Sunday, November 1, 2009

Free domain DOT COM

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag}
I do not have long to post on because of severe pain on this myself. I am here cuman to inform you all about the domain name you have used it mostly to use it is BLOGSPOT.COM domain of lots of sites that provide free domain and free hosting domain but it has been determined by the site, for example: BLOGSPOT.COM, CO.CC, FORUMOTION.NET, there are very many free domain provider webiste. if we use the domain name then we are still depending on the provider's website and if have a problem on the domain because the index can not be sure what we can not - what because we do not have the right to protest. I had the browser to google, yahoo, Bing, altavista, and others to find a free domain name directly using the Dot COM but still no site that provides, at the end I found a website provider, or provide free DOT COM domain name. the website does not provide but that's an example:,,,,, and much more, but the website has the terms and conditions you must obey to get these free domain names. actually the terms and conditions it is very easy and practical we only expected to collect at least 7 points to get a free domain name is but not only just 7 points that we use depending on the domain where there are specific requirements in these free domain usage. you definitely want these guidelines because they do not want to depend on the domain of course, follow the steps - steps to obtain the domain:

1. friends only enough to visit the website here or here
2. then click sings UP NOW
3. then you fill the data - with complete data in the column - the column corresponding to the ID Card / Student Card / SIM or do not need it all is okay.
4. sings after UP on the website, please check the email you have register on the website.
if you have to LOGIN on the website free domain name providers that you can simply select your domain for free, you need only 7 people who register on the website to get a free domain name, too, each registering 1 person we get 1 point. if you want to get these free domain please click here


  1. wah saya coba ach beneran gratis apa?

  2. itu beneran domain gratis silahkan coba ja..

  3. sudah ada review yang udah dapet blm.kok aq ragu ya

  4. tiyo banyak yang udah dapat teman2 saya ... coba aja dulu tanpa biaya bro ...

  5. wew,,,
    itu referal ya bru dapat domain gratis??
    tak cobain dlu ah,,,,!!

    keren mas!
    di tunggu komeng baliknya!

  6. silahkan mencoba dulu untuk daftar karena tanpa mencoba kita tidak bisa atau mengetahuinya ...

  7. oke deh,
    tapi males ganti2 domain udah SOUL ma yang lama, hehehe

  8. WaaW info bagus sob.. dot com yaa.. tapi kalo gw sih emg niat bloging sih..lebih suka ada dot blogger..hehehe ..btw MantaaB artikelnya.. :-D

  9. Selamat dan sukses selalu untuk anda ???

    berkunjung ke blog anda memang sangat menyenangkan banyak konten yang bermanfaat. karena itu saya berharap banyak untuk bisa terus berkunjung namun lebih baik jika anda juga mau memberikan kami link. biar persahabatan ini semakin akrab.

    semoga permitaan link ini disetujui...ok

  10. wah yg gini gini ane males lx, mending yg bayar skalian :D

  11. mesti refferal yak, males ah keep posting sob

  12. wah keren infonya, tapi kalo cari ref nya itu yg susah :( btw, nice info. Tks...

  13. mas sumnernya khan dari tempat ak kok gag ditaruh!!!

  14. maksih ya atas komentar nya ...
    mwiyono saya stujui permintaan anda n ipenk udah tak pasang ..

  15. duh bahagia banget ketika di siang bolong membaca info yang manjur ini, buat nambah pengetahuan kami yang masih awam…numpang link ok

  16. ane dukung sobat.. itu beneran kok; temen ane dah dapet.. hanya saja mencari 7 reff bukan hal yang mudah..(kecuali punya 7 blog n di daftarin jd reff dg beda nama)he he.. tetap semangat.. :)

  17. salam sahabat
    ehm..komentator pertama dari belakang he..he..good posting...

  18. nipu ga niii???
    masa segampang itu dapet domain??

  19. gk tu kang .. beneran ..cuman caranya harus dpt tmn 7 bro ..

  20. Wah kalo aku belum pake (dot)com.. boleh di coba nih... sayang ya... hehehe

  21. aku dah registrasi sob...tapi pas mau log in...di tolak tersu napa ya...padhl user ma passwordnya bener....

  22. farmatihi karena mungkin u daftar salah ... coba daftar di link aq pasti bisa ...

  23. di coba dlu nech sobbb ...

    thnks infonya .....

  24. kalau beneran gratis ko kamu g pake tw sob, kan lebih keren kalau pk .com

  25. Wah beneran nie gratis? gak ada tenggang waktunya kan? bukan cm masa promo doang? Tp boleh jg tu dicoba, thanks ya :)

  26. rizky karena ... saya masih carei host dan untk turisuna gk da tu mas coba aja dulu ...

  27. to alex/admin: klo hosting ke aja...

  28. y sih itu mah gratisannya tapi banyak trouble pakek hosting itu sob

    tp thank you very much atas infonya sob
