Thursday, May 28, 2009

term - a term in the Internet

on my blog that this small can download a variety of things here? of download it but you can get under there, yes?

would like to share few does terms - terms in the Internet, useful initiative
and I want to add please ..

Eden - Advanced Digital Network. Usually refers to the channel speed 56Kbps Leased Line.

ADSL - Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line. A type of DSL where the Upstream and downstream runs at different speeds. In this case, the downstream is usually higher. Configuration that allows the public to downstream 1.544 Mbps (megabit per second) and 128 kbps (kilo bit per second) for the Upstream. In theory, the speed ASDL can serve for up to 9 Mbps downstream and 540 kbps for Upstream.

Anonymous FTP - FTP sites that are accessible without having to have a specific login. Standard rules in the Anonymous FTP access is to put "Anonymous" in the fields User name and email address as password.

ARPANet - Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. Network that will be if formation Internet. Built at the end of the decade up to an 60-early 70's decade by the United States Department of Defense as an experiment to establish a large-scale network (WAN) that connects computers in different locations with different but also can be accessed as a unit each other to be able to utilize resources of each.

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Standards that apply throughout the world for a number code that represents the characters, either letters, numbers, and symbols used by the computer. There are 128 standard ASCII characters are each represented by seven-digit binary numbers ranging from 0000000 to 1111111.

Backbone - a high-speed line or a series connection which is the main path in a network.

Bandwidth - The number of data that indicates that may be missed in a channel of communication on the network in a certain time.

Binary - binary. That is entirely composed of information on 0 and 1. This term usually refers to the file format that is not text, as well as graphic files.

Bit - Binary digit. In computing the smallest unit, consisting of a scale that has a value between 0 or 1.

bps - Bits Per Seconds. That states the size of how quickly data is transferred from one place to another.

Broadband - Satellite data transmission at high speed and bandwidth capacity that is greater than conventional phone lines.

Browser - a software for the (software) that is used to access the World Wide Web

Byte - a set of bits that represent a single character. will usually 1 byte consists of 8 bits, but can also more, depending on the scale used.

CGI - Common Gateway Interface. A set of rules that direct how a web server to communicate with some of the software in the same machine, and how some of the software (CGI program) communicates with the web server. Any software can be a CGI program when the software can handle the input and output based on the standard CGI.

cgi-bin - the general name used for the directory on the web server where CGI programs are stored.

Chat - The literal, chat can be defined as chat, but in the world of the Internet, this term refers to the activities of communication through the line-line short that any posts in type via the keyboard.

DNS - Domain Name Service. Is a service on the Internet for a network that uses TCP / IP. This service is used to identify the name of a computer is not using the IP address (IP address). In short, DNS convert from name to number. DNS is done in decentralized, where each region or level of organization has its own domain. Each service provides DNS for a domain that is managed.

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line. A data transfer method through the regular phone lines. DSL circuit configured to connect two specific locations, as well as on the Leased Line connection (DSL is different from the Leased Line). Through a DSL connection is much faster than the connection through a regular phone lines even though both of them together using copper cable. Configuration DSL allows Upstream and downstream runs at different speeds (see ASDL) and in the same speed (see SDSL). DSL offers a cheaper alternative compared to ISDN.

Download - The term for the activity to copy data (usually a file) from a computer that is connected in a network to a local computer. The download is the opposite of upload.

Downstream - the term refers to the speed of the flow of data from computer to computer through a local network. This term is the opposite of Upstream.

Email - Electronic Mail. Message, usually in form of text, sent from one address to another address in the internet network. An email address that represents a lot of email addresses at once referred to as the mailing list. An email address usually has a format such username@host.domain, for example:

Firewall - A combination of hardware and software that separates a network into two or more parts for security reasons.

FTP - File Transfer Protocol. Standard protocol for traffic files (upload or download) between two computers connected to the Internet network. Some systems require FTP access to only by those who have a right to it with a certain login. Some of the more accessible to the public anonymously. FTP site of this kind is called Anonymous FTP.

Gateway - In the technical definition, this term refers to the hardware and software that translates between two different protocols. The more general term for this is a mechanism that provides access to a system that is connected in a network.

GPRS - General Packet Radio Service. One of the wireless communication standard (wireless). Compared with the protocol, WAP, GPRS has advantages in speed that can reach 115 kbps and the support for a wider application, including graphics and multimedia applications.

