had a lot of emerging technologies in the world almost every day even in the world of technology is continuously updated. there is a physical skill named Ronald Mallett believes that the 10-year period was a time machine can be created and in use by all people in this world. and at this moment he claimed to have prepared to make a time machine and After the funds collected all the equipment. with cross-time travel fantasy that has caused tremendous all over the world. since the trilogy back to the future, more and more people who believe that it can be in bringing about not only fiction. including an expertise in physics and a university professor from Connecticut.
prof. mellett create a time machine just one purpose only. that he wanted to visit or meet with her father who had died. mellett had loved her father, until he determined to bend space and time is running this. He said that this is my lifelong mission. if I make a time machine, so I can go back in time and help my father's life that I once loved. My father died when I was 10 years old.
mallet was never told the plan is making a time machine to everyone. he does not want people to think a crazy person, even though it was impossible. he still believes that one day there must be a way to realize my dream.
according to the skill and scientists around the world to create a time machine is very complicated and it's not impossible and not crazy. Albert Einstein once had a theory to create space and time, that space and time with a very sufficient strength, then the time will be bent into a circle. circle time as the corridor of time. Mallett had believed that he could move forward and backward through the circle. and to form a tunnel of time, he uses a laser that crossed. it time machine but has one weakness. even though these machines work and prove the truth mallett theory, this machine can only bring someone back to the time of this machine in turn. so if these machines start at the turn on 20 December 2009, then the person will not return to the previous time. time machine or time travel itself until now is still considered as mere fantasy.
I hope this post useful. thanks.
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