Monday, October 11, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) New Public DLL (Misi Major + Alt Tab + Wallshoot) Oktober 11, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) New Public DLL (Misi Major + Alt Tab + Wallshoot) Oktober 12, 2010

Cheat Point Blank is an online game which is currently very popular at all in the eyes of the gamers and googling. almost all of Asia to Russia also is Point Blank. I do not want strings attached here because it can be exhausted.

Now a lot of which makes a Cheat to point blank with a name that is very strange because it has been modified again. I have a variety of Cheat Point Blank New DLL that is actually in use by the author but I will share to you all who need this cheat.

Cheat ToyG.dll has a feature, the following:
New N3 V.1 suspenders
  • F1 serves to Minimize Power (ON)
  • Minimize F2 function to turn off (OFF)
  • F12 function to run a Major Mission

Below I provide a link ToyG.dll cheat file download with two (2) version is for Windows XP and Windows Vista, as follows:


Sorry for my ToyG.dll Cheat Files to delete because there is a problem therefore I deleted, please at maklumi only. you can only use in Windows XP only.

NB: to Minimize the use of his way like the first or the others that I have distributed to you, if you need your alone Minimize feature minimizes wear after wear do not forget to turn off again. This cheat requires software not NetFrame NetFrame 3.5 3.5 SP 1.

Cheat Point Blank


Wallshoot ON: you press F5
Wallshoot OFF: you press F6

Wallshoot please press the Hotkey ON when in the room before playing until you hear a voice / sound Beep. after that you turn off wallshoot when already started playing.

I hope you are happy and can enjoy Cheat Point Blank that I have shared this. good luck and hopefully on my PB Cheat share can help you in your game Point Blank.

Credits [GM]PBLeopard @ N3 & Bgtoy N3


  1. alt tab nya bug trap gan....
    cuma sampai di open process aja,,,

  2. pagi ini 12 oktober,...dy udah maintenence broo,...!!!,..

  3. owww gitu ... ada alt TAb yang gk bug trap pakek yg Cheat PB yg EXP itu gk bug trap sob ...

    wah msk ce ... coba lagi aja sob ...

  4. ntar broo,..dy lom kelar GM maintenence nya..!!

  5. sob .. . da cheat point buat bli senjata ga sob . .. tolong cepet relis dong . . .

  6. ya tunggu sja sob ... santai ... tunggu ya