Home Page / Homepage - home page of a website. The other is the default page set to a browser.

Host - A computer in a network that provides services to other computers that are connected in the same network.

HTML - hypertext markup language, is one of the variants of sgml used in the exchange of documents through the HTTP protocol.

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, a protocol designed to transfer the HTML document used in the World Wide Web.

Httpd - See World Wide Web.

IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol. Protocol designed for accessing e-mail. Other protocol that is often used POP.

Internet - A number of large network of established inter-network connection (the Inter-connected network) is connected via TCP / IP. Internet is a continuation of ARPANet.dan possibility is the biggest WAN network is at this time.

Intranet - A private network system with the hierarchy and the same with the internet, but not connected to the Internet network and  internal use only.

IP Address - The IP address (Internet Protocol), the system addressing network is represented in the series is a combination 4-digit line number between 0 s / d 255 each separated by a period (.), From to 255255 .255.255.

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network. Basically, ISDN is a way to serve the data transfer at speeds higher through regular phone lines. ISDN allows data transfer speeds up to 128,000 bps (bits per second). Unlike DSL, ISDN can in connect with other locations as well as phone lines, as long as the location is also connected to the ISDN network.

ISP - Internet Service Provider. Called for internet service provider.

Leased Line - Line telephone or fiber optic cable that rented for use during the 24 hours a day to connect one location to another. High-speed Internet usually use this channel.

Login - the user to access a system that is closed, consists of a username (also called login name) and password (keywords).

Mailing List - It is also often termed as a mailing list, an email address that is used by a group of internet users to perform activities of information exchange. Any message that is sent to a mailing address, will automatically be forwarded to all members email addresses. Mailing lists are generally used as a means of discussion or exchange of information among its members.

MIME - Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions. Extension email created to facilitate the transmission of files via email attachment in.

MTA - Mail Transport Agent. Software that works deliver e-mail to the user. The program for reading e-mail known as the term MUA (Mail User Agent).

Network - In computer and internet terminology, the network is a set of two or more computer systems that digandeng and form a network. Internet is a network with a very large scale.

NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol. The protocol used to access or transfer of the articles posted in Usenet news. News reader program (news reader) to use this protocol to access the news. NNTP work on the TCP / IP using port 119.

Node - A single computer that is connected in a network.

Packet Switching - A method that is used to move data in the Internet network. In packet switching, all packets of data sent from a node will be parsed into several sections. Each section has information about the origin and destination of the packet data. This allows a large number of pieces of data from various sources are sent simultaneously through the same channel, and then sorted and directed to different routes through the router.

PERL - A programming language developed by Larry Wall is often used to implement a CGI script on the World Wide Web. Language is implemented in a Perl interpreter is available for various operating systems, including Windows, Unix and Macintosh.

POP - Post Office Protocol. Standard protocol used to retrieve or read email from a server. POP protocol, the last and most popular use is POP3. Protocol that is also often used IMAP. The email to send to a server to use SMTP protocol.

PPP - Point to Point Protocol. A TCP / IP is commonly used mengkoneksikan for a computer to the Internet through the phone line and modem.

PSTN - Public switched Telephone Network. For a conventional phone lines that use a cable.

RFC - Request For Comments. Called for the results and the process to create a standard in the internet. A new standard proposed and published on the internet as a Request For Comments. This proposal will then be reviewed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a standardization body that regulates the internet. If the standard is then applied, then it will still be referred to as RFC with a reference number or the name of a specific, for example, the standard format for email is RFC 822.

Router - A computer or software package that is devoted to handle the connection between two or more network connected through the packet switching. Work with the router to see the address and destination address of the origin of the data packet through and decide which route should be used by the data packet to reach the goal.

SDSL - Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line. One type of DSL that allows data transfer to Upstream and downstream runs at the same speed. SDSL generally work on the speed of 384 kbps (kilobit per second).

Sgml - Standard Generalized Markup Language. Popular name of the ISO Standard 8879 (1986), which is a standard ISO (International Organization for Standarization) to exchange documents electronically in the form of hypertext.

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Standard protocol used to send email to a server on the Internet network. For the purposes of email, use POP protocol.

