Thursday, October 29, 2009

Good Comment

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}
many a blogger Indonesia and abroad who often leave traces on your blog / website or visit the website of people. but I saw the webiste and a blogger friend of mine many of the master or the beginner to comment but if it was to criticize the content of the post or just to get backlinks, I do not know. consciously or not, that we leave comments on websites or blogs other people all influence the credibility of our blogs or websites and blogs which we comment. if you all give comments to blogs or websites people just with the words "thank you very much this info and tips and tricks" contah this one I took in my post comments.


these comments really quite rubbish comment (junk comment) or if I mentioned it was spam. blog or website that has these comments will be seen as a means to spread or just to get a dofollow backlink just so that your visitors will expect it that the post from your blog or website in less attention or less attractive. I have examples of very good comments and attract visitors, is as follows: "I think the posting of the considerable time discussing important for my blog or blogs for beginners. but one thing I do not agree, which is about backlinks. but you should pay attention to the contents from the post. " It was a very good comment to bring in visitors.

How do I give a qualified comment? Here are his tips:
1. Give your opinion on the topic
2. If you have questions, ask in the comment column.
3. If you have any suggestions or criticisms, do not hesitate. Criticism is needed of the blogger.
4. If you can, make a comment at least 2 lines. If not, an important quality.
5. Type by using the rules of good writing (capital letters, commas, periods, spaces, etc..)
6. Try just leaving just one backlink, backlink that too much will give the impression junk comment.
7. Always read the first post! Although only a glimpse, at least we do not comment out of the subject.
comments that you provide to websites or blogs of others, it represents from the blog / website you.


  1. kok kayak review yah??hehe..jgn terlalu byk link keluar sob...ntar dihantam google ^_^

  2. ardie ... makasih ya atas komentar nya ... akan saya perbaiki lah...

  3. wah ne .... itu bukan link keluar tapi itu semua link dalam ... all mungkin itu akan saya perbaiki dalam posting yang berikutnya ...

  4. salam sahabat
    ehm..siip banget..thnxs n good luck ya...

  5. untuk mengomentari sebuah postingan ataupun artikel tidak hanya untuk membuat backlink saja, tapi harus sesuai dengan isi postingan. sukses selalu sobat...

  6. Setuju dengan postingannya...

  7. ya sm doang imoel ma gua ... karena akan menurunkan kreabilitas blog atau website kita

  8. Nice posting about comment

  9. Menarik sekali artikelnya...
    panduan yang bermanfaat untuk menjadi komentator yang baik, sayangnya saya gak terlalu bagus Bahasa Inggrisnya.

    Mas Doyok bilang : untuk meningkatkan peringkat, salah satunya adalah sering-sering bertukar komen.

    Saya selalu menunggu untuk artikel-artikel Anda selanjutnya....

  10. gak keliatan sih kalau itu link dalam. soalnya yang satu pake CO.CC yang satu

  11. ntar aku translate dulu ya sob heheheheh

  12. siip........ nice article... thanks informasinya

  13. Tools ini sangat bermanfaat!
    ini akan meminimalisin junk comment!
    jadilah blogger yang berwibawa dengan komen yang bermutu.!

    stop junk commnet!

  14. Wah jenius bung...!!! sukses selalu...

  15. Keren ni gan pengetahuannya, mantapppp!!!

  16. mantab sob, keep posting selalu

  17. link keluar gak apap kasih atribut nofollow :D

  18. ya ce mas doy ... yang penting harus nofollow ya mas doy ..

  19. morning hoping for a visit or follow links from this great blog. world of online friendship began intertwined. I hope today is a happy day ... after reading the content above all I am impressed with the content of this blog. ok success always for you

  20. info menarik sobat...kalau saya masih ada plugin askimet, pencegah spam ^_^

  21. wuih...alex mkn cakep az d... enk z yg bs utak-atik tiap hari. qbsx smgu sX, jdx lelet bgt pkmbanganx. hiks...hks... go alex go!! kalahkan master doy n kang rohman!!

  22. yun : thank ya ... da komentar ...

  23. nica post browww
    comeng blik ya,,,

  24. sipp.. koment yang kedua nich..
