Monday, December 14, 2009

10 technologies that changed the future of the whole world

humans will soon enter a very good time and all will be connected with the technology in the future. current technology is growing so rapidly within a period no longer the whole world will change very drastic the next year. technologies - new technologies being developed by the skill would really - really revolutionary, it - it is almost never imagined before by scientists, and only exist in the human imagination alone.

in one day humans would not be familiar with the disease but that in the future. even all the hundreds of people who live on this earth will have a very genius intelligence once, and all the hundreds of people on earth will often traveled into space.

a revolutionary technology that will change in the estimate throughout the world, is as follows:

1. Intelligent machines Atomic Size, Nanotechnology
2. Age humans Super, Genetic Engineering
3. most powerful Energy in the Universe, Nuclear Fusion
4. Wolverine regeneration, Stem Cell
5. Quantum Computers
6. Harry Potter Disappeared clothes, Metamaterial
7. Space Elevator, Appliances Stars Go
8. Scramjet
9. Hundreds live in, Resveratrol.
10. The unification of Man and Machine, Singularity.

That's a revolutionary technology that will change the whole world in the future. hopefully this technology useful info.

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