Wednesday, September 16, 2009

tool enable utility - utility window

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at post time I went on this article
I will first explain the purpose or function of a virus that spreads on a computer or laptop you use, I have observed until now most of all that is off the original utility of windows / microsoft, and the virus has a destination that computer users can not use or run because the utility - utility is useful to kill the virus so the virus was first disable these utilities. therefore do not be surprised if your computer arrives - arrives utility disable or die.
but you do not be afraid anymore with the virus now because all viruses that can be easily solved with today, but on a post or article I provide a tool that enabled re-telling and very sharp at all to deal with utility - utility that disable the virus. and you can use one software to disable many of utiliy.
Re-Enable is a very useful tool that will enable re-editing the registry (Regedit) after a worm / trojan / malware / viruses disable it, also will reactivate Cmd / Taskmgr / System restore Config / config folder options and the Run command.

This tool requires Microsoft.Net Framework 2.0 installed on our Computer
Download : framework 3.0
Complete System Tuneup

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