Sunday, May 15, 2011

709 Vocational High School Students in East Java & UN Disqualified

709 Vocational High School Students in East Java & UN Disqualified  
After changing its domain into ACW. net, ACW should mlai from zero again colonize Search Engine Google but not what.  I am a vocational school student who graduated this year 2011 graduation ketar ketir as standard 5.5 and after getting the information as below I hope that does not include students who did not pass, amen.

Surabaya - The National Examination ( UN ) high school level has not been officially announced.  However, the Department of Education ( Education ), East Java has been announced if as many as 709 high school students / MA / SMK did not pass.

These students did not pass because the value of the UN did not reach at least 5.5.

"Students who do not pass this may not follow the UN because of illness or permit so that its value is not achieved, so do not pass, " said Head of Education Department of East Java, Aaron told reporters in a press conference announcement graduation level UN SMA / SMK / MA, on Saturday (14  / 5 / 2011 ).

Aaron said it has provided a copy of the graduation to the entire head of high schools in East Java equivalent.  He also revealed that East Java is ranked fifth nationally in passing score.

" With the number of participants that we have so many incredible reach that rank, " he said.

Meanwhile, SMK failure rate of 0.10 percent.  From the number of UN participants vocational level of 150,227, there were 150 students who did not pass.  As for the level of SMA / MA ketidaklulusannya rate of 0.25 percent.  Of the total participants of UN -level senior high schools as many as 203,466, there were 559 students who did not pass.

" The failure rate decreased compared to last year. In 2010 vocational failure rate of 0.33 percent. While the level of SMA / MA of 0.28 percent, " said Aaron.

Aaron said the graduation rate this year is good enough mencapi 99.79 percent for the high school level and 99.9 percent for vocational school level.

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