Friday, March 13, 2015

At the beginning of March this BlackBerry company finally issued a renewal of the featured applications BBM ( BlackBerry Messenger ), which is currently very popular in Indonesia .

Alexa - com Weblog know this fuel renewal application on apple products , especially for admin use the iPhone 4s so know the latest update on the application of fuel .

We think the renewal occurs in a more attractive and simple , let's take a look below :

Renewal of the first that we know that the profile of the user has been moved to the left side of the menu, which was originally placed above profile but this time still on but hidden in the left menu. purpose may be placed on the left and hidden though more extensive and more simple when you first open the application.

For renewal of the fuel system on the second that is the security code that is usually only used by Apple products, we do not know yet whether there are Android products! ACWers little to explain that this security code is very important because it can secure your private messages from people who are not responsible.

Maybe that's all we know, let's go to the Apple users who have not directly tested and update them on the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) immediately enjoy still very warm to enjoy.

Actually the blog admin really like to watch action movies and therefore in this first opportunity to share information directly to the end of the new and old . okay , from the curious to the first original series from Sony Playsation entitled Powers ? Well , fortunately the Sony kindly to air its first episode ( the pilot ) of Powers through Youtube , which of course you can watch for free .

Well , while for users who subscribe to PlayStation Plus , can enjoy a free first season Powers which have a total of 10 episodes .

Powers is a live-action series made ??based on the comic of the same title . Powers tells about the city of Chicago detective who investigates a mysterious case , which involves people with super powers .

Source Information :

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Glad that Alexa-com Weblog meet again in early 2015 because it has been a long time approximately 3 and a half years ago admin intention not blogging anymore. until finally the domain and blog is not neglected and almost never post back to share articles, tutorials and others never.

Actually we had already had the intention to start one year ago to turn on Alexa-com Weblog blog as formerly active in the blogging world, but because there are constraints in time and end time can not be realized.

Beginning in March 2015 we decided to turn back as Alexa-com Weblog as it used very active in the world of blogging, tutorials even a game world to us for everything. Alexa-com Weblog already bought the domain back 3 years ago that we use and then disappear from circulation finally place on March 5, 2015 we have bought back.

We only ask for prayers hopefully with the return of Alexa-com Weblog we can always share the entire team for everything.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Selamat pagi semuanya, sudah lama banget admin tidak pernah muncul di weblog ini dikarenakan kesibukan di offline jadinya jarang sekali online bahkan jarang banget update info masalah teknologi negh. mumpung ada waktu longgar dan admin punya kesempatan untuk update ke sobat acw maka di weekend ini admin akan share Modul Instalasi OS - Pertemuan 1.

Untuk Modul kali ini admin mengambil modul pembelajaran yang dipakai admin waktu melakukan KBM (kegiatan belajar mengajar) disebuah instansi pendidikan yang ada di Kota Banyuwangi. Modul yang untuk Pertemuan 1 (Pertama) kali ini membahas masalah pengenalan sistem komputer, jadi membahas dasar-dasar komputer. mungkin sobat acw sudah pandai-pandai bahkan hebat-hebat masalah komputer tapi modul ini admin share dengan tujuan untuk dokumentasi dan mungkin ada yang membutuhkan modul tersebut. tidak hanya itu agar bisa di ambil oleh siswa siswi admin yang membutuhkan, okey.

Kalau sudah seperti itu dan biar tidak panjang lebar ceritanya mending langsung saja admin share filenya untuk sobat acw dan muridku tercinta semua semoga bermanfaat modul ini. cekidot  ...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hay sobat ACW mumpung lagi ada waktu longgar dari admin ACW pengen banget share masalah perasaan negh, semoga aja bisa menerima semuanya para pembaca ACW. kalian mungkin yang sudah pernah merasakan pahitnya pacaran bahkan diselingkuhi mendapat sedikit pecerahan dari admin ACW ya, hehehe. kalau masih gak bisa ya, mohon maaf ya.

Gini sob, gua ada cerita buat kalian. admin kan masih muda bahkan belum nikah juga segh, terkadang admin ACW merasakan kegalauan yang mendalam. setiap admin acw melihat teman-teman setiap malam minggu admin merasa kesepian karena gak bisa kencan gitu sama cewek idamannya. bahkan paling kece lagi setiap admin mau mendekati cewek pasti cewek itu sudah punya perasaan sayang sama orang lain bahkan terkadang di olok-olok gak bisa dapat cewek, hehehe. terkadang juga iri apa yang bisa dilakukan teman-temanku tapi kalau sudah seperti itu tak tinggal bobok kalau gak tak buat mengerjakan sesuatu yang bermanfaat dan berguna untuk semua orang.

Bahkan paling parah lagi admin ACW sendiri gak berani ngungkapin perasaannya. jadi buat teman-teman ACW jangan sampai seperti saya ya. dan kalau emang kalian sayang dan suka sama seseorang silahkan ungkapkan perasaan sobat ACW ke orang tersebut ya  ??? hehehe ,,, biar gak nyesel okey sob. wanita itu perlu perhatian dan ketegasaan dalam perasaannya sob.

Mungkin hanya ini saja wes sharenya soalnya aku takut tambah melow untuk hari senin ini, hehehe. yang merasa silahkan kontak admin kalau gak comment degh kasih saran buat admin. hehehe ,,, 
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