Tuesday, January 12, 2010

reveals Bluetooth applications in a window

I'm so sorry I was late posting on the computer because of a friend and cooperation partner again experiencing problems with computers and many work in offline. you may not realize with my trick this time because people rarely do research. I have found a command and it is really easy and not too difficult for you in grade school or this beginner like me. trick, this time I want to express about the bluetooth software hidden in window XP and window Vista. I just do not think that the window XP and Vista is already there bluetoothnya software applications or even many people dazed if software is lost or damaged bluetooth to find on the internet again but this trick from my use it exclusively for all windows operating system. want to know how? follow the steps I have below apply only, as follows:

1. you open the command prompt
2. then you type in the command prompt with "FSQUIRT" without the quotes and do not use capital letters yes.
3. now you live choose to accept or send files.
4. completion friends.

good luck, good luck from me in trick.


  1. thank you very much akhatam...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. maaf saya hapus krn melanggar peraturan dari site ini ... krn ada spammer di comment anda

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. maaf sob tak hapus koment anda ... krn ada link spammer di komentar anda.

  6. y salam kenal juga
    makasih sudah berkomentar ya

  7. y sm2 sob ... thank koment nya sob
