Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blog consulting part 2

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},
when I open the guest book on my blog, I found a few questions from my blog visitors. I shot back a few visitors but there is one of the highlights of my blogging friends a question that is very interesting for me. continue on this day week,,, a very relaxing day I took my time to post about how to create a 2 column ad. this post for my friend who is also blogging as well and the visitors who want to find this article, please try, is as follows:

1. blogger.com login
2. then we went straight to the layout
3. we add a gadget or widget
4. when I went into options that will wigdet in pairs you select the HTML / java script
5. then you enter the code - code below:

<div id="adspot">
<!-- Ad1 start -->
<!-- Ad2 start -->
<a class="ad2" href="http://kumpulblogger.com/smart_index.php?skbid=80335"><img width="125" src="http://kumpulblogger.com/banner_smart.jpg" height="125"/></a>
<!-- Ad3 start -->
<a class="ad3" href="http://www.masdoyok.co.cc"><img width="125" src="http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/1939/awwfc.jpg" height="125"/></a>
<!-- Ad4 start -->
<a class="ad4" href="http://adsensecamp.com/?ref_id=23905"><img width="125" src="http://adsensecamp.com/images/banner/yellow-rainbow.jpg" height="125"/></a>
<div class="clearer"/>

for red writing  you replace with a link you will use.
for writing the blue Can you replace your liking for drawing


  1. good article... thanks ya infonya

  2. blogger sakit aq hrp kunjunganQ membuatmu kondisi jd baikan. he,,,klo butuh follow, tuker link, silahkan mampir lagi n konfirm di jejak reviewer.

  3. lumayan dapet yang kedua.. he he

  4. nice info...lanjutkan perjuanganmu
    ngomong2 ada pasang iklan gratis ga ??

  5. yusuf : gk da gratisan ne ... maaf ya..
    wawan thank ya...
    all thank ya

  6. salam sahabat
    ehm...siip..bermanfaat banget thnxs ..good luck ya..

  7. thank ya smuanya ... semoga bermanfaat untuk anda sekalian...

  8. keep sharing bro
    tambah mantab aja nih tutorialnya

  9. salam sahabat
    ehm..good posting thnxs ya..good luck

  10. Looks like i can use this one.. Thank u...

  11. thank ya smua nya smoga bermanfaat ya...

  12. thx sob,, ini salah satu yang aku cari nich,, maturnuhun bang alex

  13. Yuhui artikelnya menarik.
    tx infonya, bikin selalu artikel2 yang menarik lagi...

    komen aku juga ya

  14. more tips is a new blog, and hope to other bloggers as a friend because it provided follow. follow once made us very happy and even more diligent to make other tips that may be useful for us all

  15. was here . . . .!
    please send me an instruction about my question several days ago to my mail @ vanguard_nascar@hotmail.com
    TQ, useful info btw . . .
