Monday, December 21, 2009

Your chance to work in offices with computer network systems, must each - each computer in use must have a name or IP address. the actual system as you all network users in the office or where you are, you can use the service as well as possible just to communicate between computers. can you imagine if you space your work with your friend's study apart but still within a network, you must have if your friend needs to SMS or call a friend even ordered.

with the network system is provided by the company to use the best and useful for your work. and you are in one network can communicate, communication as well as chat on facebook and yahoo messenger so you can save your credit.

you want to try the service, follow these steps - the steps below:

1. you must go into the control panel first

2. then you find the administrative tools and then direct you to the service alone, you try perhatiakan example image below.

3. you click 2 times on the option "Messenger" will display a window picture windows as below.

4. then you disable the option Automatic and then make you click ok. then when it's finished will return to the previous page, click again option "Messenger" then you click the option "Start".

5. then you wait until the process is complete, when it's finished you do it this way on your target computer. means that the computer must connect to the same settings in your computer and make sure you know the username and ip address of your target computer. after the above stages you have to do it right and good, it's time to start chatting with your friends with satisfaction and without cost. open command prompt and then when it appears you are typing messages to be sent to your friend. example "hello friend".


  1. Bagus juga infonya mau tukaran link and follow yuk

  2. info : makasih ya sob
    ayo tukar link dan follow aq selalu siap kok sob

  3. terima kasih banyak sob ...
    jangn lupa coba tip dan trick itu sob pasti mantap dah itu sob wkwkwk


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