, 1986).

2. Human-human era Super, Genetic Engineering

Have successfully mapped human genes in the giant project "The Human Genome Project". With this data the information people have the map to explore the function and potential of each gene in the human body. Starting from genyang determine the physical form of human, cancer-causing genes, genes that make up the memory, the gene that creates intelligence, and even specific genes that regulate the aging process.

This will be possible to do genetic engineering to create human-human future that is very superior. Humans with perfect health, free from disease, age more than 100 years and has approaching genius intelligence.

Imagine if people find a special gene that makes Einstein a genius. Then the gene can be transferred to all mankind. Or physical features David Beckham, or even the charisma of John F. Kennedy.

But genetic engineering is not just for humans, but also to plants and animals. Genetic engineering of rice and can create new kinds of wheat harvests many times over. We also can create the beef more tender and juicy. We even can create plant and animal consumption with superior nutritional value.

3. powerfull energy throughout the Universe, The Power of the Stars

The sun, every second, producing energy for all the energy used by all humanity throughout its history. Energy giant hydrogen plasma for 380 billion-billion Mega-Watt (26 ^ 380 MW), per second. This is known as energy ENERGY Nuclear Fusion (Nuclear Fusion), The power of the Sun. And the world's scientists are trying to get it.

And this is the energy that makes the giant stars in the universe for billions of years burned. most powerful energy, in the whole universe.

A large experiment was conducted in the small town of Cadarache in the southern tip of France in a project called ITER. Deuterium and Tritium Disiniatom melted by the heat reaches 150 million degrees Celsius, nearly 10 times the hot core of the Sun. fusion container protected by the tokamak magnetic field so as not to melt.

The great thing is that deuterium can be produced from ordinary sea water, and Tritium is formed of lithium that can be obtained from natural stone. most powerful energy in the entire universe of water and natural stone.

If these scientists successfully created, then the whole world will have a new energy source to replace petroleum powerful. This energy will be so big and efficient, without limitation, very cheap, and environmentally friendly.

(Note: the use of nanotechnology in solar photovoltaic cells, nanocrystal, is also said to have a big super energy potential could replace oil).

4. Wolverine regeneration, Stem Cell

Imagine if heart disease and diabetes can be completely healed, the lame can walk, and blind, can see again.

You never saw a lizard, which can regrow broken tail perfectly? Or if you are a fan of the comic "X-Men", you must know superhero character named Wolverine. When his body pierced knife wound or a bullet, he can heal the wound with almost instantly. He can regenerate all cells with a perfect body, instantly.

But it's just fantasy. There is a kind of worm called "planarian worm", which many live in the sea or rivers, which can grow over almost the entire body.

Planarians, especially species Schmidtea Mediterranea, able to regenerate a whole body, even if a small piece live body left, up 1 / 300 part. And when the head eliminate any of, he'll grow back with a perfect head.

What if humans could do it later? If we can directly replace all the cells of our bodies are damaged with perfect and flawless. Scientists have almost reached that magic. Molecular biology technology called Stem Cell, or stem cells. This is the most basic cell of the human body, which can be changed, or transformed, into any cell or organ in the human body.

If you have heart disease, the heart cells that could be replaced with stem cells and your heart will function normally again. If you are experiencing blindness, retinal cells you can be replaced by new cells from stem cells and you will be able to see again.

If you suffer from illnesses associated with brain function such as stroke, Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, then your brain cells are damaged, even the central network of brain cerebral cortex, could be replaced by stem cells. And if you suffer from diabetes, then the stem cells will save you in regenerate pancreatic cells producing insulin.

Stem Cell really brought a big revolution in human health.

5. Quantum Computers

Imagine a future computer, a speed thousands of times faster than the fastest supercomputer today. Thousands of times faster and more efficiently than IBM's "Roadrunner" at Los Alamos that the velocity reaches 1.7 petaflops (1 petaflop = 10 ^ 15 operations per second).

This is the magnitude of quantum computers. This computer is so great because it was created using the magic world of quantum phenomena, Superposition and Quantum Entanglement.

