Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Blackparade v1.2 (Ammo + Wallshoot + ALT TAB) Update October 13, 2010

Yesterday it was maintenence a very long time, from morning till night maintenence just finished it. from the GM has updated the security system so that no one use the cheat again, but the hackers did not never give up making a Cheat Point Blank that today many in the search by the cheaters mania around the world.

Cheat Point Blank (PB) Blackparade v1.2 (Ammo Wallshoot ALT TAB) Update October 13, 2010

I do not want strings attached, after a long wait for repairs and now has started his playing Point Blank. this day I share more cheat point blank, just you see well, yes?

Cheat Point Blank which I share is the result of modification of friends cheaters who want to share, from Point Blank cheat I shared this time has a feature, as follows:
  • Ammo
  • Wallshoot


For tutorials from Point Blank Cheat I shared this already I include in the Cheat Point Blank will be downloaded. and do not forget to always come here to get a variety of cheat you want. good luck and hopefully this cheat who share useful and can help you.


  1. hms nya gk ada ya sob ,,?
    buap ngamanin id ma ip ,,,hehehe :D

  2. broo tadi pagi dy update lagi ,...
    pas aku cobain,..katanya koneksi bermasalah,..langsung exit game,...

  3. zul @ msk ce ... coba u search aja lah ... biar sip ....

    anony@ msk ce .. td pagi aq pakek PB kok ... plingan koneksi u yg bermasalah tu sob ...

  4. oke...
    btw emang ada maintenence tadi pagi..
    tapi slsai di restart langsung bisa...

  5. zul@ bkn maintenence tp .. cmn uji koneksi aja ..

  6. gan sblm saya pakai cheatnya saya mw tanya dulu blackparade itu apa ya.....???

  7. oooo,...gtu ya,..ok deh aku coba lagi ntar,...

  8. Nice share bro Alex, but the ammo isn't works? please, more advices.. thx b4 :)

  9. ya,..ya,..tapi tetap aja g' bisa broo,..
    apa aku yang salah pencet kali ya???

  10. anonymous @ kan itu cheat modifikasi sob ... ya sob.. oww gitu ... tapi aq sarankan untuk coba lagi gan ...
