Sunday, December 13, 2009

laptops are weird

a small laptop or mini computer that can be carried anywhere by the user. many laptop brands that spread and are sold in the industrialized world, and even laptops have also pirated. laptop that I found in my life this is the laptop that is rare in the find and in use by the people. usually people use accer laptop, asus, compaq, and much more. but this laptop different from others, he has a very interesting aspect for you as well as, body slender laptop, the laptop is not too big like a laptop but he's usually not a notebook yes. remember! I even have different operating systems at all with other laptops. This laptop is very strange that he's operating system is not in use recognize. but the specs are the same laptop accer laptop, compaq laptop, and even this very specifications huge. He has bluethout, infared, wifi, camera resolution is quite good and almost the same as Apple laptops specifications.

try laptop but unfortunately the laptop was bought abroad. and answer questions from my laptop is using what operating system?

Do not forget to answer questions from me, you can give your answer in the comments alone. thanks so much for your participation. may be useful for you all.


  1. Nice post,

    thank's you, for this sharing informatin!

  2. prfangga makasih banyak ya
    semua terima kasih banyak ya

  3. I Like This body slender laptop, nice post

  4. hidup : wah emang sip tu body
    thank ya
    astaga: thank ya sob. emang sangat kecil banget samapek heran saya
    ngobrol : gk sob
    beda banget sob
