Thursday, November 5, 2009

design software

Tag Technorati: {grup-tag},
At the time I was not familiar with blogs and websites I have not been able to design the logo or the other. But after I create a blog TECH COMPUTER (alexa-com) I wanted to create a logo for my blog will be but I am still confused what software I use to create a logo that is practical and saves time and my energy. There were friends and logo design experts or others advised me to make a logo using CorelDRAW and PHOTOSHOP. But I'm still confused what the software really can make a logo quickly and save our energy, there is my friend from design experts say that the design of Photoshop and CorelDraw use must take a very long time and had to do  and the logo design. But after I surf and search on google and yahoo was there a special software to create logos easily and save time we are AAA LOGO 2009 is the fastest and reliable software logo among others. The function of 200 AAA LOGO software is not only to create and design the logo but it will make a Banner for your blog or website. AAA LOGO 2009 is a modern software created specifically for experts and beginners design design. With AAA LOGO 2009 software created specifically the design and beginners only 3 to 4 click the logo or banner website or blog we can direct the software to use for AAA LOGO 2009 has provided a template for the beginner. Not only that feature of the AAA logo is providing various types of special fonts  or the novice master design even thousands of fonts and icons in software AAA logo you just choose what you like. Want to see examples of logo designs I had made it simple with just 3 clicks is as follows:
A very good view to be viewed by visitors or others, will be turned on your website or blogger. And the visitors will not be bored to your blog or website after you use the software. And the software is easy to control only 30 minutes. So you all still confused choose software to create a logo or still having trouble making their own logo? just download it for free at no cost and without the purchase and register. And for the master or expert design world, why do not you all try also this one software for your work. For all of you who want to get the software AAA logo 2009 please use the links below to download:

Hope is always useful to the visitors or the design of reliable


  1. PERTAMAX !!!...
    saya sudah tau soal yg ini ...
    nice posting sobat

    dtunggu comment balik nya .. !!

  2. Saya yang belum tahu, tx infonya...
    Saya juga menunggu komen balasannya..!!

  3. smuannya thank ya ..

  4. salam sahabat
    ehm...bagus infonya langsung ke TKP good luck ya....

  5. info bagus kang ,, saya baru tau nich,, thx ya sharing nya

  6. boleh dicoba tuch kayaknya....

  7. keep sharing bro
    ksh tau ya kalo ada postig baru

  8. keren mas ale..... sedot dlua buat belajar

  9. maaf tapi bahasa inggrisnya amburadul tuh

  10. Gak pa pa amburadul...yang penting bahasa inggris...hehehhe.mantap Sobat...!!!

  11. oke terima kasih infonya
    saya sudah pake

  12. wah ilmu baru lagi ni dari blog alexa...mau dipahami dulu sob, n try it..

    makasi sharingnya, semoga ilmu sobat makin bertambah...amin...^_^

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  14. mantap bro semoga succes selalu

  15. keyyeeennn.. bro... manggut2... ajib..ajib.....

  16. Mantep sob pengetahuannya, btw absen balik ya sob!!!! hehe...

  17. waduh boso londo,
    kamusku td mana yach

  18. smuanya makasih ya dah koment d tmpt aq ..