In solving such code (cryptography), to decode the digits up to 140, ordinary computer would take billions of years to solve. But with a quantum computer, this can be solved in just a few dozen minutes.

With these computer people will also be able to predict the weather on earth and natural phenomena other very complex with very accurate months in advance, such as earthquakes and tornadoes. And of course this will further revolutionize the speed of development of more sophisticated technologies are all there now.

6. Harry Potter Disappeared robes, Metamaterial

Only a few years ago, the world's leading scientists still believe that no material in the world who can make people disappear. It's really not possible, because it violates all known laws of human nature. But they are all wrong ..

Metamaterial, became one of the main ingredients discussed crowded. These materials can make something, to become invisible. An outfit that uses this technology can make the wearer "disappeared", like a magic cloak of "Harry Potter".

A fighter with a metamaterial material will be not visible, not only did not look like the technology radar "Stealth", but really like the invisible cloaking device in Star Trek devices.

This can be done for example by creating an artificial material that can bend electromagnetic radiation, as well as with light, which is basically electromagnetic radiation. Material such as tin can and plastic are arranged in a pattern structure.

Metamaterial would bend light, surrounding objects and the reunited in blanket in the end, like river water around a stone. In a recent study at Perdue University them using special needles that would bend light beyond the shrouded object while the object will be visible behind him.

These materials are being studied around the world, including MIT, the University of California Berkeley, Duke University, and Caltech in LA.

7. Space Elevator, Appliances Stars Go

Space elevator or stairs Outer space is like a very high elevator from Earth to the orbit of the earth in outer space, 35,000 miles high. With this elevator trip to orbit the earth will become easier, and cheaper.

Many people expect, that the space program that had been stopped at the moon because it is very expensive, will be started again. And perhaps the human dream to go to Mars, will materialize.

The elevator was originally just a fantasy, but with the discovery of a new technology, it becomes very possible to be realized. Technology is Carbon nanotubes, the new material is said to be stronger than diamonds and lighter than steel.

This will allow the start of a new era in space exploration.

8. Entering the Era of hyper-sonic, Scramjet

Will be one of the main Scramjet biggest revolution in the history of world transportation. Most sophisticated fighter in the world today, America's F/A-22 Raptor maximum speed of Mach 2, or 2 times the speed of sound. Scramjet passenger plane, will take you flying at 10 times the speed of sound, Mach 10.

Flight from New York to Tokyo are now taken within 18 hours of a long and tiring, to be followed Scramjet, just under 120 minutes.

Scramjet not have to wear ordinary rocket fuel is expensive and heavy, hydrogen fuel using a mixed liquid oxygen siphoned directly from the atmosphere (air-breathing scramjet engine). Combustion of hydrogen and oxygen at supersonic speed is what will accelerate the speed.

This will make the flight from one place to another around the world to be super fast.

9. Fountain Of Youth, Resveratrol

Maybe, later we can find something that allows us to live hundreds of years. But scientists may have found it, something called 'Sirtuin', Silent Information Regulator 2 (Sir2) proteins, and resveratrol, substances which turned out much antioxidant found in red grapes (so frequently eating grapes.)

But the scientists also have created something even more powerful than resveratrol is a drug with the code, SRT1720.

"SRT1720 is a thousand times more potent than resveratrol, meaning that it could be taken in smaller doses. A person would have to drink hundreds of glasses of wine to get the same health benefits from resveratrol. Resveratrol will pretty soon look like ancient technology, "
David Sinclair, a biologist at Harvard Medical School

10. Singularities.

Someday, there will come a time in which the entire human genetic engineering will have a physical and near-perfect intelligence.

Then, with advances in computer technology, quantum computers and nanotechnology lets people enter a Quantum Computer-sized particles into the brain and using nano particles to further strengthen his body. This is called the Singularity. Union of human biology with technology.


  1. pertamax..
    alow bkunjung buat ngasih comment, skalian follow.. visit me back and follow yach.. ^_^

  2. ya sob pastinya sob

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  4. robet emang bener tu

  5. Mantap gan...!!!manusia sekarang tak bisa lepas dari teknologi...

  6. akhatam emang manusia tidak akan lepas dg teknologi sob