TCP / IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. One set of standard protocols used to connect the computer network and put address traffic in the network. This set the protocol that allowed data formats, error handling (error handling), the message traffic, and other communication standards. TCP / IP must be working on all types of computers, without affected by the difference between hardware and operating system used.

Telnet - software designed to access a remote host with a text-based terminals, such as with emulasi VT100.

UDP - User Datagram Protocol. One of the protocols for data transfer that is part of TCP / IP. Refers to the UDP data packets that do not provide information about the address when the original data packet is received.

Upload - sending data activity (in the form of files) from the local computer to other computers connected in a network. Opposite of this activity is called downloading.

Upstream - The term that refers to the speed of the flow of data from the local computer to another computer that is connected via a network. This term is the opposite of downstream.

URI - Uniform Resource Identifier. An address that points to a resource on the internet. URI usually consists of a part called the scheme (scheme) followed by an address. URI format accessible with the scheme: / / alamat.resource or scheme: alamat.resource. For example, the URI indicates address resource called via HTTP scheme Although HTTP scheme is frequently used, but still available other schemes, such as telnet, FTP, News, and so forth.

URL - Uniform Resource Locator. This term is basically the same as the URI, but much more term URI is used to replace the URL in technical specifications.

Usenet - Usenet news, or also known by the name "Net news", or "news" only, is a bulletin board which is very large and spread all over the world that can be used to exchange the article. Anyone can access Usenet news with this particular program, usually called Newsreader. Access to the news server can be done using the NNTP protocol, or by reading directly to the spool directory to the directory in which news articles are (last I rarely do this already).

UUENCODE - Unix to Unix Encoding. A method for mengkonfersikan file in binary format to ASCII that can be sent via email.

VOIP - Voice over IP. VoIP is a mechanism for talking to the phone (voice) with menumpangkan of data through the Internet or Intranet (using IP technology).

VPN - Virtual Private Network. This term refers to a network with some of them connected to the Internet network, but data traffic through the Internet from this network has experienced the process of encryption (pengacakan). This makes the virtual network is "closed" (private).

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol. Standard protocol for wireless applications (such as that used on the phone). WAP is the result of cooperation between the industry to create a standard that is open (open standard). WAP is based on Internet standards, and some protocol that is optimized for wireless environments. WAP working in text mode with a speed of approximately 9.6 kbps. Later also developed a protocol of the GPRS has several advantages compared to WAP.

Webmail - Facilities sending, receiving, and reading email through web facilities.

Wi-Fi - Wireless Fidelity. Industry standard for transmitting data wirelessly (wireless) which was developed according to standard IEEE 802.11 specification.

World Wide Web - often abbreviated as WWW or "web" only, ie a system where the information in the form of text, images, sound, and others presented in the form of hypertext, and can be accessed by software called a browser. Information on the web in general, is written in HTML format. Other information presented in the form of graphics (in GIF, JPG, PNG), sound (in the AU, WAV), and other multimedia objects (such as MIDI, Shockwave, Quicktime Movie, 3D World). WWW server run in the so-called httpd.
attachment = attachment
bandwidth = width ribbon
broadband = band width, lane width
= a browser, explorer
bulletin board bulletin board =
chat = Chat, chat, rumpi
crash = crash (usually for software / hardware problems)
connection = connection
copy = copy, coffee
cut = cut
= cyberspace virtual world
database = database, the database
delete / del = delete
domain = ranah
download = data capture, download, down load
edit = edit, change
e-mail = imel, ratel / surel (electronic mail), posel (electronic mail), e-mail
forward / fwd (e-mail) = canal
page = homepage
= hosting hosting
install = install
interface = interface
keyword = keyword
lag = slow
link = link, hook, link, link
load = load
log in / log in / log on / log = log in, log in
log out / log out / log off / logoff = log out, log out
network = network
= newsgroup news groups, discussion groups
mailing list = mailing list, list, forum ratel
network = network
= networking networking
off = line is not connected, disconnected
online / on-line = connected, connected
password = password, keywords
paste = paste
= pratonton preview, preview, preview
(internet service) provider = internet service providers
save = save
scan = scan
server = server
sign in / signin / sign-on = show login
sign out / sign off = see logout
surf = surf, surfing internet
update = updating, the update
upload = upload, increased load
username = user name
= virtual reality virtual reality
webpage = webpage
website = web site
= wireless wireless

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