Monday, December 21, 2009

new competitor social networking site facebook

you have all sections of social networking sites are popular at this time? popular networking site at the moment is facebook. maybe at this moment you still use facebook for your networking site to get in touch with friends or boyfriends, brothers, family, friends, friends and even find your spouse into facecbook networking site.

I think facebook is a networking site which currently is not normal anymore, since facebook is the way it works now is not in accordance with its provisions even many violations that came from facebook. even movies, videos and nude photos or porn on the facebook networking site.

facebook now get a new competitor in cyberspace. Did you know who the competition - new competition from networking site facebook at the moment. fact, competitors of facebook networking site itself many will not even count, but many have resigned to not compete because it was lost. I probably will not give anyone who lost the competition with facebook. but the competition - a new competitor this facebook confident can defeat networking sites facebook and will destroy the facebook networking site.

several new networking site to competitors facebook, as follows:
1. Google wave
2. Twitter
3. Friendster
4. Tagged
5. Seppukoo

That's 5 new competitors and there are also competitors who want to beat the old networking site facebook, but the latest competitor to the Google Wave facebook and Seppukoo. but the others wanted to improve the work system used networking site.

Google Wave networking site is an application or networking sites that we can combine in a single networking sites, you can even communicate with your friends while you can share photos, videos, files, document, folder, you can even post blog with the google wave. even you who like blogging and have their own website you can promote your blog or website on google wave and can even directly post from google's own wave to your weblog or website is. you will get even more visitors from the google wave. and many people who call google wave is a multi-site applications or Collaborations tools. do not worry you can not chat with facebook but it's better than facebook, google combine wave was chatting on yahoo messenger and windows live messenger. you go to google wave can chat with your friends using IM or WLM. and you can play game online and video calls as in yahoo messenger. That's the power of the wave google facebook that will defeat this year.

but if it only offers Seppukoo for anyone who was bored and did not like anymore with networking site facebook. you can deactivate your facebook account and then you list on the networking site with a variety of things seppukoo memorials in the show by stating that we are not using facebook anymore.

besides seppukoo networking sites have given or score points to anyone who has disabled himself from facebook. networking sites that may be this time simply wants to destroy it, and this seppukoo networking sites do not compete with the healthy.

maybe that's just a new competitor in the current facebook maybe next time facebook will certainly get more new competitors who want to destroy facebook.

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